Naturally heal a torn ACL so you can avoid surgery and get back to being active, mobile, & healthy again.
Learn how to take tension off the ACL so that it can properly heal and be ready to help you confidently get back to exercising and competitive activities.
The ACL Tear Recovery Program is designed to normalize pressures within the knee joint to create the best healing environment for the anterior cruciate ligament.
Then it addresses the root muscle imbalances that cause chronic knee pain.
This program will teach you step-by-step exactly how and when to do the right treatment in order to avoid ACL reconstruction surgery and knee problems like osteoarthritis in later years.
Join the ACL Tear Recovery Program
Get a clear understanding on what treatment you should be doing right now and which treatment to switch to when that one is no longer improving your knee pain.
Detailed explanations on exactly how to do every exercise, massage, and stretch, so that it helps improve your knee pain and never makes it worse.
Proven specialist treatment approach focused on resolving the root muscle imbalances that medications, injections, and even surgery wouldn't be able to help.
Did you recently suffer an ACL tear?
Have you been trying to heal a torn ACL at home but are not sure what to do?
Did you have an ACL reconstruction surgery in the past yet you're still dealing with knee pain?
Did the surgeon tell you that the ACL repair "looks fine" and is not sure what is wrong?
In more than 9 out of 10 cases, it's possible for you to heal your ACL!
You don't have to suffer with knee problems the rest of your life!

Most ACL injuries are treated with outdated treatment methods that were developed decades ago.
Yet so many people are skipping having an ACL surgery and successfully healing their torn ACL.
When tension is taken off the ACL (so that the torn ends can be put on slack), and it's kept that way for enough time, the body will do what it's designed to do - HEAL.
The problem is that healthcare professionals are too focused on using medications, injections, and surgery as treatment for an ACL tear.
There's so much focus on this that those treatments are where the medical community spends their time and energy. And nearly no one spends time focusing on ways to naturally heal an ACL tear.
But it's completely possible to heal it, often in less time than if you had an ACL reconstruction surgery.
The treatment approach that we've packaged into the ACL Tear Recovery Program is 100% focused on taking tension off the ACL so that you constrain it to heal naturally.
This is the medical breakthrough in ACL treatment that you won't hear about in the news because it's not flashy and doesn't require a highly trained surgeon.
In the second part of the ACL Tear Recovery Program, you'll learn how to correct the muscle imbalances that contribute to the development of chronic knee pain that often leads people to get knee arthritis in their 50s and 60s.
This is the icing on the cake for most people who go through the ACL Tear Recovery Program because they are set up to prevent future knee problems while gaining unshakeable confidence in their knee to get back to hiking, jogging, jumping and more.
Surgery Isn't Always The Best Option For An ACL Tear... It Might Even Make It Worse!
The point of an ACL surgery is to replace your ACL with a stronger version. This is usually done by taking a section of tendon or ligament from another area of the knee to put in place of the torn ACL.
That means you’re getting a stronger ACL at the expense of another part of your knee!
Besides the normal risks that come with any surgery (like an infection or failed ACL surgery), there are often knee problems that develop later in life.
Some knee problems are due to the changes in anatomy because of the surgery but other problems are related to root muscle imbalances.
Muscle imbalances are painless by themselves until they start to build up bad forces in your joints and even change the way you move. They cause other related knee problems like:
And of course ACL injuries because muscle imbalances add too much tension to the ACL causing it to weaken and tear again.
We find there’s usually a muscle imbalance already present in people who see us for a torn ACL.
But the absolute worst part is that ACL repair surgery does not fix muscle imbalances.
In fact, it usually makes a muscle imbalance more severe because of the surgical incisions and the way the rehabilitation has to be done after.
It's A Medical Breakthrough To Help You Avoid ACL Surgery And Chronic Knee Pain After Surgery
There has likely been a root muscle imbalance already present in your knee... and it’s been giving your ACL a low-level, constant tug causing it to get weaker over time.
This sets up the situation that led to the demise of your knee!
Whether it was a sporting accident, a motor-vehicle accident, someone fell onto your legs, you suffered a bad fall, or you just took a bad step...
...your ACL was pre-weakened by the muscle imbalance AND you were already on the path to tearing it.
The ACL Tear Recovery Program prioritizes correcting the root muscle imbalances that put too much pressure through your knee joint and too much tension through your ACL.
No other treatment approach in healthcare does that. This is why it’s a medical breakthrough (one that you probably won’t see in the news).
When it comes to ACL treatments, the breakthroughs you hear about are ALWAYS related to surgery. The latest being the bridge-enhanced ACL repair, or BEAR knee surgery.
Although it’s great that surgeons are working on improving their procedures, they’re still missing the root problem of ACL injuries.
They aren’t trained to identify or treat the root muscle imbalances that cause an ACL tear and set up chronic knee problems after (whether you have ACL surgery or not).
Nearly all healthcare professionals' education is focused on using medications, injections, and surgery to treat ACL injuries.
Even physical therapists! The exercise experts of healthcare! Their education focuses on helping people recover from ACL surgery rather than avoiding it.
It worked for our patients, and it will work for you.
Learn how to put your ACL in the best position to heal while fixing the root muscle imbalance to take tension off your knee ligaments for the long-term.
That is how you can avoid ACL surgery and get back to doing things like:
It’s possible to reach these goals in more than 9 out of 10 people suffering from an ACL tear.
Want to read about one patient's recovery journey?
Claim your FREE 40-page report that details Amanda's specialist treatment that helped her fully recover from knee pain.

Introducing The ACL Tear Recovery Program
About This Course
The ACL Tear Recovery Program is a comprehensive program designed to take tension off your ACL and put it in the best position to heal naturally.
You'll be guided on what you should and should not be doing at each phase of natural healing.
Getting your ACL strong for the long-term is a the end goal of this program.
This program works for most people even if they've been told the needed ACL surgery because the ACL can't heal on it's own and surgery is the only option.
What You Will Learn
What's Included In The Program
Here are video topics and titles from the ACL Tear Pain Recovery Program:
Now is the perfect time to start focusing on healing your torn ACL.
This is how the ACL Tear Recovery Program can help you:
Heal Naturally
Resolve the root problem of your knee pain without having to resort to surgery.
Find Long-Term Pain Relief
Avoid relying on pain medications and injections while also improving your chances to stop seeing doctors and surgeons for your knee pain.
It all comes as part of the ACL Tear Recovery Online Video Program!
8 FAQs About The ACL Tear Recovery Program
5-Day Money Back Guarantee
You are 100% safe to try this out. We are so confident that our ACL Tear Recovery Program will help you improve your knee health that we are offering a 100% money back guarantee.
You can try out the program for 5 days, and if at that point, you don't believe the program will work for you, we happily refund your investment. However, we are certain that if you do the exercises, and follow through with the program, you will be happy you made this minimal investment in naturally healing your torn ACL.
All we ask is that you at least give our program a fair try to help you improve your ACL health. We are confident that if you follow the treatments properly this program WILL help you feel better!
But if you are not absolutely satisfied with our program, simply contact us within the 5 day window, and we happily refund your investment.
It's Decision Time
You have a choice to make!
You can schedule your ACL surgery just like the doctor wants you to (knowing of the risks with surgery and the months of rehabilitation after). But then you know the root muscle imbalances won't be corrected AND surgery will likely make them worse. [I truly hope that this is not where you want to go.]
You can choose to start taking action on naturally healing your ACL tear and give yourself the best chance of having your knee feel great for the rest of your life. You'll enjoy life again without the constant, annoying, and maybe even chronic knee problems that you've been suffering with for longer than you should have.
Which do you really want for yourself?
And the best part of the second option to give you peace of mind - you can still get the ACL surgery later if you really wanted to. ACL repair surgery is not an emergency, life or death procedure. If this treatment does not work out for you, then it still possible for you to pick up talks with the surgeon.
But I'm betting you won't need to if you apply everything right from the ACL Tear Recovery Program.
Here’s what to do now:
If you want to start fixing your ACL tear right away, so you can get back to being active, healthy and mobile and avoid any unnecessary future surgeries, injections, and pain medications, then click the button below and get started with the ACL Tear Recovery Program today.
Take advantage of this Special Offer!
Normal price: $349.99
Your price: $249.99 (LIMITED TIME)

Make the best decision for your health.
Get this printable list of important questions to take with you to your next general doctor, physical therapist, or surgeon appointment.
Avoid leaving the clinic feeling like you don't understand what is going on with your knee problem.
Go into your appointment ready to find out the right information you need to make the best decision about the future of your knee health.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I have access to the program?
Lifetime access is granted as of now. That means you’ll have access to the program indefinitely. This gives you time to learn and implement everything you need to get your knee joints healthy for the rest of your life
Do I have to exercise every day? What if I have a busy schedule?
Depending on which phase of healing you are in there may be times when you need to do some activities frequently each day. There are some treatment strategies that only need to be done a few times per week to be effective. Prepare your schedule accordingly so that you can get the most out of this program.
Are there print out of the exercises?
We only offer videos within the program because it’s better explained that way than on a printable sheet. It’s best to review the video so that you can properly perform the exercise.
Will you explain how many sets and reps need to be done?
Dr. David gives ranges of reps and sets for you to perform for each exercise. The exact number depends on what you can tolerate without causing pain, while still using the correct muscles to do the exercise properly.
Is there any equipment needed?
Yes, you'll need a knee brace. There are a few recommended for other pieces of equipment that you may already own. All of the items are available to purchase in the US through Amazon and most are available in first aid departments and sporting good stores in any city.
Will this program cause more knee pain?
It shouldn’t! If you’re following the guidelines that Dr. David gives you, it should be comfortable to do everything in this program. He stresses throughout the entire program to avoid doing anything that causes more pain since that is likely to set you back. This is not a “no-pain no-gain” situation, instead it’s a slow down, or stop completely situation. Pushing into and through pain is likely to cause more irritation, pain, and a loss of mobility. It’s discouraged completely in this program.
Can this help me if I’ve been diagnosed with damaged cartilage because of a Meniscus Tear or Chondromalacia Patella?
Absolutely yes! In fact, this is the program you need to help resolve the root muscle imbalances to take the pressure off the knee cartilage and create more space in the knee joint. Patients in the ACL Tear Recovery Program with known cartilage damage on an MRI have consistently been surprised to find that they can make full recoveries. This challenges the medical field's general belief that "once cartilage is damaged, there's nothing that could be done about it....and surgery is the only way to fix it." Instead, it shows that the cartilage is compressed and must be uncompressed. This means you CAN avoid surgery for cartilage problems too!
What if I have a hip or lower back problem in addition to my knee pain?
Often people with an ACL tear eventually develop back pain, hip pain, ankle pain, foot pain, and even pain in the other knee joint. These problems all have the potential to happen because they are part of the same root problem that sets up an ACL tear. As a result of the ACL Tear Recovery Program's focus on fixing the root muscle imbalances, we frequently have clients tell us their other problems improved (even resolved!) after going through the program.
Do you offer support if I have a question?
Yes! We have email support. This program is designed to be a self-paced comprehensive program, but you can reach out if you have a question. Email us at if you have a question. We’ll do our best to get back to you as fast as we can!
About Dr. David Middaugh
My greatest passion in life is helping people avoid injections, avoid surgery, keep mobile and stay healthy and active.
"There's nothing that gives me more satisfaction than helping someone who was on the verge of giving up and signing up for knee surgery not only feel good enough to cancel their appointment with the surgeon but also get their mobility back, return to doing active things and no longer have to miss out on activities with family and friends because of their knee pain.
That's the reason I started El Paso Manual Physical Therapy! It's my personal mission to provide people with a natural, long-term alternatives to medications, injections, and surgery."
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