7 Quick And Natural Pain Relief For Back Pain From Disc Herniation

Back Pain Guide

A herniated disk can cause back pain that leaves you unable to do normal things like stand as long as you want exercise without paying for the next day, or be able to get a good night’s sleep. And if the pain is severe and you’re back, it’s easy to resort to taking medications, getting injections from the doctor’s office, or even think about getting a surgery for this problem.

But in most herniated disc cases, you can get relief pretty quickly if you do the right things. In this video, I’m going to show you seven quick and natural pain relief tips for a herniated disc. Tip number one is to use a back brace like this one, this is one of my favorite braces from SmartOS.

There’s a link to in the description below if you want to grab one from Amazon. Wearing a back brace like this is a very simple straightforward back brace, which you can usually find these at drugstores at anywhere where there’s a pharmacy section in a grocery store. And they have two layers of straps. So let me get this on for you. So you can see.

It’s got the first thick layer and you just put this on snugly. And the idea is that it’s going to give you some compression, which takes some pressure off your herniated disk, he’s got these two straps in the back, that you’re going to wrap around the front to cinch it down even more, so you go around this way. And then around this way.

And now I’ve got some added compression, this is something that you’re going to want to have on if you’re going to be on your feet all day. And you just want that extra support. It limits you from twisting too much, which is helpful for your disc problem. But you don’t want to rely on this in the long term, you need to make sure that you treat the root of the problem, which is usually getting strong in your abs.

And forgetting that quick relief and brace like this, that’s 30 bucks, 20 bucks, even, in some cases, a very affordable way to get pain relief. And it’s all natural, you don’t have to take any medications have any procedures done. Now this isn’t going to take away the pain completely likely. But it can take the edge off very often, at least enough for you to get back to doing some of the things that you need to do.

Number two is getting some rest. A lot of people don’t stop, they kind of push through activities. And what they don’t realize is the more time you’re on your feet, that’s putting pressure through the vertebrae of your spine and through the discs of your back. And so if you have a herniated disc, you take pressure off. So lying down is one option if you go lie down on a bed, or you like lie down on the couch.

But even just reclining is helpful. If you don’t have a recliner, even just sitting down and resting your back against the backrest or a wall or somewhere where you can just lean on something that helps to take pressure off your disk.

A goal that you should have right now is to think about how much time a percentage wise you’re spending on your feet, you’re spending upright, you’re using your own muscles to balance yourself to stand to sit even, versus how much time you reclined or lying down, you need to shift that percentage over to where you’re lying down, reclined more so that you can allow that disc to heal, rather than being upright and moving around.

Now you can’t take it to the extreme and salmon a lie down 100% of the time, because that’s also bad, you do need to move around. But the best way to implement this is to take breaks. If you’re at home, for instance, and you’re doing chores, maybe it’s the weekend or you’re not at work, or you’re just home for whatever reason, spend some time doing something on your feet like cooking a meal and then go sit down recline for a while and maybe even lie down and then get back up and go do that thing.

If you work in spurts like this, you should be able to mitigate that back pain. In other words, control it so that it doesn’t get so intense, because when people run into problems, is when they’re on their feet continuously for a long period of time for more than an hour or 2, 3, 4 hours, then they’re back will hurt for a long time afterwards, it’ll hurt for the rest of the day, into the next day, potentially even days on end, your herniated disk needs to be decompressed.

And if you just get off your feet rest, recline, or lie down, you’re doing it a lot of good and you can get some pretty quick relief doing that. Doing this knees to chest exercise can take pressure off your back. If you just slide down in your back, you can use a pillow or not whatever is comfortable for you and pull your knees into your chest that decompresses your spine.

You can feel the pressure coming off your back when you do this. If for whatever reason you can’t do this on your back, it might hurt you to hold your legs up. You can do this on your side as well. You would just turn on your side that you are comfortable and pull your knees up to your chest as much as you can comfortably pull up. You don’t have to force them up.

But just rest in this position. You can even get your head and shoulders down towards your legs and just rest in this position when you go lie down to rest. If you get into this position to take pressure off your back and you’re not upright, they’re knocking out two birds with one stone if you want to take it up another notch so that you can do is use your abdominal muscles because if you’re on your back right here, and you flatten got your back to suck in your abs while you do the knees to chest thing.

So if you pulling your abs right here, it’s going to feel like you’re getting a bit of a workout, but it shouldn’t bother your back. If you have a herniated disk, this is going to feel good on you sucking your abs, well pulling in your knees, and you’re taking even more pressure off your disk, you’re going to get tired, but that’s a good thing, because you probably need ABS strength. So you may not be able to last very long.

If you can hold it for 10, 20 or 30 seconds like this, that’s excellent. Another way to take pressure off is kind of a nice to chest, but it’s a little bit different. You got to be on your hands and knees, you’re going to rock back just like this. I call this a hand heel rock.

When you rock your bottom back towards your feet like this, you bend your back, you open up the vertebrae back here, which opens up the disk, it takes pressure off the disk. And it allows you to decompress the discs to get to give it some space to breathe and space to heal.

Really, it’s some people will stretch in this position. And they’re essentially doing a nice to chest type motion here. But what I like to do, where I make this a little bit different is by sucking in your abs.

Doing this motion right here, which makes you kind of arc your back usually feels great on somebody who has a herniated disc problem, holding your abs in and then sitting back, you can put a big stretch on your lower back, which is usually what’s needed in order to open up the discs back there and give them space to heal.

That once you come up to the top, relax your abs and then suck in your abs again, like you’re sucking in your belly button, and rock backwards. Doing this motion 10 to 30 reps or even more reps, 50 reps every two to three hours and accumulating hundreds of reps.

If you can get up to 200 or more reps of just sitting back and forth like that you can really begin to control that back pain so that your disk can begin to heal, what are the problems for people suffering with a herniated disk is sleeping.

So for number five, if you can sleep in the fetal position, or at least a semi fetal position that I showed you the knees to chest, so it’s kind of the same idea. But you don’t have to be as aggressive. If you at least get in a partial knees to chest position of fetal position here, then you’re taking pressure off your spine, if you need to put a pillow between your knees sometimes that makes it more comfortable, definitely pillow under your head if you need to.

But so many people try to sleep flat on their back like this. And it’s usually not a good idea if you have a herniated disk, because chances are you have a muscle imbalance around your lower back your spine. And it’s pulling your back into an arc position, which is adding compression when you lie down on your back like this.

So you need to take the pressure off and getting onto your side is much better for you. Generally, the closer your knees are to your chest, the more pressure you’re going to take off your back that you have to realize that if you have a herniated disc, and it’s very irritated right now, like it’s bothering you, your back’s hurting sleeping in this position may not fully take away the pain, it may just take the edge off.

But you need to make sure that you’re doing things during the day like using the brace or doing some of those exercises and stretches that I just showed you. So that you can allow that disk to heal so that when you get to sleeping, when you go lie down, it’s not so irritated, and you’re able to sleep more comfortably, in very few circumstances is your mattress a problem or the pillow problem.

That can be part of the problem, but it’s usually a small part of the problem. And the bigger concern is making sure that you take enough pressure off your disk throughout the day by doing the stretches and exercises so that you can allow it to heal so that when you get to bed, it’s not so irritated anyone wake you up.

The number six quick natural pain relief tip is hanging. Now there’s several ways to do this. The easiest way of doing it upright would you need a piece of equipment to do any of these hanging activities by the way, and I have this pull up bar and dip station that I really love. But using this position right here where you can rest your elbows here and just rest on your elbows and let your legs dangle that takes pressure off your lower back.

Now my feet are still touching the ground here, but my bodies hanging most of my body weight here is hanging through my elbows so the weight of my legs is taking pressure off my lower back and I can feel a stretch happening in my lower back here.

Another option is to hang from the dip position right here which is going to be a little more strenuous because you have to have some upper body strength, but this also takes pressure off my back and then hanging from the pull up bar is also great to do.

Now this is a little bit low for me so my feet are on the ground and I’m practically going down to my knees. I can adjust this up higher and hang my full body weight. But if you’re not strong enough to hang from your hands with your full body weight, that’s fine. Keep your feet on the ground and just hang from right there and let your bodyweight kind of gradually add on to your low back there.

That’s another way to do it. If you can access a pull up bar at the gym, or maybe you own a device like this or if you have one of those in the or frame pull up bars, you could use those to just be careful, make sure that you have a secure wall one that you really trust, and be safe don’t fall off that thing.

I’ve seen that happen too many times. And yet another way you can hang and get decompression going through your back is to use an inversion table like this one. Now, this particular one by ANOVA, I really like it’s a very sturdy build, you can check out a link in the description to get one of these on Amazon or check it out and see if it’s, it’s something that interests you. And this one set to stop at certain points that you’re not going completely vertical.

However, this one right now is set up to go completely vertical, I can adjust it, but just wanted to show you how you can go all the way upside down. Now you can just lie a little past horizontal in this position and already begin to feel some decompression going through your lower back. But if you decide to go even further, it definitely adds more decompression.

And if you can hang here for 10 minutes, at least five minutes, if you can get it to 15 minutes, even better, it just takes pressure off your disk and allows you to feel some comfort, some quick relief, it’s natural, you’re not putting anything in your body, of course, you just have to commit the time to doing this and be comfortable with any blood rushing to your head at this position.

I feel a slight pressure in my head, but it’s very, extremely mild, nothing that I would get concerned about. Now I don’t do vertical completely upside down very well. I’m going to show you how much I can take right here the pressure starting to build up a good amount. But I’m still okay.

But if I go all the way vertical, I mean, it feels like your past vertical. Sometimes, that’d be about right here, I’m only going to be able to take this for a couple of minutes, I feel the drain is going into my nose, this is too extreme, it’s more uncomfortable than anything else. But at this angle right here, you can get quite a bit of decompression going.

The seventh natural pain relief tip is using a massage gun like this on the back muscles around your spine. So this is one of my favorite massage guns by to loco, if you want to get your own massage, and they’ve already updated it, this is the older version. But they make a good massage. And the battery lasts a long time, I can go on and on about this, go check it out in the link in the description below, you want to get one, but you would turn on the massage.

And of course there goes and you don’t want to put it directly on the spine, you will need to put it into the muscles that are on the side. And ideally, you want to have somebody else doing this for you. So that you can get back there. But you can do this on your own just like I am right now. Feels great. I love this and just go off to the side rather than directly down the middle.

And if you can reach across to I’m on the right side of my lower back right now, because I’m using my right hand, I have the flexibility to get to my left side. But if you can’t reach back there and switch hands, or get some help have a loved one or a family member or friend, somebody around who can do this on your back.

And you only need a few minutes enough time for those muscles to relax. Because in a herniated disc problem those back muscles that you’re on with this massage gun, they get shortened, they get overworked and they start to shorten and they add compression to your disk. And so if you do this right here, you can instantly melt away some of that tension and feel tremendously better in your lower back.

Now I often get asked, well, can I go get a professional massage, and absolutely, you can definitely do that, you know, these things will run you anywhere from 50 to $100. Some of them are $200. And up, there’s a big range depending on on which gun you get. But if you wanted to go get a massage, of course, it’s going to be like 50 to $100 per massage session.

But that might be better for you. I think that for this kind of a problem. Going to go see a misuse of professional massage therapist is very beneficial. So go make an appointment. If you’re thinking about it already. Just tell them to work on your back muscles. And you likely need to free up some thigh muscles and hip muscles as well. If you can get those loosened up, you’re probably going to feel tremendously better.

The one exception is if you’re having nerve problems in addition to your herniated disc issue. Like if you’re having sciatica pain, and you feel any numbness or tingling anywhere, if you’ve lost a strength in a weird way on just one leg, like you have foot drop like your foot slaps when you walk or you can pick up your toes very well when you go up and down like this, that’s a sign that you’re nervous severely involved would be maybe because of your herniated disk and getting a massage or using a massage going like this may not be the best thing for you at that moment.

But if you don’t have any of those problems and go for it, you can use a massage go and go set up a massage appointment and get those muscles loosened up. And the seven quick natural pain relief tips are only designed to get you short term relief but fixing the long term problem is a whole different ballgame.

Once you’ve got the pain under control, you’ve got to address the root muscle imbalance which is usually having weak abdominals and we glutes can also be a part of this issue. You have to be sure to get those muscles stronger safely and you have to progress in a way that doesn’t bother your back doesn’t create a worst herniated disc.

And eventually you need to do some sort of weightlifting program so that you can keep that disc healthy because it will respond to weights, as long as you do it gradually and with good form and technique, we talk about how to address the root of the problem in our program called the 28 day back health and wellness boost program. You can find out more details about it in the description below.

That program is designed to take you through 28 days of exercising appropriately, even lifting weights appropriately and making sure to take pressure off your herniated disc problem. Hey, if you thought this video was helpful, please give us a thumbs up please subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don’t miss out on any of our helpful videos that we post every single week. And please share this with somebody you think needs to hear this so they can begin to get some quick relief for their herniated disc problem. I’ll catch you in the next video. Bye

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