How To Pick The Right Pillow For Neck & Shoulder Pain
/in Podcast/by dmiddaughHey there, welcome to The Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast, I’m your host, Dr. David Middaugh, I’m a specialist physical therapist over at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. And we’re going to be answering the question today about how to choose the best pillow for a neck and shoulder pain problem. We have so many […]
Natural Remedies To Start Healing A Rotator Cuff Tear
/in Podcast/by dmiddaughWelcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. David, specialist, physical therapist over at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. And today we’re going to be covering the top seven natural remedies for rotator cuff injuries. Now many people get rotator cuff injuries all the time. It’s one of the most common […]
How To Fix Lower Back Pain
/in Podcast/by dmiddaughHey there, welcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. David Middaugh, physical therapist over at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. And I’m going to cover with you today how to get rid of lower back pain. Now this is a simple explanation from the perspective of a specialist physical therapist. […]
El Paso Manual Physical Therapy
2601 E. Yandell Drive, Suite 232
El Paso, Texas 79903