Hello El Paso! Welcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. David Middaugh, physical therapist and the owner of El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. Our topic today is going to be about knee arthritis. Specifically, we are going to figure out what it is, and what can be done about it.

These are questions we get in the clinic. The time people come in with x-rays, sometimes MRIs, and they have been told, by a doctor or they have read their own X-ray report, and they found out that it says, the dreaded words knee arthritis or osteoarthritis specifically.

But let's talk about what is knee arthritis.

We are going to answer these questions today. What is knee arthritis? How does knee arthritis happen? What types of treatment do people do for knee arthritis? And how much can I improve my knee arthritis? Is it possible to be normal? Let's get going with the first question.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is actually, it's kind of a misnomer, there are different types of arthritis. The most common by far is osteoarthritis. We are going to assume that that is what we are talking about. I'm not a specialist in other types of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and there are other types as well. Those are the types of arthritis that you want to see a rheumatologist for. You probably will need to get a different kind of treatment then what we can offer. It's definitely not mainstreams. It's its own specialty.

For the sake of knee arthritis in this podcast episode, we are talking about osteoarthritis. But I'm going to say arthritis a lot, just because I know that's what most people say. They say, “Oh, it's my knee arthritis”. Hardly anybody in the general public says osteoarthritis.

So, what is knee osteoarthritis? Knee arthritis is changes that happens on the surfaces of the joints within the knee. A lot of people don't know this, but your knee actually has three joints in one. It's the connection between the thigh bone, the femur, and the shin bone, the tibia. That's one, and then there is a connection between the kneecap, also known as a patella, and where it interfaces with the femur, the end of the thigh bone. So that's a patellofemoral joint.

Then you have an A joint, off to the side, that people don't typically think about as being part of the knee., but it is. It's called the tibial fibular joint. You have two bones in your lower leg, the tibia and fibula, and they connect in two spots to each other. Down at the ankle is one that makes up the ankle joint and then up at the knee. They connect as well.

In some people, that can be a little problematic, but that's a less seen injury, and for the sake of arthritis, we are going to focus on the kneecap and the femur, the thigh bone, and the tibia, and the femur as well.

Knee arthritis is when the surfaces of the kneecap, the backside of the kneecap, and the surfaces of the thigh bone on the end of the thigh bone, where it's at your knee, and then also on the top of the shin bone. When those surfaces begin to change over time, and when I say time, I'm talking about years, even decades, they change, and they decrease congruency. Meaning, how well they fit together. The surfaces are aligned with cartilage.

Cartilage is important because it's a really smooth tissue, and it eliminates friction. It reduces friction tremendously inside of a joint so that your bones can move on each other without popping, grinding or clicking.

If you have trouble with your cartilage, then it tends to lose its smoothness. It's hydration as well. We'll talk about that in a second, and how easy the joint moves and that's why you might get popping and cracking inside the knee joint. If you have arthritis type problems.

Arthritis is not a disease if you will, it's not like something that you catch like a cold, or an infection. I just want to clear that up, but some people might not know, and I want to just clear that up for them. It's something that happens over time. As we age, and as we use our bodies more. Now I said as we age, but I just want to make it clear that you can be older, you can be elderly, you can be into your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond, and still have fantastic knee health. Despite your x-rays showing that you have arthritis.

Let me say that again. You could have pretty bad looking arthritis on your X-ray. You can be older, and you can still feel great in your knees. I need to say that to you because many people don't associate those things. The proper way to think about arthritis, knee osteoarthritis, is it's a normal part of aging, just like we get gray hairs, and wrinkles on our skin, on the inside of our bodies, our cartilage changes over time in a way that isn't always the best.

The best example that I could give you, if you think about an old vehicle, maybe it's in great condition. For example, I have a neighbor, down the road from me, that collects 1957 Chevy's, I believe it's 57. I'm sure he correct me if you heard this, but he's got three of them, and he keeps them in great shape, but I'd be interested to see under that vehicle. If you poke your head under that car, you probably will see some spots of rust here and there, just because that's what happens to metal over time. Especially metal was used back in the day.

Now that rust is similar to arthritis happening in our body. It may not be detrimental to the function of the vehicle, those vehicles might still run just fine, if there are just spots of dust of rust here and there. It won't affect the structural integrity of the frame of the car, the struts, the shocks, the bolts, everything that builds the car. All the components of the car should operate just fine if you just have some rusty spots here and there.

But think about this, if that rust was so bad that it's starting to cause a hole in pieces of the metal. It's starting to bend because the structural integrity of the metal is being affected, because there is so much rust, then you have a serious problem. Then you may not want to drive around that car. You might be about getting it fixed somehow.

Same thing with arthritis. If the arthritis is so bad inside a knee joint, then it's going to start affecting the ability of that person to walk, to stand, to sleep, to do everyday activities. But if you get a little bit of arthritis on your X-ray, it may not actually be the source of your knee pain, it may just be that, going back to the car example, that you need new tires, or you need an oil change, or that something else needs to be fixed. It may not be the reason why your car is not working, right?

Going back to the knee, a little bit of arthritis may not be the reason why you are hurting, or why you are having any problem. It could be a bunch of other things. It's not a good idea to associate your age with arthritis, and with your ability to improve. I think that's really important for you, because let’s say you are in your 60s or 70s, or older, or even younger, and you have an X-ray and you found the dreaded words in the report knee arthritis or the doctor told you that you are developing knee arthritis. Another thing that people will say the doctors will say is that they have knee degeneration, or degenerative joint disease.

Diseases a misnomer, they actually talk in the medical field about getting rid of that term degenerative joint disease because it leads you to think that it's a disease, like something that you catch, or that there is a medicine for that cures it, and that's not the case. It's just, it's wear and tear, essentially on a knee joint. The cool thing about the body, though, that's different from a car, is that it can heal our bodies, or living tissues where obviously cars are not.

If you put the body in the right environment, if you give it exactly what it needs, it should heal. The predominant thinking in the medical field is, that once you have arthritis, that it only gets worse over time, and that it doesn't heal. If you have pain, especially knee pain from this arthritis, then you are only going to get worse. Some doctors will even go so far as to say that, you might need a knee replacement in five 5 or 10 years, or however many years, because that's what they typically see. They typically will see people that come in for knee problems, and physicians are doing their best, they are  helping them out with injections and medications, and might make recommendations for surgery. That's what they are trained in, and that's what they are specialists in. So, that's how they think to help you out.

Sometimes I even have clients that go to physical therapy, or get other sorts of treatment, and don't get better. I always question what was done? What do they do? Anybody that is therapists, the physician, the surgeon, was it the best thing for your situation? Did they check certain things in your knee that needs to be checked so that you can properly get better? There are all kinds of reasons why a knee can hurt, and arthritis is just one of them.

Let's talk about that, let's answer the question of how does knee arthritis happen? How does it progress? I mentioned the words wear and tear a second ago, and you hear that a lot in the medical field, especially patients that go visit their doctor and get an X-ray. The common way that doctors will explain what's going on in their knee is, they'll say you have wear and tear, and what that tends to mean is that there is cartilage that is thinner than it's supposed to be. So that's where it's worn down, and there might even be spots where there are tears in the cartilage.

Some doctors will mention the words “you have NO cartilage in your knee”. I want to clear that up, a mind picture that people get, whenever they hear these words, that they have no cartilage in my knee. They think that the entire surface of cartilage, on the back of the kneecap, or on the end of the thigh bone is completely gone. That's extreme. I can tell you right now, if you have been told that, that you if you are going to walk, your knee would be locked, you wouldn't be able to bend it, or straighten it out very much at all.

Maybe you do have some loss of motion and some locking here and there, but that could be for a slew of other reasons. Your knee would literally not move at all, it would be like trying to undo a very, very rusty bolt. Like it would be extremely stuck, and if you pry it loose, all this dust would fly out. You might even break the bolt where it's attached to and your knee would not function normally or anywhere near normal.

If you had complete loss of cartilage on any surface of your knee joint. What is more likely to be the case, if you have been told that you don't have cartilage is, that there is a spot on your kneecap, on the back of your kneecap, or on the end of your thigh bone, where the cartilage has worn down enough to go all the way through down to the bone.

Another phrase that doctors will typically use is, it's bone on bone. The knee joint is bone on bone, and they are not talking about the entire surface. We are talking about a single spot, usually in a severe case, where the knee joint is bone on bone, and once people get that, the picture in their mind is that there is no cartilage in there, there is no chance of it coming back. Then they start going down the thinking of I need a knee replacement.

In the root of the problem, what tends to make knee arthritis progress faster than it normally should, because you are going to get it as you age anyway, it may not be painful. But in people that are in their 30s 40s, or 50s, or some people in their 20s, as well, they have some severe knee pain. Usually, it's been going on for a while and you may have gotten x-rays and your cartilage is worn down, and maybe even have a spot that's bone on bone. What has been happening to you more likely than not, the most common thing that I see happen to these people is the mechanics in their joints. In other words, the way that the bones move on each other, has been off for a long time, and it's causing certain surfaces of the joint to rub on each other inappropriately.

It's causing extra friction, extra pressure in those areas where the cartilage is worn down or torn, or it's bone on bone. That's not the way that motion is supposed to happen in your knee. As a result, you have worn it down faster than it should. The good news about this is just like our skin and other tissues in our body. Cartilage can develop scar tissue, and scar tissue isn't a bad thing.

A lot of people get all worked up over having too much scar tissue and, and it being you know, you have to break up scar tissue I hear about that as well. But the reality is that scar tissue, when it's laid appropriately in a tissue, it's about 60 to 70, sometimes even 80 to 90% as strong as the original tissue. That's pretty darn good. In my opinion. That's way better than getting stem cells or PRP injections, where you are looking at possibly regenerating a small percentage of the tissue. I'd rather have scar tissue all day and fix your original root problems so that I'm not going to wear down my scar tissue as well.

How do you generate scar tissue though? Well, in the kneecap, it has to heal slowly over time. In the end of the thigh bone, cartilage just comes on very, very slowly, it heals at one of the slowest rates of all the other tissues in the body. In somebody who has bad mechanics, it has been going on for a long time. They wear down the cartilage.

What I often find if we are talking about the kneecap on the thigh bone, let's talk about the muscles for a second the thigh muscles on the front of your thigh. Those are called quadricep muscles, quads for short. People that have long standing knee arthritis and pain on the front of their knee or deep into the knee. They tend to have very over dominant quad muscles, very strong quad muscles.

I had a client not so long ago that we started seeing for a knee problem and she told me she's been exercising and fit for whole life and she's in her 50s. She is still pretty young to have knee arthritis problem. But she's gotten there because she's been so active, playing sports, going to the gym five days a week and getting on the treadmill running. She's convinced that she needs to stay active and healthy so that she can be healthy into older age, but she's worn through cartilage.

I asked her if she does squats in the gym and other leg exercises. I said when you go do your leg days at the gym, where do you tend to get most sore from, or where do you tend to feel the muscles work the hardest. She said hands down my quads. I have always worked on my quads. I've always been proud of having big quads, big thighs, strong, quad muscles. Then I asked the question, how about the hamstrings? How about the glutes, she said, rarely ever do they get sore, rarely ever do I work them out? I always get on this machine and do this exercise. I do the leg press. I do the squats. I do this. I do that.

I went through deep in detail through every exercise she would regularly do, and she confirmed that she always felt her quads work the most. When I told her what I discovered, I tested everything out in her in her legs to figure out what the root problem of the of the knee arthritis was. I told her you have got some of the most dominant quad muscles I've ever seen. And the evidence is there. From what you are telling me that you have worked out your quad muscles way too much and unknowingly have neglected other muscles that should be in balanced with the quad muscles.

When those quad muscles are as dominant as yours, what happens in the mechanics at the knee joints, those quad muscles all attach to the kneecap. Which causes them to shorten. The stronger the muscle is, the more it shortens just at rest. That's a known fact. So, it puts the kneecap against the end of the thigh bone the femur harder. Without even doing anything, the kneecap will be pressed up against the thigh bone. And that increases the pressures and it doesn't allow the cartilage to recover to rest and be able to regenerate itself and be healthy.

Then when she goes to exercise, when she's not doing any more, we've fixed a lot of things in her. But when she was going to go exercise, she was further strengthening her quads and in further increasing the forces in during the exercise itself. She was getting a lot of grinding, popping clicking in her kneecaps, which was just if you think of the cartilage surfaces, they are just being pressed against each other way too hard.

That's how arthritis happens over time. If you can imagine this woman exercising five days a week, doing things that involve her legs, pressing that cartilage up against itself, way harder than it should, and then doing that over the course of years, over the course of decades. She's in her 50s now, she said she's been active ever since she was in high school, playing high school sports and she never quit.

Occasionally, everybody goes through seasons of life where they might back off on exercise, they gets sick, the holidays come around. In her case, she has two or three kids. So things change in life, but she always came back to exercising. She was pretty consistent with feeding into this muscle imbalance and putting too much pressure on her knee cartilage. She developed knee arthritis.

But how do we undo this? Let's talk about the types of treatment that people do. First, I'm going to go into the types of treatment that are commonly done. What people tend to encounter first, whenever they visit somebody in the medical field. In our opinion, what I think we can do here in our office, I'll pass them a physical therapy to help people for the long term so that this is getting better for months and years, and possibly the rest of your life.

The first thing that people will do at home is use some sort of over the counter pain medication, Tylenol, ibuprofen, or they may rub what's called an analgesic lotion or gel. we are talking Bengay, Biofreeze, Tiger Balm, one of those types of lotions that take away pain.

Both of these things are temporary. They don't make your muscles stronger, they don't fix the way the joints moving, they don't fix the mechanics, which is a root problem for most arthritis problems. It can feel better, it can possibly help you sleep better at night. It may allow you to get through a few days of where you need to be on your feet a lot or use your leg a lot. And that's cool, but it's not a good long-term plan.

The next thing that people will do typically, they'll visit the doctor and the doctor, with best intention, will offer a prescription strength medication, they may offer an injection for the knee as well. Those two things, prescription strength medications and injections, can definitely help the pain but just like with the over the counter stuff, the things that people try at home, they do not help the pain for the long term. It's just short term. It just helps, instead of just a few hours or a day you might get relief for a few weeks, or maybe even a couple of months with another Injection. That might get you through a tough spot.

Other things people try at home, they get a knee brace. It's a hit and miss where some people swear by it, and say they feel better when they have a knee brace on, other people say they don't. The trouble with the braces is, there are no such thing as a comfortable knee brace. Everybody fights with them, they have to constantly shove them up. Everybody's legs are shaped differently, and no knee brace is truly one size fits all. They might say that on the knee brace, but everybody's just shaped differently, and they fit everybody differently.

The other thing with knee braces is, you ideally don't want to be in it forever. You need to have a plan to fix your knee problems, so you don't have to worry about being in a knee brace forever. You have to have some way to get out of the knee brace.

Other things people try at home is rest it. Which is great because your inflammation will go down. The trouble with that is, once you get back to being active or doing your normal routine, you are going to be grinding those knee joint surfaces again and aggravating the knee arthritis.

In extreme cases of knee arthritis, that joint just doesn't move as good. The joint doesn't bend as well and doesn't straighten as well. We see some elderly clients here in the office where we flat out tell them, you are not going to get much more motion than what you have already. I can work on you here. But maybe you'll get 50% better, maybe 70% better, is a good outcome. But if the knee arthritis is very advanced, then there is no guarantee that it's going to get completely better.

The only way to get beyond, the motion that they currently have, if they are limited, is to look at getting a knee replacement, but that's a whole other process, a whole other story. If you are very elderly, your health has to be taken in consideration as well as your ability to tolerate the recovery.

It's a massive surgery if you think about it, getting a knee replacement, they are literally chopping the end of your thigh off, your thigh bone, and the top of your shin bone, and replacing it, they are putting metal parts in there and other parts. They have to deal with your kneecap as well on the front end, and then they have to reattach everything. So you up and then you have to begin to learn how to use it, and walk on it. The cool thing about it is that surgery has been refined over time and if I had to get one at this point in time, I would be confident getting one.

I think the surgeons out there do a phenomenal job with it. But that's pretty last resort and ideally if you can save your knee from getting to that point, your own natural knee is the best thing you want. I know surgeons will tell you preserve your knee health, try to avoid getting a knee surgery of course but if you have to have it done. It's actually not a bad surgery to get. But ideally, let's avoid it.

Now let's talk about how much is possible to improve knee arthritis. Depending on the severity of it and how much it's limiting you. You may be able to get quite a bit of improvement. If you are thinking about your X ray that you got not too long ago, and they said it was, moderate or severe.

If you were to get an X-ray after doing some treatment, it may not change that much. I think the best scenario you are looking for as far as x-rays improving is that it stays the same, that doesn't get any worse. The changes that happen occur slowly over time. So you are not looking to have a clear X-ray.

What is way more likely to be the case, you feel better and that you can move better. We see that here in the clinic all the time. When I first meet a person here in the clinic, who's coming in to get help with any arthritis problem, after talking to them, figuring out their story, getting all the details that we need, checking them out by hand, feeling their knee joint, looking at muscles, all the stuff that we have to look at, I'll make my recommendation and I'll tell them, hey, realistically, we can get you 90% better, which should be enough to get you back to exercising, and doing certain things that don't aggravate it. You'll have to still baby it at times here and there. But that should be enough to allow you to enjoy your life just fine, and, be with your family, play with your grand kids, be active, be able to travel and be on your feet for a long time and you'll be fine.

In severe cases, then we are telling people, hey, we are looking at a 50% improvement. In those types of patients, usually their doctors have told them that they won't operate on them, that they are high risk. They can't have a knee replacement done. It's this or nothing, pretty much they don't want to be at home stuck taking pain medications all the time. So, they improved tremendously and get a lot of mobility back.

In those people, I'll tell them the realistic expectation of just improving about 50 to 70%. It just depends on how they present exactly. The more important thing for somebody who has severe, far gone arthritis, and they are not going to improve more than 70%. The more important thing for them is keeping their independence.

I had a client last year who was a pretty severe case. He could still walk, he could still drive, and he was in his 80's. He could still do a lot of things on his own. But his arthritis flared up tremendously over the holidays, and he just wasn't as active during the holidays. So that's why it got worse. He had lost his ability to walk on his own. He had to hold on to furniture, and people had to help him out. He was starting to use a walker, he had to use a bunch of different things to help him maintain his balance, because it was so painful for him to stand up and walk after treatment.

He couldn't straight out his knees all the way, he was lacking about 10 to 15 degrees in both knees. We got them maybe down to five degrees, six degrees, I forget the number exactly. But his knees, when straighten out all the way, they were pretty stiff at the end. I told him that's the expectation. We are not looking to have you strain out your knees all the way if you haven't been able to in years and years and years.

But he felt notably better his big concern was he could sleep better. He could stand for longer, he could tolerate getting himself in and out of cars without having so much help. He felt like he could take himself to the bathroom. That was a big deal for him. It's embarrassing to have your family help you out with the bathroom. He also could get himself dressed. That was another thing to get himself showered, he felt more confident being able to move around.

Being able to improve that small percentage, even if you are not looking at getting 100% better, because it's not realistic for you, it can mean the world of a difference, and keep you in a much happier place where you don't have to rely on family seeing you naked, or having to clean you up after using the bathroom. It's a big, emotional component that people can preserve when their knees are healthier.

If you are not in that type of severe situation with your knee arthritis, it's more mild, you can bend and straighten your knee all the way for the most part, maybe just hurts when you bend it all the way or straighten it all the way. You might have some grinding or clicking in there. There are a lot of mechanical improvements we can make. I can't tell you exactly what needs to be done for your knee right here. There are many factors to look at.

To exactly determine what exercises you need to do, what kinds of hands on work you need. It's it really is its own specialty. But we see people all the time, get back to exercising, get back to running, even impactful activities like running and jumping, they can do that. They have got to learn how to move better, and they have got to strengthen in certain areas. That takes some time and coaching, but it is definitely doable. You can definitely get back to being active again. Being able to kneel is a big problem for certain people, get down to the knee or even getting up and down from the floor. That's a big problem that people face too. They have many issues.

Some people that have had knee replacements already continue to have any trouble after the knee replacement, even they tend to not have as much pain because their knee is artificial. They don't have a normal tissue. But people with knee placements have typically not fixed all the underlying root problems that got them the Arthritis to lead to the knee replacement. They still have very overused quads and muscle imbalances and all kinds of issues that that never were fully addressed.

But at least you are feeling better because of the knee replacement. But because they have limitations and how they are able to bend their knee and use your knee, they have trouble kneeling, they have trouble getting up and down from the floor. And that can be improved a lot of these people, because the last thing you want is to lose your mobility as well as to not be able to be independent, not be able to drive, cook your own meals, do all the things that that you won't be able to do on your own at home.

I've had lengthy conversations with elderly clients that come in for knee problems, and they are pretty embarrassed to ask for help from their kids or other family members with doing some things. It's always tough but when you have to do that you need to because it's potentially dangerous if you don't get help. Of course, they think about where it's going to leave later down the line, am I going to put them nursing home? Am I going to have to have somebody move in with me when I've been by myself, or it's just been my spouse and I and I don't want them to have to hurt their back helping me all the time with putting on my socks and shoes, because I can't bend my knee all the way.

There are all kinds of problems that arise from not having healthy knees. If you are listening to this podcast, and you have knee arthritis, and it's not that bad, I strongly encourage you right now to take care of it before it gets too bad. Find out what treatment you need. I definitely recommend talking to somebody who's an expert in preventing surgery, injections and having to rely on pain medications. But take care of it. Don't let it get too far gone where you have to end up talking to somebody that tells you it's only going to get 70% or 80% better. Ideally you want it to be 99% better, even 100% of possible.

So guys, I hope that podcast explanation explains everything about knee arthritis. What it is and what can you do about it. I hope that we've set some expectations about it. Cleared up some myths about what knee arthritis looks like inside of a joint. And I hope that we can share with you all the information that you need to make the best decision about your knee problem.

Visit our website to find more resources on knee problems. We've got a tips guides that you can download for free. You can get them sent to your email right now if you go to www.epmanualphysicaltherapy.com and you'll see our tips guide there that you can download.

If you go to our blog, you'll find tons of helpful videos and blog information on what to do about any problem. If you think that you want to get in touch with us and get started with working on your knee problem with us, we'd love to help you out as well. You can call us at 915-503-1314 to find out more information. But if you are just at home, you just learning right now that’s totally cool. Absorb all the knowledge, do your research, talk to the right people, and make sure that you take care of any problem. Don't wait. Please don't let it get really bad. I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Hello El Paso! Welcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. David Middaugh, physical therapist and I'm the owner over at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. We are going to cover today knee pain, and all the treatment options. We are going to be pretty exhaustive about all the possible treatment options you could take, if you are dealing with a knee problem.

Now before we get into the meat of this episode and going over all the details about the treatment options, let's just talk about the big idea. You can pretty much divide all of these treatment options I'm going to go into, into a short-term treatment option, and a long-term treatment option. I tell you this because most people don't talk about this, if you are searching up knee pain treatment options on the internet, you are probably not going to find it labeled that way, you are not going to find, ice, for example, as a long-term treatment option, or a short-term treatment option.

If you think about it, and use common sense, you can pretty much figure out it's going to be a short-term treatment option. Just think about that as we are going through everything, and I'll drop little tidbits about whether it's short-term or long term. The reality is that a long-term treatment option typically involves the most effort on you part. If you are dealing with any problem right now, and you are looking at fixing it for the long term, just realize that there is no easy way around it, there is no shortcuts, you have to get stronger, you have to get to get to the root of the problem, you have to move better. You have to figure out how to take pressures off your knees, and how to put your knee in a situation where it heals the best.

Everything else is pretty much secondary to that. Depending on any sort of traumatic, massive injury, where you absolutely need some procedure done. If you haven't had that, if you just have knee pain that has developed over time, there wasn't really any big massive injury. Maybe you had an old injury in high school, or when you were younger, and it's just been following you as you have gone along and getting a little bit worse. That's typically how knee pain comes on. There is a way to get better naturally, without having to rely on surgeries, medications, and injections. But it's going to take some work on your part.

It's very doable here in the clinic, we help people directly with that treatment option, and we have people achieve long-term relief from the pain, and we have them avoid surgery, avoid injections, and stop relying on pain medications. That being said, think of everything as a short-term treatment option, or a long-term treatment option.

Let's start with the at home remedies that people will typically do. I'm just going to go down the list here. Some of them we will talk about, some of them I'll just mention.

Ice and heat are one of the most commonly used home remedies for knee pain. It is completely temporary. The ice is thought to numb the area, and take away the pain temporarily, while your body part that you are seeing is really cold, you kind of don't feel the pain. Heat is providing a similar feedback to the body. It's providing a different sensation so that you don't feel pain. Now really quick, just a side note about this, because it's going to follow the rest of the things that we are doing here, the home remedies that we are covering here.

There is a theory on pain that is called the ping gait theory. Now there are holes in it, but for the sake of simplicity, we are going to use that. The idea is that, if you can distract your brain from the pain that you are feeling, then you won't feel pain, and it's beneficial for you to move on in life at that moment. The classic example is, if you ever bump your shin real hard on something, that really hurts, and what you reflexively will do is rub your leg right where you got bumped on your leg. Rubbing your leg does not heal yourself. It just distracts your brain from feeling the pain that you have caused yourself from hitting your shin. But we do that reflexively. Think about it, you will grab it, you will rub it. Same thing with bumping your head. That's just what we do.

I think that ice and heat may be similar. I can't tell you for sure, I'm not an expert in researching that kind of stuff, I can just tell you from what I've read, and what I've seen with patients. But don't look to solve your knee pain problem with ice and heat, it's only going to give you some temporary relief, which is okay.

Because it helps you avoid the next thing, over the counter pain medication. Some people need to take pain medication for their knee problem. That's cool. If you can avoid it, it definitely can hurt your organs over the long term. The idea with over the counter pain medication is that you just take it for a short period of time anyway. If you are doing that, then you are okay, but if you are relying on pain medication to fall asleep every night, or to get through the day, because you are going to be on your feet a lot, then that is not a good situation.

Some over the counter pain medications that you typically see will be Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, etc. and these are all different types of medications, Acetaminophen is Tylenol, but naproxen and ibuprofen are all NSAIDs, something that you might find on the internet, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and they work a little bit differently from paracetamol and Tylenol, that kind of thing. You have to be careful when using these over the counter pain medications. Make sure that you are not taking them for the long term.

Another type of medication that you can get over the counter, but you don't take by mouth is pain patches. Typically, these are using lidocaine. Now in some places, they not legal without a doctor's prescription. You have to have a doctor's prescription. You will have to figure out what's available to you in the drugstores. But I have seen people using lidocaine pain patches, they will put it on their knee, they use them for their back, as well as other parts of their body. That can temporarily take away the pain as well.

There are other lidocaine pain creams, that's what we'll talk about next is lotions or gels that you rub on your knee and can relieve pain temporarily. There is a bunch of brands asper cream is one, Bengay, IcyHot, BioFreez just to name a few. There are dozens others. Tiger Balm is another one that comes to mind. They all use different types of chemicals and products, and they all are a version of a medication that you are just rubbing in. Essentially, they do penetrate your skin and go into your bloodstream.

Although they tend to be safer than taking pain medication by mouth, you are still putting ingredients that are dangerous into your body, just through your skin, and I have heard of some extreme cases. Of course, you would have to use a heck of a lot of lotion of these pain lotions or people have died from using too much of certain pain lotions. I'm not sure which one but I'm sure that's very rare. You have to like dip your body in one of these lotions pretty much.

Some other home remedies that people will use are Epsom salt baths. They will draw a bath, fill their tub of warm water and you can get Epsom salts at pretty much any drugstore, grocery store, and you can dump that into the hot water and soak in it. Some people find some temporary relief from using that.

Another option is the trending essential oils.

There are a lot of people out there that are picking up essential oils. We actually use them here in the office occasionally, and mainly for defusing. We put them in the air for a room for therapy type stuff. We don't use it heavily every day, we have some clients that are a little sensitive to odors, I myself too, if somebody that wears too much perfume or cologne or something like that it's a little overwhelming sometimes. But there is some suspected benefit to certain essential oils. I can't tell you which ones exactly, you would need to talk to an essential oil expert. You would be rubbing it in onto your skin, kind of like you would these pain creams, and getting a pain relief benefit from it.

But it is temporary. To my understanding, it's not going to fix anything for the long term, but it might be safer than using pain medications.

Along the same line of essential oils. There are homeopathic alternatives.

We are talking stuff like CBD oil, which is a derivative of marijuana. It's the part of marijuana that's safe to use, as far as not making you high. It's the pain-relieving part and there is a growing market for that right now where more people are getting interested in it. It's kind of ambiguous as to whether it's legal or not, I'm sure you might know about all the controversy surrounding it or you might not, you just got to be careful with where you are using it, when you are using it, all that stuff.

I've had clients in the clinic that report they are using it and say that it makes them feel a little bit better. But again, it's just a temporary thing. It's not going to last and cure the problem. If you have knee arthritis, a torn meniscus, torn cartilage, or some chronic injury that's starting to hurt you, oils are probably not going to be the main factor in fixing this problem.

Other homeopathic alternatives are apple cider vinegar, Ginger turmeric.

There are a bunch of other herbs out there. I've heard of patients telling me all kinds of things that they've tried taking, and some report some benefit, some say that they hardly notice anything or nothing. I haven't had anybody flat out tell me that it made them worse though, so I can't speak to it hurting any problem. But you can try that out.

Along the same line I get asked all the time about supplements, supplements that you should be taking for knee joint health, and the two most common ones that have been around for a long time are glucosamine and chondroitin. You can find these in all kinds of forums, typically they are in pill form. You can go buy a bottle of glucosamine and chondroitin, usually combined into the same tablet at the at the store or at a drugstore.

There is a decent amount of research on it. What I've gathered from reading the research is that some people benefit from it. Some don't. I haven't seen that anybody gets hurt from it though. So, it's worth a shot. If that's something that you want to try out.

Going along the next step from supplement is diet.

Diet is something else that people often try at home. They will avoid inflammatory foods, and those tend to be foods that are high in sugars lactose, as well as which is found in milk. I've heard of that being a big one, and they will go more for anti-inflammatory foods. You are talking more plant type foods and weight management along with that, so making sure that your weight is in the proper range so that you are not putting too much forces to your knees.

That's a process as everybody is probably familiar with dieting that is. It's definitely possible to lose weight, and manage your weight, but I've had people too that are in great health, as far as their weight and they eat pretty healthy, from what they eat in their diet, and they still have problems. So there are other factors as well besides diet that can influence your knee. But it's definitely going to help you on other fronts. If you have some weight to lose, going on a diet is not at all a bad idea.

Next on the list, we have massage. Massaging.

Whether it's done by a professional or it's done by yourself or a family member or something like that. Massage on the thigh and hip muscles, or leg muscles can definitely relieve some knee pain. I've seen that happen. We actually do it here in the clinic, but it is short lived. There are other things that need to happen along with the massage. The way that the massage happens and where the massage is exactly as far as the techniques use, the forces use the muscles worked on. There is quite a bit of detail to it.

We have clients that try self-massage and get a pretty good effect from it. And then we have others that get frustrated because they feel like their knee gets worse doing it. So just watch out with using self-massage or getting a massage from a professional as well. If you go to a massage therapist, you just got to be careful about what their training is in, what their background is as far as, are they doing more spa type massage, like relaxation massages, which is cool, you might want that and that's fine.

But if you are going to one of those types of massage therapists, to get a knee treated, you got to think about that plan. You might want to see somebody who has some pretty good experience in doing massage on the problems.

The next thing on our list is stretches and exercises.

We get people in the clinic all the time that are showing us their stretches and exercises, that they have been trying on their own. They may have learned them from the internet, from YouTube or from Google. They may have gotten them from family or friends, or they may have been doing stretching exercises that they learned from a trainer, or from when they were doing sports in school. People pull out all kinds of things, and they get them from all sorts of places. And that's cool.

A lot of times it benefits them, and they feel better with their knee problems. Sometimes though, it does make it worse. You have to be careful with that. The body is complex, there are over 400 muscles in the body, and understanding how they all work together, and influence the joints and nerves and ligaments, cartilage, all the different body parts in there are complicated. If you have been trying stretches or exercises, and haven't really been getting much luck, then I strongly suggest you get some professional help on that. Because that can be harmful in the long term.

With stretches an exercise I have to tell you, we use some of those in the clinic here. There is a component of what we do, which is exercising. But it's in combination with a bunch of other things. It's really just one thing that makes somebody recover for the long-term from a knee problem. It's really about finding the right mix of treatment approaches for you.

Which means you got to try different things, you got to maybe get some expert help sometimes, to point you in the right direction. You have to figure out what works best for you. There isn't one thing, it's rare that one thing helps fix long-term knee problem.

Next on the list, we have sleeves, like knee sleeves.

These are the type of sleeves that you buy at athletic stores, or even Walmart. You slide it up on your leg, it gives you some compression, a variation of that would be braces. The difference for me between a sleeve and a brace is that, a sleeve you just slide on, and it's compressive on your knee. A brace you will slide on and then you usually have to strap around your leg to cinch it down. And many times, they have brackets built into the sides that stabilize your knee.

Some of these sleeves and braces are infused with certain materials like copper. You hear about the copper sleeves all the time. They are pretty heavily marketed, and some are not. There are other materials out there that are helpful for knee health. Magnets is another one that I've seen. All of these braces can provide some immediate relief in in certain knee problems. In fact, when I see clients with certain knee problems, I make a brace part of their treatment plan for a certain period of time, because especially if you have a ligament injury, we are talking like an ACL or an MCL, or some other related ligament injury, it almost always requires bracing for a period of time to let that ligament heal.

That's expert advice I'm giving patients after I've checked out the ligaments, and after I've watched other things about them and learned, in talking to them and have been able to determine that that's a component of what they need to get better for the long term.

If you are trying to get a brace or sleeve, make sure that you have some guidance on when to get off the brace or sleeve, because if you have it on too long, that could cause some problems. It's not a good idea to use a brace or sleeve for the long term, or indefinitely. You need to have an endpoint. You got to have a good reason to put it on, and a good reason to take it off. You might be trying it to see how it feels better. That's definitely a good reason. But you have to know when it's time to get out of the brace.

Related to braces are wraps, like your Ace wraps.

Those are those long strips of stretchy cloth that you can wrap around your knee. Those are typically used for a fresh injury like somebody that was playing sports and just hurt their knee. Or I've seen people use them at home as well, and those can be beneficial. They will use that in combination with putting on some sort of cream or homeopathic concoction, or using other stuff that I talked about earlier just to add some impression, and also get the other effect from the creams and medications and herbs they put on, and I think that's cool.

That's definitely a great way to avoid harmful medications that could damage your organs. Wraps can be beneficial for sure.

Straps is another one.

I used one of these when I was going through high school. There are different types of straps out there. One of the most common ones is called a jumper’s knee strap. It's literally a thin strap, maybe an inch and a half wide, that you wrap around your knee and the part that sits on the front of your knee. It usually has a little tube on it that puts pressure right under your kneecap. I actually remember using this in high school and it did feel better.

They use it for jumpers’ knee, something that happens. It's a pain that happens right below the kneecap to people that are involved in running sports and sports. It involves some jumping when using these nice straps, they slide on with Velcro, so they don't stay on the best, especially if you are really active. But they are just a temporary thing. They don't fix a long-term knee problem. It's not a good idea to wear that long-term along with the sleeves, the braces and wraps idea.

There has been an increase in people purchasing their own electrical stimulation units for home use.

Another name for these is TENS units. TENS stands for trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and all it is, it’s a little machine that you put batteries in, it has wires that attach to these sticky pads that you put around the area that hurts. It usually has an on switch and a dial, where you dial up the intensity. There are other settings on there that give you little electrical signals that go through the pads and you can turn it up to where it makes your muscle contract. Usually, and in terms of frequency, of how often it turns off and on, you can vary with it. There are all kinds of little settings you can put on these machines.

The research around these machines are that they do help with pain, so they can actually take away pain. I think it's along that same line of hitting your shin, and if you rub it, you get distracted from the pain. I think it's a similar effect to get with this, because what the research also tells us is that the machine stops helping you after you take it off, obviously, right? So that just means that it's a short-term effect. The machine only really helps you when you have it on and it's sending little electrical signals to your body. But the pain usually comes back right after you take off the machine.

These are commonly found in Chiropractic and physical therapy offices, and I think they are cool, they use them, and they can provide you some relief for sure. In an office like that they might put a hot pack over the electrical stimulation pads and it typically feels really nice to do it for anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. But you just always have to question how effective is this, in fixing my knee pain for the long-term?

Because if I have a knee problem right now, I sure as heck don't want to be dealing with it in six months or in 12 months, or even next month. I want it gone. I don't want just temporary relief, because everybody wants to get to the fun parts of life, right? You want to be able to go travel, do fun stuff with family, be with friends, exercise, be able to be active, feel comfortable doing whatever the heck you want. And this electrical stimulation machine is not going to get you there. It's just going to give you some temporary relief.

Up next on the list of things to try at home is shoes.

So many people will say: “Well, my knees have been hurting and these shoes are really old. I've had them for over a year and look at them.” They are all worn down. You can even see the treads on the bottom anymore, and I'm sure the sole of the shoe lost its cushion. You hear all kinds of things and yes, I agree that get keeping some adequate shoes on your feet, whenever you are active, some shoes that are adequately cushioned, adequately treaded because you need that grip.

Basically, you should have some good shoes on pretty much all the time. That is a good thing for you. But chances are that your knee problem is not just coming from the shoes, that's rarely ever the long-term fix. You might get some good relief. People that change their shoes out, find that it really helps out their knees.

They might be better for a while and it could last you 6 to 12 months, about the same time-frame that the shoes begin to wear out again, and they need new shoes. But I always have to look up the chain of joints and muscles, and see what's going on at the hip, and the knee muscles around the thigh and those things are not influenced directly from the shoes. Usually the foot position, and the foot muscles have to be addressed as well.

Along that same topic insoles in shoes or something else that people go to get.

I think those are great. They can make a huge difference in the position of your ankle and foot, supporting your arch, or supporting your heel, depending on what you need. But the confusing thing is to go shopping, especially if you are on your own and you are trying to pick up the right pair of shoes, or the right pair of insoles to slip into your shoes.

Another name for insoles is orthotics and some people will go to podiatrist to get orthotics, or there are certain stores out there that sell high-end insoles or orthotics. I think they are generally good. Occasionally the complete bad fit will make your foot hurt more, or your knee hurt more. So you just got to be careful. There is a bit of trial and error with that.

But keep in mind that if you are not very strong up top, if you are not moving very well, if you have other issues, shoes are only going to solve a small piece of the problem. But it's worth a shot to see how big of a problem it solves for you.

Now, the last few things we are going to go into here are definitely more extreme, but I have seen people do it. I won't put it past anybody here to try their own.

I have seen people using crutches for the long term, where they won't even put weight through their leg, they would rather be on crutches for months on end, years even because their knee hurts so much, and they are afraid to use her leg.

Crutches are okay in the short term, maybe a few weeks, maybe over a month at most, but there needs to come a time where you put pressure through your leg, and you need to start using your leg normally again so that your knee can act like a normal knee again. Long-term use of crutches is not a good idea. But if you just got hurt, and you need to get around, definitely crutches can be a good plan for the immediate future.

Canes and walkers are other variations of crutches essentially.

Now a cane a walker is definitely a more long-term device to use. You typically see older people using them, but I'm not opposed to making somebody who's younger, say a person in their 40s or 50s or even younger, using a cane, or a walker when it's appropriate. But generally, the idea with a cane or walker is like the crutches that you should be able to get out from using it.

Canes and walkers are helpful for people with balance problems, and if you have a knee injury, and you can't support yourself very well in your knee, whether it's arthritis, a ligament problem, a cartilage problem, or meniscal problem, it's likely going to affect your muscles over time, which will affect your balance over time. So, for some people, they will need to be using a cane or walker for a longer period of time, but it may not solve their knee pain problem.

It's important to still look at what needs to happen, exercise wise, movement wise, to fix a knee pain problem. And that's what's going to set this person up to get away from the cane and walker, and have the confidence to go out and walk into the public, unfamiliar areas, on gravel, on uneven ground, going up and down stairs, being able to go up and down the curb, or small steps in public, so that you can feel that you are not going to fall, or not further injure your knee.

The most extreme thing that I have ever seen, I'm in El Paso of course, which is in in the southwest of the United States, and we are in the desert so it's definitely warmer than many other places in the country. I have seen some people that have had long standing knee arthritis that lived up north, that moved down south where it's warm, because their knee feels better in a warmer weather versus colder weather. The people that I met that did this move to El Paso, say they love being in warmer weather anyways, so it wasn't like that was their only reason for moving.

I just thought it was interesting, and I'm sure it's crossed some people's minds out there. Maybe I should move to where it's warmer, so my knee won't hurt so much. Maybe I should move towards sunnier, and there is not so much rain and clouds so that my knees won’t hurt so much, or my back. I hear people talking about their back hurting with the weather as well.

So that is another thing that people will try at home and it may affect it. I honestly can't tell you how effective that is. The people that I've met that did that said that it helped, but they were still seeing me here in the office for knee pain with their knee problem. So I doubt that it's a cure for any problem. There are other things to look at.

All right, so great job and hanging with me. We are going to go into the medical field next and talk about the other treatment options that are available to you through the medical fields. You have to be able to go see a specialist to access these things, and most people will first visit their family doctor, their general doctor, a physician, they might even see, a nurse practitioner, or physician's assistants for this. If you show up to one of these people with your knee problem, and you tell them that your knee started hurting, it's been swelling, you can't walk for very long, or you feel stiff when you are standing.

There are different reasons why your knee might hurt, they will evaluate you and figure out what's going on so that they can give you a diagnosis. They may order x-rays, they may do them there in the office or send you somewhere. They may also order an MRI If they feel that that's the next best step, and more often than not, they will prescribe you drugs and that's their specialty. A physician is an MD which is a Doctor of Medicine. Their specialty is telling people what drugs to take or not take.

The common drugs that are prescribed for a knee problem are steroids, muscle relaxers and opioids. These are prescription pain medications, different from the over the counter pain medications, although some doctors will definitely tell you to start with the over the counter stuff. They will tell you go get a bottle of Aspirin or Tylenol, and start there, or get some ibuprofen start there. Or they may prescribe you the prescription dosage of those medicines, or they may just give you the prescription medications that you can't get over the counter.

Some of the most common steroids that they will prescribe are prednisone or prednisalone. I apologize if I'm mispronouncing all these medications, if you are in the medical field out there and you are like, oh, he said it wrong. I'm a physical therapist, I stay out of that place in the medical field. I'm just covering it right now just to give people a good example of what they will encounter. But I am never prescribing these to patients. I just hear about them and I know these are commonly used medications.

My specialty is in helping people avoid having to rely on medications. It's okay to use them for a short while, of course, but you don't want to be taking these long-term, it damages parts of your body that you need for the rest of your life.

Another type of medication that people will often get prescribed are muscle relaxers. Some common ones are Flexaril, Somasenaflex, and Rowbackson. If you are taking one of these, you might find that you are pretty drowsy, when you take these. They are very much like tranquilizers, they do make your muscles relax. But not just the muscle that is hurting your knee, all of them will relax. A lot of people don't function too well on these muscle relaxers. They feel sleepy all the time. They will use them to sleep usually, but some people will take them during the day as instructed by their doctor, and I've had patients come in and tell me I can't work. I can't be with my family. I can't do anything while I'm on these muscle relaxers. My knee feels better but I've lost all these other parts of my life because I'm having to take this medication right now.

Another medication that is often prescribed for knee pain is antidepressants surprisingly. Now of course these are used for depression, but they have found that there is pain relieving effects in many antidepressants. Some of the common ones that are prescribed are selects a Prozac, Zoloft, and Cymbalta, and certain dosages are known to relieve pain in some people. Once the doctor has determined which medication, or combination of medications that they want to prescribe you.

Of course, you decide if you want that or not, you have to figure out what's best for you, then they might refer you to a specialist. When they are talking about a specialist or they are usually talking about a surgeon like an orthopedic doctor, another name for it would be an orthopod, an orthopedic surgeon, an orthopedist, as well. And these specialist types of doctors usually do orthopedic surgery, so they are doing different types of knee surgeries and other surgeries to another type of specialist.

You might get referred to a pain management doctor, which can do some procedures as well, but are trained in pain relieving treatments. That might include medicine injections, those are the guys that bring out the big medication. If you end up seeing a pain management doctor, they might be the type of doctor that prescribes opioids.

Just a quick word about opioid pain medications. If you know anything about pain medication in the medical field, you might be aware that there has been a controversy in the use of them in the prescription. They can be addictive because they are derivatives of opium. Some people feel like they need them to function. They are very good pain relievers, but they can be dangerous and addictive. Always think about that and talk to your doctor about that and make sure that you are following best practices with the doctor on using these opioid medications.

But I'm not here to tell you don't take them completely. You have to decide for yourself what's best for you. Because it's your body, it's your life. You have to think about what's at stake. I always tell patients, if you are pretty grumpy right now, because of your knee problem, or you are pretty limited, or you are just in a spot where you have to get around, and your knee is not letting you, maybe some medication is a good idea in the short term. But please, please, please be working on a long-term solution so that you are not having to rely on these pain medications.

So, back to the pain management Doc's, some common opioid medications that they might prescribe are Coding. Fentanyl, Vicodin, Percocet, and these drugs are used for a variety of different problems, but one of those might be your knee. If you go see the pain management doctor, you might get prescribed an opioid drug.

Other things that pain management doctors can do are pain injections, there are different types of medicines that they will inject into your knee. They do some procedures as well. One of the common procedures that are done, in pain management clinics, are something called RF a radio-frequency ablation, which basically is where they go into your back and burn a nerve, using radio frequencies that connects to your knees so that you don't feel the pain. It's essentially shutting off the nerve or cutting off the nerve that feels pain in your knee.

It has mixed efficacy. In other words, it sometimes works sometimes doesn't. I think it's a pretty questionable technique. Of course, I'm not a pain management doctor so I'll never tell a doctor not to do it. That's their field. That's their decision, of course. And of course, as a patient, you have to decide if you want that done. But whenever patients come and talk to me about it, I always tell them, “well just think about what all the other things that are controlled by this nerve, and what's going to happen if you lose this nerve.

I don't know the research on this, there are all these questionable things when it comes to radio-frequency ablation. I would just make sure you think twice, maybe get a second opinion and see if that's the best option for you.

Now let's talk about the other types of specialists out there. The orthopods, the orthopedic surgeons, those doctors will also do injections on your knee. Commonly, they are injecting something called cortisone, which is a type of steroid that is pretty effective at relieving pain and also reducing inflammation.

A word about inflammation. Inflammation is the first step in healing that's supposed to happen in the medical field, and I think in our culture in general, inflammation is seen as bad. Absolutely too much inflammation can be a bad thing. But it is really the first step in healing in the body, and without that step it's impossible to move on to the next step. If you are constantly getting some sort of anti-inflammatory drug put into your body, you are really limiting your healing.

Therefore, it's got to be a short-term solution, because you are focused more on getting rid of the pain rather than fixing the problem for the long term. If you are fixing the problem for the long term, you have to go through some inflammation, and get to the next step to where everything can heal properly so that you can get back to life as usual.

Back to the injections. There are other things that doctors are injecting out their sindevisque is a new product that I've heard about. It's hyalaronan is what it's made out of. And my understanding of this is that it's a fluid that's injected into the knee to act as your normal knee joint fluid and cushion and help heal the inside of the knee.

It sounds great in theory, but I really can't tell you if it's working or not. You would have to talk to your orthopedic surgeon who does this kind of injection, because not all of them will do it. I know that it's covered by most insurances because it's so new. But I can't tell you any pricing on that kind of stuff, you will have to ask your doctor about it.

But it still does not account for the strength up in your hip, strength in your in your knees, strength in your lower leg, or the way that you are moving. There are all these other natural things that still need to be addressed. In my opinion, it still falls under the short-term solutions.

Other things that are injected are PRP, platelet rich plasma and stem cells. These are newer in the Regenerative Medicine Department. That's kind of a growing field. Regenerative medicine means that you are getting your tissues to regenerate, you are trying to heal your tissues. PRP is probably more commonly done. Stem cells is kind of quiet because its legality is questioned. It's controversial as to where the source of the stem cells are, which I won't go into on this podcast. It's a whole other topic in conversation. But it's hard to find a doctor that even does the stem cells, or it's just not commonly done right now. But those are options for you.

Typically, an orthopedic surgeon will try injections first, of course, you would have already tried oral pain medications, maybe other types of home remedies. What typically happens, if you don't get the relief that you are looking for, is the surgeons with all their good intent will then recommend surgery, especially if you have something that they can repair surgically or help you out with surgery.

Some of the common surgeries that are done on the knee are ACL reconstructions, which is a repair of the ACL ligament that tends to happen in younger people, but it can even happen in middle and older people, a lateral meniscus repair is a medial meniscus repairs another one. That's where they go in and fix the big chunk of cartilage inside your knee. They might also do a partial discectomy, which is where they take out a chunk of cartilage from your knee.

Some of the more experimental surgeries out there are micro-fracture, where they will drill small holes into areas where there is less cartilage in the knee, where the cartilage has worn down, or it might be bone on bone in that area. That surgery is tough, because it does take a very specific rehabilitation afterwards. Because the idea is that, from those drills, those holes that they drill into the bone, they are trying to stimulate the cartilage to grow back and that just takes a long time.

The more common extreme surgeries that are done are partial knee replacements and totally replacements and those are done. Gosh, there is probably tons of them done every day. They have gotten really good at those. They are pretty effective surgeries, if you have severe knee arthritis, and you just can't bend or straighten out your knee. Usually it's been a problem for over a decade, maybe decades, then that's when surgeons will recommend doing a replacement type of surgery on your knee.

I have seen this next one just once and I question it definitely. Now, I'm not a surgeon, nowhere near it. I never want to be a surgeon. But I don't know that I've ever allow it. I'd have to have a heck of a good reason to allow a surgeon to do this on me. But I had one patient that had a knee problem. This has been years and years and years ago it was a different town.

She was just obsessed with finding the root of the knee problem, and before she got to physical therapy, where I was working. She had seen several doctors, seen several physicians, seen several specialists and tried all kinds of medications. She was young, she was in her early 30s, and what they were telling her was that there is nothing on her MRI that looks like it's repairable. There is no surgery that they recommended.

She continued to persist, and one day she walked in and said I had exploratory surgery, which means they went into her knee surgically put a camera in there to look for what was wrong. Now I was in charged with helping her recover from the cuts that were made, and the procedure that was done on her knee. She still had knee problems afterwards, they didn't find anything.

I don't know that I would recommend doing that exploratory surgery you have to of course, talk to your doctor and and figure out if that's the best choice for you. But that's another option that I've seen done.

All right let's get into physical therapy next. We are done with talking about the home remedies. We talked about family doctors and the medications they can prescribe. Then we talked about specialist surgeons and pain management doctors. Now let's talk about physical therapy, a very common treatment done for knee problems. There are all kinds of types of physical therapy. Let me start with the most common that's exercise based physical therapy.

Before I keep going, realize that most PT clinics don't really specialize, they don't really tell you that they are exercise based or whatever they are focused in. Most clinics do a bit of everything. It depends on which therapists you work with, and which clinic you are at. Even within a one business. It has multiple locations, they may have equipment at one location that they don't have another location. What you do in treatment will tell you which type of therapy you are doing, and you have to decide if that's right for you, or if you need a mix of things. You got to figure that out.

But by and large, just about every physical therapy clinic is going to make you do some sort of exercise, and that's generally good. Exercise is known to help knee problems. But like I said earlier, if you have been trying stretches and exercises at home and you found that it hurt you. Same thing in physical therapy, you have to communicate with your physical therapist about what exercises they might have you doing that is bothering your knee, making it swell afterwards, or just not letting you walk normal the next days after you do a physical therapy visit. They will usually send you home with exercises as well. You got to communicate with your therapist about if that's helping or hurting, or what the expectations should be because sometimes it might need to hurt a bit, especially if you are recovering from a surgery.

But mostly, especially if you haven't had a surgery, it should feel better and better each time you exercise. But an exercise based physical therapy session will pretty much have all exercises, you will go in and you will do a bunch of different exercises. That might be bands, involve like big, colorful rubber bands, there might be machines involved, you might get on a treadmill, elliptical, there is weight machines you might use. There are all kinds of things that you might do to rehab your knee. For a lot of people that's beneficial. It just depends on your type of knee problem.

Another type of physical therapy that is seen out there is aquatic physical therapy. The premise with aquatic physical therapy is that when you are in a pool, when you are in water, especially when the water is up to your chest or higher up to your neck, for instance, the buoyancy of your body in the water takes pressure off your knee. When you exercise in the water, you are exercising with less pressure on your knee, and also the resistance of the water as you move your leg, the water pushes against you, so that there is a small strengthening effect that happens with your knee. I think that's really cool.

For some people, that's what they need. This tends to actually work really well in people that are very obese and trying to find some nice relief. Because if for instance, you weigh 300 pounds when you are supposed to weigh, under 200, or if you weigh more than that, and if, for whatever reason, the weights there if it's some thyroid issue, or if it's just a health problem that you haven't been able to successfully address, that's okay. But you need knee relief right now so that you can get to exercising and help with your weight problem. Aquatic physical therapy might be a great alternative for you. So, give that shot and that might be the best place to start rehabilitating your knee.

Another version of this but that doesn't involve water is anti-gravity physical therapy. That means there are machines out there that can take weight off of. You usually get strapped in, but there are all different kinds. The popular ones right now will put you on a treadmill. So there is devices out there, I forgot all the name. There are so many Ultra G is the one that comes to mind.

But the idea with all these different machines is that there is some contraption, either clothing or harness that you wear that attaches to the machine. Depending on the settings of the machine, it lifts you, and you can usually set the poundage. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, you can tell the machine to take off 40 pounds. Now you only weigh 160 pounds, or whatever it might be, and then you would walk with only 160 pounds rather than 200. Depending on the settings, and how you are doing the exercise, that can be very beneficial for your knee as well.

Some of the more up and coming treatment options through physical therapy are blood flow restriction therapy and dry needling. Now with blood flow restriction therapy, this is probably the newest one there. What is happening is they are trying to increase strength in certain muscles. What they are doing is putting a strap around your thigh. This strap has a bladder in it that you can pump air into, so that it constricts your thigh and therefore restricts blood flow. That's why it's called blood flow restriction therapy.

Then the idea is you exercise so that you make that those thigh muscles work. It deprives the muscle of the blood and oxygen that's in the blood, which sets up a situation where the muscle might strengthen faster than normal. It's a really cool concept. It's new, it hasn't been fully researched, at least in my opinion. It hasn't really taken as being super popular and something that is going to help everybody or help a lot of people. I have not incorporated it in treatment. I don't think that it's a good long-term solution.

You might think, Well, I do you need more strength, and yeah, you probably do if you got any problem, I'd say 9 out of 10 people tend to need more strength in certain muscles. But the key is, with this blood flow restriction therapy, you can only strengthen certain muscles and only do it in a certain way. You are limited on the number of exercises you could do, the way the movements occur. It's not teaching you proper movement and it might be strengthening muscles that don't need to be strengthened and could actually harm your knee.

For example, in many knee problems, I see people that have way too dominant quadriceps muscles, the muscles on the front of the thigh, and blood flow restriction therapy tends to help people get stronger quads. Well if you have dominant quad muscles and then you go further strengthen those quad muscles, it's likely going to aggravate your knee over time. You got to be careful with that and as an expert physical therapist, I can tell you that that is not common knowledge, and even physical therapists may not grasp that and that's the field that should know is surgeons they may get that but their specialties doing surgery. Doctors and medicine may grasp that to a bit, but their specialty is medicines.

In the exercise and movement realm, in physical therapy, it's probably the lesser researched of the two there are a lot of people that are figuring out how to do this, and more research is still being conducted. It's a growing field and research. I'm not saying don't go try it, I'm saying go try it. But make sure that you pay close attention to what your symptoms are, how you are feeling, and if it's helping you or not, and if it's not helping you it might be because of that you are strengthening muscles that don't need to be strengthened.

The other up and coming thing is dry needling. Dry needling is really interesting. It's a lot like acupuncture, as far as the needles that they use, and the way that the needles are put into your body. But it's very different from acupuncture in the response that happens. Now, I love acupuncture, I've gotten it myself. I think that it's fantastic and I recommend it to clients as an alternative to using pain medications. I occasionally get clients that say I have allergic reactions to certain pain medications, so I'm just going to take them, I'll deal with the pain but if the pain is that bad I'll tell them go see an acupuncturist and they might be able to help with some pain relief and, and the ones that have worked with it did a great job.

But dry needling is different from acupuncture. In acupuncture, the needles go in, and they do other stuff that's I'm not familiar with. It's Eastern medicine. I don't know how it works exactly. I'm not even going to try to explain it, but somehow it works. It's not painful. It tends to be relaxing in fact, when the needles that are going into your skin. Acupuncture feels just like some pressure, occasionally a little sting. I can tell you, I've had paper cuts that are 100 times more painful than the most painful acupuncture needle I've ever felt. It really is not painful. I've never been to acupuncture that I've regretted going through, that I was in agony. It always felt fantastic. I feel great.

Dry needling is different though. When you get poked with a dry needle. They are sometimes pistoning the needle, which means they are pulling the needle in and out like a piston in an engine, and they are trying to make the muscle spasm. If you have ever had a muscle spasm like in your back, or a cramp happen in your leg, that's what they are  trying to get to happen in your body part that they are dry needling. It hurts! You are going to feel the muscle contract really hard. You are going to move and strain for a few seconds while the cramp happens, while the muscle spasms, and then they take out the needle, they might do a few different body parts just depends on how experienced the therapist is at doing dry needling and what their goal is.

But after the effects of the spasm were off, typically, there is relief in pain. But I always question if this is a long-term treatment? I would have to say no, it's definitely a short-term pain relief solution. It's a great way to avoid medications that are hurting your organs. If you are taking those for a long time, it's something else to do just to get you through a part where you have to exercise and is painful, or to get you through a part of your life that you just can't be in pain, because you are being grumpy or you got to work. It is a pain-relieving technique.

Let's go to the last one. I'm biased. I'm a manual therapist, I'm going to talk about manual therapy. But I truly believe that this is a fantastic way to long-term cure any problem. When I say manual therapy, I'm talking about the way that I practice, which is in combination with some of the things, I'll use exercise, I'll use strengthening, I'll use some stretching as well. I talk to the patient about modifications in their life, the way they exercise, the way they sit, stand and walk.

There is a combination of things that I'm using, but if we are talking about manual therapy, alone just to define it. What that is doing for the knee is it is hands on techniques by somebody who's trained in manual therapy, and getting them to move the joints, or move soft tissues as well. It could be muscles, tendons, ligaments that are not moving properly, so that they can make the mechanics of the knee operate better.

Depending on your knee problem, if, say for instance, you have a cartilage issue or a meniscal issue in your knee, this can be extremely beneficial, and many times can create some pretty instant relief. It may not solve the problem for the long term, I think it definitely is a short-term solution. But when used in combination with strengthening the right muscles, learning how to walk better, learning how to run better, changing your exercise routine so that it's helpful rather than harmful for unique problem, that as part of a neat treatment plan.

In that, like what we do here at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy, is what allows an individual to eventually not need the manual therapy, the hands-on treatment anymore. To be able to self-manage, and confidently go exercise, confidently go take care of their home and work, and all the things that they have to do. Without feeling like they are going to make their knee worse, or end up having to have surgery someday, that they could have avoided. So those are all the big things that can help you with knee problems.

That was a pretty exhaustive list, I did not think that it would take that long to go through all this, but I was as exhaustive as I could be, in talking about all the things that you could possibly do for a knee pain problem.

El Paso, I hope that you are doing well, if you have any problem out there. If you are looking for more tips and guidance, you can head over to our YouTube Channel you will find tips guides that you can download, and get sent to your email inbox immediately, to start working on some things at home. Some more specific advice on exercises and stretches, and other things that you can do.

If you think that you might want to hire us to help you, or at least have a one-time visit with us, to figure out if we can even help you, you can do that. The best way to get started is by giving us a call at 915-503-1314 and we'll be happy to at least talk to you on the phone and meet with you in person of course.

I just wanted to do this podcast to go over everything that I've ever heard, and known about that, can help out your knee problem so that you can know where to start to figure out what you have tried, and what maybe things that you haven't tried. Things that you are not comfortable trying, the upsides and the downsides of everything, so that you can make the best decision possible about how to proceed with fixing your knee problem. Have the best day ever. Bye.

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Hey there El Paso! Welcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. My name is Dr. David Middaugh, Physical Therapist, and I'm the owner of El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. I wanted to talk to you today about meniscus tears. We have had lots of clients in the clinic, over the past few weeks coming in with knee problems, and they specifically have meniscus involvement.

Now I'm going to use a bunch of different words, talking about the meniscus. I'll try my best to make sure I delineate the differences between them all. So when I say meniscal involvement, for example, that's just any problem related to the meniscus, because there are different types of ways that the meniscus can get injured, which we'll go into. But just follow me here. In case you are having trouble following all the different terms, don't worry, I'm trying to make this as simple as possible, for people that are not in the medical field and may not understand medical terms.

But I'll have to use a term every now and then just to make sure that I'm communicating clearly. I encourage you to go Google stuff and go look it up type in the word that I'm saying here, but like I said, I'm going to explain it as clearly as possible.

I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about meniscal tears. If you have one right now, you are going to probably find yourself in some of these symptoms I'm going to talk about, as well as some of the issues that are surrounding meniscal tears and treating them.

If you have never learned about a meniscal tear, let me just start with answering the question of what the meniscus is. I get asked this all the time. A meniscus is a chunk of cartilage that sits between your thigh bone and your shin bone. It's in your knee and you have two in each knee, you have a pair in each knee and the pair is differentiated by the inside one, and the outside one. In the medical field that’s called the medial meniscus. That's the inside one, and the lateral meniscus, that's the outside one.

The job of these two chunks of cartilage, in each of your knees, is to cushion the thigh bone on the shinbone, and make sure that movement happens. Normally in the knee, because if you ever look at the structure of the bones in the knee, they don't really sit on each other perfectly well. Well, the meniscus helps to fix that problem, it develops what's called congruency because the meniscus is cup shaped. They allow the end of the thigh bone to settle onto the top of the shin bone, the tibia.

The main job, like I said, is to cushion the femur onto the tibia, the thigh bone onto the shin bone, and of course what's above the thigh bone while the rest of your body your hips, your torso, head and arms. Because it's supposed to cushion it, it acts a lot like a disk in a spine. If you think of your spine or somebody's spine. There are chunks of cartilage between each of the bones in the spine, and their job is to absorb forces and cushion everything else above, and below it and allows certain movement to happen. So that's a meniscus.

The next question I usually get, from people coming in for treatment is, why does the meniscus tear? Why is my meniscus torn? How did it happen? Some people have an accident, maybe playing sports growing up, they were playing soccer or football or volleyball, basketball, one of those and they had a knee injury that went undiagnosed. They got better from it. They never felt like they had to go to the doctor. But they have never quite been the same from that injury there. They tend to avoid exercises that aggravate it. They just been babying it essentially for decades.

You do have some more extreme injuries where we are playing those same sports or something similar or car accidents or other accidents. People blow up their knee, they tear the meniscus, they tear the ACL, or other structures in the knee. They might end up having an operation afterwards because it was a massive injury. Those people can also end up with some meniscal injury later on in life.

There is another group of people that never had a sports injury growing up, never really had any injuries whatsoever. And then they get to middle age, they are in their 50s, 60s, maybe a little older than that, and they start having knee problems. They go to the doctor, get an MRI and find out that they have a meniscal tear. That's always a shocker for them because they are wonder how did they get this? They have never had any knee pain ever. They have never done anything that could have aggravated it, and they chalked it up to old age. They think well, I'm in my 60s now so I'm feeling older and this is what happens to old knees.

But let's talk about what really causes a meniscus tear. Those are just the perceptions that people have, the stories that people give here in the clinic. But when I look at a meniscal problem, somebody that is coming in and they are telling me about their knee problem, the way that the pain presents, I have to differentiate, is it more of an arthritis problem? Is it more of a meniscus problem, a ligament problem or some other cartilage in the knee? Because there is lots of cartilage in the knee.

There are other structures too, that that could be causing knee pain. Certain nerves can cause knee pain. There is actually a nerve that is called the saphenous nerve. It runs on the inside of your leg, and there is a massive branch off the saphenous nerve that lies right on top of the meniscus and could mask meniscus pain for some people. I have to be able to differentiate, is this a saphenous injury or a meniscus injury or is it both, and then decide how to treat that problem so that the person can get back to doing what they want to do.

But in a true injured meniscus, where there is a tear and there are problems with it, the structure of the meniscus is disrupted. A lot of these people can function without any problems. They may not even know that they have a meniscus tear.

Then there are some other people that have knee pain. They go get an MRI, they get checked out, and they are told that they don't have a meniscus tear. When we see them here in the clinic, they have knee pain, obviously, they may even have swelling and other problems that look a lot like a meniscus tear. But what I believe they actually have is an irritated meniscus, which you can't really pick up on an MRI or X-ray too well, and it's confounding for the medical field.

People don't know what to do with these types of patients that have knee pain, that doesn't show anything on any sort of imaging, any sort of MRI or X-ray. The way to think about a meniscus irritation is, just think of your skin, if you scratch your skin, not too hard, but hard enough to get it red, where you leave a red mark. That would be skin irritation. Your skin is just angry because you scratched it. That redness will go away within a few minutes, maybe at most, a few hours, maybe a day at most. It won't take long to recover from that before your skin will look normal again. But if you scratch yourself pretty hard and you break your skin, some blood comes out while you have an injury there, that needs to take some extra time to heal properly, and that's going to take you some more time.

In a true injury on your skin, you have to start the inflammation process, you have to send certain cells to the area, your bloods got to clot, you have to eventually form a scab, under the scab, over time, a scar will form the special cells to do that, that's called proliferation. And then over the course of a week or two, sometimes three, then the scab will fall off and you have a nice new little scar that formed to protect your skin and close it up. Now that's got to happen in just about every single tissue in the body. It just looks different depending on the tissue. That happens on bone, that happens on cartilage, on ligaments, on muscle, but obviously you don't see it because it's under your skin.

Whenever you look at your body, you are pretty much looking at skin everywhere. So, in a meniscus if you have a tear, it is really slow to heal, because cartilage is one of the slowest healing tissues in the body. I think in the meniscus, in my opinion, from my personal experience in treating people with this, this type of problem, it's the absolute second slowest, only second two discs in the spine. Discs in the spine can take a really long time to heal. But the good news about both discs and the meniscus inside the knee, the cartilage in the knee is that it does heal. If you put it in the right environment, you take the proper steps, it can heal. I've seen it happen many times and people are always super happy to reach that point.

The next question that you probably are wondering about, because you are thinking, well, do I have a meniscal problem or is it one of these other things you mentioned, arthritis, that weird saphenous nerve, other types of cartilage in the knee. Let me go the way that a meniscus tear feels in individuals. Whenever we spot them here I can, I can tell you exactly how they present. I categorize these people into three different types, mild, moderate, and severe meniscus tears.

In mild, there might be a little bit of swelling, these people tend to still be active, they get pain. Not every day, it's more so a couple times a week, and it tends to be associated when they are very active. A lot of these people are younger usually, they are in their 40s, sometimes 30s. You see some older people with it too. These are the people that are definitely in better shape and haven't had any injuries, and they tend to get a mild meniscus injury later in life. But they eill be running or playing sports. Being active with families. Some of them just like to go walk their dog and they will push their activity a little too much and that will set off their knee problem.

They will come in saying, I've been walking or jogging for years, and I started to train for this event where I had to do extra and then my knees started to swell up. But I gave it a day or two, the swelling went away, I felt fine again, and then I went back to do that exercise, and my knee swelled up again. And it's just concerning me because I'm getting older, and I want to be able to do this activity. I've never had any problem and I don't want to have to stop doing this exercise because it's keeping me in shape.

That's the typical mild presentation for a torn meniscus, or it could even be a meniscal irritation in these people. In fact, a lot of these people don't get MRIs. It's not that bad for them. Some of them barely get any attention from doctors though. They might go see him for a visit and then get sent straight over to physical therapy. They never actually get an MRI. Which is a good thing in my opinion, because if you have a tear, it leads you down a path that may not be the nicest. Ignorance might be bliss in this in this situation.

Plus, they get better once they come into the clinic and get treatment. They start improving, they don't feel like they need a MRI, or any sort of imaging, because they are happy with the results.

One person in particular, we had a woman in her 50s come in, she's ran for years and years, three, four or five times a week she runs on a treadmill at home. She is not into competition or anything like that. She just runs for her own benefit. She does other exercises as well some aerobics type of exercises. But she started to have knee pain all of a sudden, during and after running. Then she was flared up for a week or two. Nothing that stopped her from doing what she wanted to do. But she had to think twice about getting back on the treadmill because she knew that she would flare up again.

After we address certain things in her hips and her muscles around her legs, we even had to go up into her back, and down into the foot as well. She got back to running and she didn't have any problems at all, it stopped the swelling, we got it back 100%. So that would be a case of a mild meniscus injury. The people that come in at that point, I think are super-duper smart because they are definitely getting ahead of the problem. Ideally don't want to wait until it's more moderate or severe. But I'm going to go into moderate and severe next.

If you find yourself in one of those categories, don't take it the wrong way. Our medical field is just crazy if you have any injuries. We'll talk about it just let's keep going here.

Let's get into the moderate part. If you have a moderate meniscal problem, you think you might have a torn meniscus, the way this is going to present, you are going to definitely have swelling, you are going to definitely have limits on your activity, the problems might present daily. These people to tend to complain about going up and down stairs, usually going downstairs is rougher than going upstairs, and they started having trouble sleeping at night. Because of the knee problem. They also tend to say that mornings are pretty rough. They don't like to wake up and get up out of bed in the morning because those first few steps, getting up out of bed to head over to the bathroom. The knee feels stiff, it doesn't want to move well, it might pop and click a lot. It takes 15 minutes, 20 minutes, and some people closer to an hour to kind of loosen up the knee and kind of get back to normal.

When it's at that point, these people typically have stopped exercising. They are concerned that they are getting unhealthier. They are putting on weight and that's feeding into the knee problem as well. A lot of times they've been seen a doctor already, they might have had some sort of treatment that just didn't work out for them. They might be using a brace or something like that, and we'll talk about what to use, and what not to use here in a second but just bear with me.

If you think that you have a moderate knee meniscal tear, it usually is still salvageable quite a bit, you can usually get in the 90s, as far as percentage improvement, if we are talking, zero to 100%, these people tend to get 95% better, 97% better. They tend to do really, really well, they might just have some very mild limitations that they might not even worry about. Most importantly, they don't need to have a surgery or some sort of invasive procedure, and they can stay healthy the rest of their lives.

Let's talk about a severe meniscal tear. These people will have all the symptoms of the moderate meniscal tear, the ones that just covered, their swelling will tend to be constant. Of course, going up and down stairs is a nightmare for them. They avoid it at all costs. I've had people come in and say I sold my two-story house because I could not go upstairs anymore. And I live in a one-story house now and I avoid stairs at all costs. I always use the elevator the escalator. These people tend to walk with a limp. They have changed their walking pattern over time. Some of them will use a cane, they tend to be older because this has happened over time.

One of the classic symptoms that severe meniscal tear will have is joint locking. What this looks like is their knee will get stuck. They will sit down, or go to get up, and of course you have to bend your knee during that process, and when they are about to transition either into sitting down or getting up, their knee will get stuck. They are sitting down, their knee won't want to bend all the way. Most people, when they sit in a kitchen chair, your knee will bend about 290 degrees, and it'll get stuck at 20 degrees or 30 degrees and they feel like they can't bend it to 90 degrees, it's painful, and it just feels stuck or locked. Usually they can shake it a certain way, kind of wiggle it around, and then it'll make a noise, it'll pop and unlock. Then they can bend their knee just fine.

Then the opposite will happen when they stand up, they will go to stand up and the knee will kind of stay bent. They usually have trouble balancing once they stand up, and they shake their leg around, and move it around, and then it'll pop, and then it'll go straight, and they can walk normal again. By normal i mean they are normal which is painful and with a limp and with swelling and all that. The thing behind this is that there are  a flap of the meniscus that's impeding motion within the joints. That's why these people can shake it loose and twist and turn their knee and it'll move better.

But if it's that bad, you have a severe meniscal problem more than likely. Now, the way that the meniscus will feel in most people, as far as pain, is that they tend to have pain on the inside of their knee. If you were to reach down and you feel your kneecap and then slide your hand towards the inside of your knee, there are  usually some bumpy spots there, depending on how much tissue you havegot, and that's where it tends to hurt for people.

Some people do have pain on the outside of the knee as well, and some people report pain on the back of their knee. There are  something called a baker's cyst that can develop at the back of the knee. When you hear the word cyst people, I think the mind picture that most people get is like a bubble that needs to be taken out or drained. The way I think of this is the joint is just very swollen inside the knee, there are  an active inflammation process happening, and extra fluid is being developed to deal with it.

Sometimes, I think the body is trying to build some cushion inside the knee as well. So, it's generating fluid, and it's a genetic thing. In my opinion, I think some people are just predisposed to react that way to different types of the injuries including a meniscal tear. That Baker cysts is a problem, because they will have trouble bending their knee and it's unsightly for some people. If they get really big, they just get really concerned with it. But the problem needs to be addressed, the meniscus problem needs to be addressed, and usually the baker cysts will reduce or become less of issue.

The medial meniscus, the inside knee meniscus is the one that tends to get affected more often. But you do see the lateral meniscus problem happen to a lot of people as well, and there are  ways to test both here in the clinic. But regardless of which one is affected, the treatment options are typically the same, and we are going to go into all that here in a second. But what you'll see with a meniscus problem is, there are  usually other knee problems happening at the same time. You'll typically see some knee arthritis developing, it's called osteoarthritis. There are usually some cartilage problems in the back of the kneecap, on the front of the femur, the thigh bone, and there could be some ligament problems as well.

There are some major ligaments inside the knee. I'll just go over them really quick. One of the top four are called the ACL, PCL, MCL and LCL. And these are structures that connect the bones to each other and hold the bones together. These four ligaments, their job is to make sure that the thigh bone stays attached to the shin bone. If they get elongated or torn, then that can cause stability problems in the knees. The connection between the two bones won't be as stable as it should be, which can cause the meniscus to get irritated because the meniscus will take some weird forces.

Let's talk about what happens to an untreated meniscus tear. We got lots of clients coming in here, of course they are getting treatment and some of them delay a long time on getting treatment, and the symptoms kind of worsen. And then we have the ones like I was telling you about earlier, where they come in when it's mild, and they haven't had any major limitations yet, and they haven't had a chance with all this other stuff to develop. But what tends to happen in people with untreated meniscus tears, of course, the meniscus problem gets worse over time. They move from mild to moderate to severe, and with all the problems that develop they will progress through arthritis way faster than normal.

About arthritis, arthritis is happening, and everybody constantly think of it as aging just like you get gray hairs and wrinkles on the outside of your body. The thought process osteoarthritis is that you get it on the inside of your body as well, and you age on the inside of your body as well, and it looks like osteoarthritis, so the joints change a bit. You might get different little structural changes in other tissues as well. For some people, they start developing small bone spurs. They start developing the cartilage might thin out, they get spots on their cartilage, the joint surfaces looking even, and it might not actually be painful at all.

In older people, I think, I'll have to dig up the research again, but it's in the 90s. I think once you are over 80 years old, it's like 93% chance that you are going to have some sort of arthritic change, or disc herniation in your back. I haven't seen the research on knees, but the rates go up. Of course, when you are younger, you still have a chance of having all that stuff happening, but it is painless and a lot of people. But if you have a meniscus tear, and you have other issues on top of that, like loose ligaments or cartilage issues in the kneecap, and you havebeen moving inappropriately for a while, you haven't been exercising like you probably should be, because this knee problem is slowing you down. Then it's going to allow for a faster progression.

Just think of it like your overall health. If you don't take care of your health, you are going to probably not live as long as somebody who does take care of their health. Your joints are the same way. If you don't take care of your joints, they are not going to last as long as if you do take care of them. People with meniscus problems in their knee, they tend to eventually develop hip problems. They can develop hip arthritis, they can get pain in the hip joint itself or around the hip joint. They will also get lower back problems. A lot of times we get ankle and foot issues as well. The foot changes the strength in their foot is usually affected and that can cause toe problems like hammer toes, bunions, other issues with the foot that that can be prevented.

Loss of arches in people that leave this untreated for a long time meniscus problem and then the arthritis gets out of hand, they will eventually likely get an knee replacement because the knee problem will continue to get worse. Of course, once they have that locking, like you get in severe meniscal tear that completely changes the mechanics, people really slow down. They don't want to move as much because of the locking and that makes arthritis progress way faster. If years go by, decades go by, then it's just a matter of time before they start getting told by their doctor that they need a knee replacement.

If it's that bad, if they've had joint locking for a long time and in their knee doesn't even move and have all the motion that is supposed to have a knee replacement a fantastic option for those people. The only concern I had is how are you going to move after that. You have to make sure you take care of your leg health, and get your activity back so that you can keep your body healthy, and make sure you don't have to have another knee replacement in a matter of time.

Now we are heading into the final part of this podcast here, we are going to talk about what treatment options there are for a meniscus tear. We will also go through the entire list of things that I see people do, and probably all the options that you are thinking of as well. I'm happy to entertain more if you leave us a comment on this podcast or get in touch with us. Let us know what other options are out there, I want to get a comprehensive list going.

Prior to getting any sort of medical treatment, we often see people trying home remedies.

The top things that people try, which is the easiest one, is just giving it time. They just rest it, they avoid moving a whole lot. They will avoid walking more than they need to, just to rest their knee. This is a very short-term solution, especially if you got an irritated meniscus it's going to feel better with off time. It absolutely will usually feel better because you are not standing on it, you are not putting weight through it, you are not using the meniscus like it's supposed to, so it has a chance to heal.

The problem is, if you haven't fixed the underlying problems that got to the meniscus tear, the meniscus problem in the first place. As soon as you get up to move again and you get active again, because you are feeling better, you are going to flare up again, we see people do that all the time. That's why they have the often symptoms where they say, Well, sometimes it flares up, and then a couple weeks later, I'm okay. Then another two or three months after that, it flares up again, and then it goes away. And then it flares up and it goes away. And eventually after going through this cycle enough times the pain gets worse and it stays more constant, or you don't get as much relief from the rest, because the original root problem hasn't been addressed.

The other things people will try at home, will be over the counter medications. Things like Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Naproxen. There are a bunch of different medications you can get at the pharmacy over the counter. A lot of people try anti-inflammatory medications. The idea is to reduce the inflammation in the meniscus so that it can help with healing, and it's a pain reliever as well.

This is good for most people in the short term, they do get some relief. But after a while the drugs can become dangerous and this is not a good long-term solution. Ibuprofen is known to affect the lining of stomachs instantly, and for most people they can tolerate it pretty well, but I think the cutoff is six to eight weeks. If you are using ibuprofen consistently around the clock. After six to eight weeks the rate of people having major stomach problems, they get a hole in their stomach lining that spikes tremendously, which can lead to internal bleeding, which for a lot of people, they they need to go to the hospital for that. In some severe cases there is deaths that occur, especially in older populations, which is the people that tend to get these knee problems anyway.

If you are at home right now and you have been taking ibuprofen for a while, I strongly suggest you find an alternative, or take a break, or talk to your doctor about it and see what other options you have. Make sure you start to build a long-term plan to treat this miniscule problem because over the counter pain medication is not a long term plan.

Other things that people try are pain creams, you got your BenGay, Icy Hot, Biofreeze the rub that stuff all over their knee, and that tends to work pretty well in the short term as well. It's a pain reliever, it's not fixing the root problem, which we'll talk about here in a second.

The other the last most common thing that we see is people try knee braces. They will go to the store and buy a sleeve that slides over their foot and ankle and comes all the way up to their knee. These sleeves usually have a little opening for the kneecap to tell you where to line it up and leave some space for the kneecap. Some of these braces will be a little more heavy-duty, where they have metal brackets that are on the inside or the outside of the knee. A lot of people report that they have relief with these knee braces.

If you haven't tried a knee brace yet, and you are looking at trying to just get some relief, go for the knee brace that's definitely a way to get off the pain medication, if you havebeen using pain medication for a long time. It still is not going to solve the long-term problem, but I love the knee brace because it's not that dangerous for you to use. It's a safe way to get some instant relief, and most people report a little less swelling, they can sleep a little better at night.

But it only lasts so long because the problem is, knee braces tend to make your muscles weaker. Your body is smart, it can sense stability coming from the outside. The muscles will get lazy and you start to atrophy or lose muscle over time. A knee brace is just a short-term solution, you have to figure out a way to eventually not have to rely on the knee brace.

The other thing about knee braces is their main job, especially the heavy-duty ones, the ones with the brackets, their main job is to stabilize the knee and if you don't have a ligament problem, then it's not going to make a huge difference for your meniscus problem. You might need to get that checked out by an expert to know if you have more of a ligament problem, or meniscus problem, and get proper advice on how to use the knee brace.  Because what I see a lot of people do, that come in where they need brace. I ask them this question I say, well, who gave you the knee brace first of all? Was it just on your own that you got that, or did somebody recommend that you use one? Was it a medical professional? And then what's your long-term plan for this knee brace because, if you are in your 50s or 60s, wearing a knee brace right now, I would not want you to be wearing a knee brace into your 70s and 80s or beyond, you eventually need to get out of that thing, but you need to have a plan.

The last step in your plan cannot be I'm going to be in this knee brace the rest of my life. Those knee braces are uncomfortable, they slide down, they get stinky, you have to wash those things everyday probably, especially in the summertime, and they just don't allow for normal movement. Ideally, you want to be without the knee brace as soon as possible, but you have to get to a point where you can wean yourself off and be able to do your everyday functions without a knee brace.

Okay, let's talk pain medications, prescription strength pain medications. Let's say you have gone to the doctor for this knee problem, they will usually recommend some sort of prescription strength pain medication. There are a ton of different types out there. It depends on which doctor you see, what their specialty is, and what their background is. They will recommend all kinds of pain medications, and these are all short sighted, for the most part, they are just doing their best to help you out with the pain that you are dealing with right now.

Understand that medications do not make your muscles stronger, they do not make your cartilage healthier, or your ligaments healthier, or your meniscus healthier as far as the actual structure. In fact, a lot of these anti-inflammatory medications, they are stopping the first stage in healing. Inflammation is actually a normal thing. That's why our bodies do it. It's the very first stage in healing, and it needs to occur in order for proper healing to happen.

If you are relying on anti-inflammatory medications, like some doctors will prescribe a steroid pack which limits inflammation. It's an anti-inflammatory medication, it is stopping the healing process in your entire body, and that's why they can't give you too much of it, because they know the long term effects of it, but it may provide you some quick relief, which most people are looking for that are visiting the doctor.

That might be a good thing for you, especially if you need to just kind of get through the week or get through the month. Or you don't want to be mean or grumpy with people because of your knee problem because that tends to happen, and you just want people to sleep at night, you are losing a lot of sleep. There are definitely some benefits to using some high-power pain medications, but they cannot be your long-term solution. You cannot rely on those for the long term, you are only going to get worse in your meniscus problem.

The next way the doctors will help out with medications is they will give you injection medication. The most common injection that people get is a cortisone injection into the knee, sometimes they'll do two or three all at once. It just depends on the doctor and how they do it. That is pain medication injected directly into the joints space, or the space where the meniscus is. They tend to be pretty effective in reducing pain. A lot of people have this sensation where they feel instantly better, after the injection site heals, maybe a day or two.

They might need a few days to recover from the injection, but then they feel massive relief. They feel like they can walk again, be active again, do all the things that they want to do. But you have to keep in mind, if you just got an injection, or you have had one not too long ago, or you are going to go get one soon. You have to keep in mind that it is not healing your meniscus. In fact, it's preventing your meniscus from healing. It's just masking the pain and you have got to make a plan to fix this meniscus for the long term so that you are not relying on injections for the long term, or other pain medications.

They will limit you on how many injections you can get per year, especially these cortisone injections. Because the doctors are very aware of the research, insurance companies are very aware of the research. If you get more than three or four per year, I think that's usually the limit. I'm not a physician, I'm a physical therapist, if I'm off, if you are in the medical field, or you know about all these limitations, and you are like, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. You are probably right. I don't keep up with that part of the medical field. I keep up with my specialty very well.

I'm giving you the information that I hear from doctors and what I learned going through school, and what I keep up with here and there. The laws change, and the best practices change over time, and that's completely normal. But what I hear clients saying is, they limited me to three, they limited me to four. I'm like, good, you shouldn't get more than that because it's going to mess up your meniscus in the long term or other similar structures. So, you cannot rely on those cortisone injections.

Other things that people will get injected is PRP that stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. This is part of the newer, I think they call it functional medicine or it's non-medicinal, and it's supposed to be the natural stuff. They are injecting you with platelet rich plasma, they have to take some blood from you. They put it in a centrifuge, one of those things that spins really fast, and they pull up the plasma from your blood and it's got tons of platelets in it. Which is a sum of certain structures that are in your blood, and they inject that into your knee and the idea is that it helps your knee cartilage heal faster. I've seen mixed results with people getting these. I've heard some people say that it definitely helped out their pain, and then other people say didn't do a thing.

The other thing that people get injected with is, and this is less popular, but it's up and coming are stem cells. You might have done some research because maybe you have a meniscus tear. You have known it for a while. You had an MRI a while back, and maybe you have been dodging surgeons, because they've been wanting to do an operation on you, and you are thinking of alternative solutions. I'm sure stem cells has probably crossed your mind once or twice. It's still controversial, the source of where they get the stem cells is very controversial. I won't go into that. Even the efficacy or the likelihood to be helpful for you, is mixed.

I have had some clients, that said that they had stem cells injected, and said that it made a big difference. And I have had others that said they had it injected, and saw only minor difference, or no difference. It's so new that we don't know much about it. Right now, there isn't much research. Not many people are doing it, and that that's all we know about it right now.

What I can tell you regarding all these injections is, they are not fixing the strength of the muscles, which usually needs to be addressed. They are not dealing with joint mobility, how well the joint moves, the quality of motion, the way that you move overall, the way that you walk and move. But that's something we fix here in physical therapy, which I'll talk more about in a second. There are still a lot of root problems that are not being addressed with these injections, and I think that's why people get mixed results because they get some relief instantly. But they continue to be weak and continue to not move well, and that sets them up to have the pain return. It's not a good long-term solution to the problem.

Okay, two more things. We are to talk surgery next. A lot of people get a surgery to fix their meniscus, they will do a meniscectomy, often a partial meniscectomy, which means that they take out a piece of the meniscus, usually a flap or a torn chunk. The idea is that the tissue is not going to heal, so they cut it out, get it out of the way. Because the assumption is that that is what's causing the pain. But what we know about the meniscus, as far as its ability to generate pain, the outer edges of the meniscus, where tears are less likely to happen. The outer edges are where you have the most nerve endings and where it's likely to be more painful. The inner edges are where you have much fewer nerve endings and that's where the tears tend to happen. It's a little controversial right now doing these partial meniscectomies, because there are actually a few studies coming out of England.

England, they have a national health care system, where it's run by the government, it's socialistic versus here in the US it's capitalistic. But as a result of them being of England being a national health care system, the government is very into figuring out what works and what doesn't, because they want to save costs. So, what they are what they are doing is something called placebo, partial meniscectomy.

What is happening is, they are getting people that have known meniscal injuries, they get them through MRIs, they get their MRIs done, and they find them meniscal tears, and they are putting them into these studies where they split them in half. Half the group goes into where they get normal surgery done. They are the normal partial meniscectomy be done, and then the other group goes into the placebo, partial meniscectomy. Both groups have surgeries. There are  interesting words in the studies, they say they even move the knee the same way in the placebo, they have the same tools, they put them under anesthesia, the same people are there, they take the same amount of time to try to account for every variable possible to make it exactly like a normal surgery. But the one difference is that they do not actually cut the chunk of the meniscus out that they were looking at cutting out.

They leave the torn meniscus alone. Then they close them all up, and after the course of six months, up to a year, what they found was that there was no difference in improvement between both groups. Both groups improved a bit, but not one group improve more than the other. Now they are thinking well, is this meniscus surgery even doing anything? Now they haven't done studies like that in the US, but I think it'll be interesting if they ever do.

For those people that have meniscus surgeries, what I would consider if this surgery even needed? Is that the best place to go? You open yourself up to a bunch of risks possibly, if you ever have a surgery, there is a chance for infection. You have all kinds of risks, and for some people, it is the best thing. I'll even tell some clients that this this is pretty bad, I can't help you with this, you need to go talk to a surgeon, ad I'll be straightforward and honest. But for a lot of cases, coming in a lot of people with meniscus problems, I'd say you know, 9 out of 10. What I'll tell them is I can help you out, and if it's real severe, I'll say well, let's give it a month with treatment., and if you are improving some, maybe you'll be happy with that level of improvement, we'll have a good idea for how much you can improve. Because you might be okay with getting 70% better if that's your max because at least you can walk around and do your normal things. 100% improvement may not be realistic for you, even if you had a surgery, who knows.

If you are out there and you have already had a meniscectomy, a partial meniscectomy, and it didn't improve, and you are one of those cases, unfortunately. Or if you are thinking about getting a meniscus surgery, or you are just learning about this for the first time, and you even know there was a meniscus surgery out there. Let me tell you about the outcomes of this.

A lot of people will improve, they get better, but then over time, they tend to regress, they get worse again. What we know for sure in the research is people that get meniscus surgeries are more likely to have osteoarthritis develop quicker in their knee. I think it's for obvious reasons. There is a chunk of your meniscus missing. So, the knee joint just doesn't move normally again, and it's going to age faster. It's really a short-term solution in my opinion to get a knee surgery, it might be the best decision for you depending on your situation. You have to weigh all those problems with you all those all those risks, all the factors to make the best decision moving forward.

But what the surgery is not fixing. Let's talk about that. Next is your strength, your joint mobility, the way that you move, the how you sit, how you stand. There are a lot of things that we look at here in physical therapy. Here at the clinic, we go into extreme detail about what you are doing, that led up to this meniscus injury. Because that's the question that needs to be answered. If we can fix the problems that led up to this meniscus injury, then you have an excellent shot at recovering for the long term. Even if you have had a surgery, you are going to have a surgery. It allows you to stop using the pain medications. avoid having to get injections. Stop having to worry about your knee all the time, you can get your sleep back, you can be able to go up and down steps just fine.

I'll tell you a story. We recently had a woman who came in for her hip. She actually had a hip surgery that didn't go too well but was having knee problems, and it looked like a moderate meniscus injury. In figuring out what was going on with her hip, and what we found in her was that her glute muscles are very weak. She just was not using them well. And it's counterintuitive because she's got a big butt. You would think she's got lots of glute muscle, and she has some pretty good strength, but she just wasn't using it well, and the strength that she had wasn't enough for the activities that she was doing. She was on her feet quite a bit, walking around every day for her job.

She doesn't have adequate strength to do what she needs to be doing throughout the day. And then she also isn't walking the best, so we had to figure out how to teach her. We taught her how to walk better way to figure out the problems there. We taught her how to strengthen her glutes better, and how to progress and to what level to progress to, and it's been amazing to see the benefits, we are five weeks in, now this week's upcoming is a sixth visit.

She is already sleeping better. She's walking much better. She stopped relying on insoles. She used to get insoles all the time. She feels like she doesn't need them anymore. The number one thing that we talked about recently though was, she's got a two-story home, and she was saying that she has to grab the rails to pull herself up with her arms to take weight off her legs, her hip and her knees. Because it was hurting so much. That was the first visit that I saw her. She flies up those steps now and can go down the steps with little to no pain, and she's still got tons of improvement to make.

This woman is set on getting back into the gym and doing the treadmill, being able to jog, being able to lift weights, and I think she's going to be very capable doing it. We just got to go a little farther and her progress to get to that that level.

So that's the root problem that we are fixing in here, we have got to find out where you are weak, where you are strong, there are usually something called a muscle imbalance happening. Muscles on one side of the body will be relatively strong, and on the other side of the body, they will be relatively weak. That stuff you can't pick up on an MRI. You can't see it on an X-ray, physicians aren’t trained to fix that or even identify it.

I think some doctors will have an idea of that happening, but they are not sure what to do with it because their specialty is medications, surgery, injections, those kinds of things. And that's cool. You need that sometimes. But if you are looking at fixing your movement, your strength, getting that long term, natural cure, because you take that with you, you can only get medication for so long and injections, and you ideally don't want to have more than one surgery. You are going to get one, you want to be going back for surgery all the time, doctors won't even let you do that.

You want to have fixes that you have control over, and that's what we teach here. It's heavy in education. We teach you what to do, and how to do it, when to ramp it up, or when to ramp it down, how to read your body, how to know what's normal, and what's not normal as far as sensations, and what you should be doing. We coach people through that process so that they can get to the point where they feel super confident that they are doing the right things, and that it's only helping their knee and not harming their knee.

There you go, guys. We talked about everything there is about meniscal problems. We covered what it is, what the meniscus is itself. How does a meniscus tear? What does it feel like to have a meniscal injury? We went over the mild, moderate and severe levels of meniscal tears, and what happens to an untreated meniscal tear. Of course, more issues are going to happen up in the hip and down in the foot. Then also the treatment options. We covered everything from what people try at home, and then what you can get done using the medical field, and what's going to help you for the short term, and what's going to help you for the long term. I hope this podcast was helpful for you. If you know of somebody that's got a meniscal injury, please share this with them. I want everybody to have the best information possible so that they can make the best decision about their own health moving forward. And I hope you have a wonderful day. Have a great day. Buh bye.

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Hey everyone, welcome to the stay healthy El Paso podcast. I'm your host, Dr. David Middaugh, expert manual physical therapist, and I'm the owner of El Paso Manual Physical Therapy.

I am going to talk to you today about the top six reasons for knee pain and four ways to start fixing it. We see knee pain here in the clinic all the time, and if you haven't had any sort of trauma, such as an accident where you fell, somebody fell into you, then you developed knee pain.

Usually, for most people it comes on without any sort of reason, it comes on what we call insidiously. That's what they say in the medical field. But all that means is that there wasn't a clear reason why you started to have knee pain, it just came out of nowhere. Oftentimes, people say it's related to their age, they say “I hit 50, I hit 60, and my parents had the same problems as they were getting older. Now that's why I'm getting issues too, it's just age catching up with me.” But we are going to talk through some of the main causes of knee pain that comes on without any sort of reason and dispel some of the myths along the way.

Let me just talk about age right away. As you age, of course, time passes in order for you to age, and one of the things that you have to keep in mind, that sure your body won't heal as fast, and you have put more wear and tear on it over the years. But what is affecting people, that are older, is that they have put more wear and tear on it in a bad way. In other words, if you think of a car, the longer you drive it, the more maintenance you have to do on it.

You have to fix your tires, get your oil changed, you get other things changed out and repaired, and all that tune-ups. But if you make sure that your tires are properly aligned, if you go get your tires rotated, if you manage your tires, they will stay good for a long time. But if you don't go get your tires checked out, then they start balding. In other words, the treads start to disappear and that's because you wore down the tires, the rubber on the outside of the tires way faster than you should.

Same thing happens inside the body. We are talking specifically about the knees today. If you are doing things that are harmful to your knees, unknowingly most of the time, then it's going to wear down your knees faster, and it's not a function of age.

An interesting thing that we see is, people that are just generally more active, they are very into running or cycling, they are just getting lots of reps. They get knee problems younger than somebody who is less active, just like if you were to, put 200,000 miles on your car really fast, you are going to go through more tires. But if you aren't as active as other people, maybe you are not into running or cycling or heavy exercise. Maybe you are more of a leisure exercise person you like to work out, walk and do other things.

Those people that still tend to get knee problems will get it later in life, like 60s, 70s or beyond. It's just a matter of how many reps they put their body through the bad reps, reps that affect their knee joints improperly. I just wanted to dispel that myth really quick. We will go through more here in a second.

Let's get into the top six reasons that knee pain happens.

Reason number one, worn down cartilage.

It's along that same thread that I was talking about. There is cartilage right behind your kneecap. If you feel your knee right now if you reach down and feel the front of your knee, there is a little bone that is called the kneecap and it sits against the end of your thigh bone.

The thigh bone, it's called the femur, it is the longest bone in the body, and it is the top half of the knee. The knee joint, and that little kneecap slides up and down against the end of the thigh bone. And between the surfaces of the kneecap and the thigh bone, there is layers of cartilage. That cartilage is supposed to allow for frictionless movement.

In other words, the bones are supposed to slide on each other real nice and easy, without any sort of grinding, without any sort of noise. Of course, if you have any children around or youngsters, they probably never complain about knees cracking and popping, as they bend them or straighten them. But your knees might make noises, and that's usually because you have worn down cartilage somehow, some way.

The cool thing about the human body is that we have nice thick layers of cartilage, that take a long time to wear down all the way, to where it's harmful for you. If you are concerned right now, because you find that your kneecaps are crunchy, they make noises whenever you bend them and straighten them out. As long as it doesn't hurt, you are okay. It is a sign that you have worn down your cartilage to some degree. I would get concerned to make sure you manage it because it can lead to other problems that we will talk about in a second.

You have to make sure to keep your cartilage healthy. Now, how to keep your cartilage healthy? That depends on a lot of things. The most basic level of advice I can give you, on keeping your knee cartilage healthy, the one right behind your kneecap and on the end of your thigh bone, is to make sure that you get some form of regular consistent exercise.

Some interesting facts about cartilage are that it's a very active tissue. A lot of people think it doesn't have a blood supply, it doesn't have much of a nerve supply, and that's true, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't do anything. It's a cushion in the cells inside the cartilage, cartilage cells, they respond to how much force you put through them, and if it's the right amount of forces, it can actually start fixing itself and fortify itself, make itself more dense, so that it's protective against wearing down too fast, and appropriately so that you don't have any problems later on in life.

Regular exercise stimulates these cartilage cells to behave normally and protect themselves against bad stuff happening to your knee cartilage. Regular exercise depends on your fitness level, your ability. If you haven't worked out in a long time, that doesn't mean start running three miles every day. You got to do a little bit at a time and work your way up. Of course, you have to figure out what works well for you.

That's number one, worn down cartilage. It is probably one of the most common reasons that we see people here in the clinic with knee problems and it's very fixable. There are a few things that need to happen, and they all tend to get better. The noises don’t go away completely, but it doesn't hurt and it's not getting worse. That’s the most important thing.

Number two is loose ligaments.

You have a bunch of ligaments in your knee. Some are very popular. A lot of people get surgeries on these. Just to make sure that everybody's on the same page here. A ligament connects a bone to a bone. In the context of the knee, there are four main ligaments, I'll mention a fifth one as well, but the four main ligaments that connect the thigh bone to the shin bone, the thigh bone is the femur, and the shin bone and the tibia. You have the ACL anterior cruciate ligament, the PCL posterior cruciate ligament, the MCL, the medial collateral ligament, and the LCL, the lateral collateral ligament.

The ACL is probably the most commonly torn one or affected one. That's the one that you hear about in sports. High school kids might have their ACL torn or affected somehow. If you ever watch basketball or football, knee injuries are commonly stemming from some sort of ACL injury. If you have a completely torn ACL, it's actually possible to function without one. But you have to make sure that you are very strong, and that you learn how to move properly. But that is a surgery that is commonly done for knees.

If you have a torn ACL, there are great surgeons out there that can go into your knee and repair it. There are a bunch of different ways to repair it, and those surgeries work out pretty well. The rehab is not fun. In order to get all your knee motion back and strength back, it typically takes about a year. But most people returned to sports just fine, as long as they don't have too many other associated injuries.

Because usually, when you tear your ACL, there are other things that get affected too. In the context of this podcast, we are talking about knee injuries that come on without any sort of trauma or accident. If you had a sports injury, and tore your ACL, then this wouldn't count.

But let's say that you are in your 50s, 60s or older, and you had some old high school injuries, or you fell once or twice or more, and kind of tweaked your knee and it's never been the same since. We hear that story here in the clinic so many times and they will tie it back to “Yeah, this one time I was coming down the stairs and took a bad step, kind of stumbled down and my knee has never felt the same since.”

When we see people here in the clinic, one of the first things we go to check is their ligaments, because we can actually feel here in the clinic, how lose their ligaments are or how tight they are. They should be tight. They shouldn't really move. Ligaments are not stretchy structures, they have a certain length and they are supposed to remain that length all the time. They do have some plasticity. In other words, that's what they call it in the medical field, but that just means that over time, they can stretch and shorten, but they should normally have a good amount of tightness to them so that it keeps your joints together properly.

But in some cases, we have people that have a loose ACL, or a loose NCL, or other ligaments as well, ad that can start affecting the knee really badly. They will get alignment issues in their knee, meaning the shin bone doesn't line up properly with the thigh bone. That's because the ligament is loose, it's just not as tight as it should be. Over time that causes other issues, usually the ligament itself doesn't hurt a whole lot. It's the side effects of having that loose ligament.

The cool thing is, if you have a loose ligament in your knee, like an ACL, or an MCL, or one of these other ligaments, you typically don't need surgery. You actually need to brace it, you need to put a knee brace on. The hard part with it though is how long to wear the knee brace, when to wear the knee brace, and how do we not have the knee brace. There is a whole treatment approach to this, that we walk our patients through here in the clinic, because it is very confusing.

The information out there, on the internet or even for medical professionals, they really by and large don't know how to feel that these ligaments are loose, and how to guide somebody on how to wear a knee brace properly so that it keeps the knees stabilized long enough to let the ligament scarred down and shrink to its normal size, so that it keeps the position of the thigh bone in the knee bone in its proper alignment.

If you think that you have a loose ligament injury, if you feel like you fit into one of those stories, that could be a reason for your knee problem.

Let's go on to number three…

Next, we are going to talk about a torn meniscus.

This is very common here in the clinic. In our clinic here at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy, we focus on helping people avoid unnecessary surgeries, injections and medications. Some cool research that came out with the meniscus, and before I go into the research, let's talk really quick about what it is the anatomy of it.

You have two meniscuses in each knee. You have four in your body. You have two in each knee that column, the medial meniscus in the lateral meniscus, a meniscus on the inside of your knee, and a meniscus on the outside of your knee. These are huge chunks of cartilage, and they act like a cushion a lot like the discs in your spine. They are shaped differently, and they are a little different in their makeup.

As far as what the tissues actually made of. It is a type of cartilage, but they are different because your knee joint has to bend and straighten, and you have to be able to walk and run and go up and down stairs and all the things that you normally do. The meniscus in your knee are really interesting structures. There are a lot of people that don't know that they are not solidly attached to your bones. They are attached to your tibia, the shin bone, the very top of it where it connects to the thigh bone. They are loosely attached so they are attached by the ends.

They have the ability to swivel and shift, and move around in order to accommodate the femur, the thigh bone sitting on top of the shin bone. If you have had a meniscus injury, then likely you had a knee alignment problem that has caused the thigh bone to pinch the meniscus. That's what usually causes a tear.

A torn meniscus happens over time, most of the time, it doesn't happen right away. There are a lot of people that say “Well, I had this accident and I tore my meniscus.” But you have to always consider, how do you know it wasn't torn before and maybe it just didn't hurt at that time. Either way, if you have a torn meniscus, what you will feel in the knee is usually a pretty loud clunk or click. That happens when you bend your knee at the same angle every time. In other words, if you look down to your leg and you are sitting right now, and you straighten out your leg, and at the same angle, you feel a little bump or a click inside your knee. That could be a torn meniscus.

There are a lot of other things that could be too. But here in the clinic we have special test to find out is this more of a meniscus problem, or some other cartilage, like the kneecap and thigh bone. If you do have a meniscus problem, typically you will get swelling along the joint lines, where the thigh bone meets, the shin bone, and it's associated with a lot of pain.

People will be in pain for days at a time when it flares up. That's another concept these meniscus injuries will flare up so they can get better. When they are not flared up and then you do something, you are too active, you are on your feet too much and then it flares up. You get swelling, and it hurts, and usually you lose some motion too, where you can't bend your knee or straighten your knee out all the way. In extreme meniscus injuries, you get locking, where you lose a lot of motion and you feel like you can't straighten it or bend it all the way.

Some people will force it and then it'll pass that restriction it'll unlock, it'll pop loose. Or they feel like they have to shake their knee or twist their foot and get the right angle and then their knee will move all the way. The idea with that is that there might be a flap, or a section of the meniscus that is in the way of the of the motion of the knee and it blocks it.

Whenever you have a torn meniscus, the common medical procedure is to go get a surgery to clean up the meniscus, where they called a meniscectomy, and what that means is they will go into the knee with the scope, so they will just make tiny incisions, and they will clip off the pieces that are torn and in the way of normal motion.

I think that's definitely necessary for some people, depending on how effective their meniscus is and other factors. You will have to talk to your surgeon about that. But there are some interesting studies that are coming out of the United Kingdom, the England area, where they have done placebo meniscus surgeries. What they did is they took people that had meniscus tears that were diagnosed via MRI, so they had an MRI, they found the meniscus tear, and half of them had a normal meniscus surgery where they cleaned up the meniscus. The other half had a placebo surgery. They actually did make cuts on them and they went in, they did everything they normally would, except they did not cut off the chunk of the meniscus that they needed to cut off. They left the meniscus alone. What they found is that in the recovery, in the months after having the meniscus surgery, both groups of people that had a normal meniscus surgery, and the people that had the placebo meniscus surgery, recovered the same. All improved, they all got better, and they all had a good outcome.

But now the question is, how necessary is that meniscus surgery? Because, of course, that costs more money and the rehab associated with that it takes more time. They are looking at ways to make sure that they heal meniscus injuries without surgery.

One more thing before we leave the meniscus topic, because it is very common, and we see it here in the clinic all the time. We have people that have the swelling issues, they have limited motion. It looks like a meniscus injury, but then they go get an MRI and find out that it's normal. The MRI showed that there is nothing wrong with their meniscus. Now there are problems with MRI, sometimes they don't show everything that's happening. There are times where the doctors go in and they realize that they do have a tear just didn't show up on the MRI, or the opposite can happen where they see a tear on the MRI and then they go in and it's fine.

This is guru level stuff. I don't have any research to back this up. But based on my experience with patients and how they improve pretty quickly, sometimes I think that there is such a thing as an irritated meniscus. Now, follow me here. Think about skin for a second. If you look at your skin, say look at your hands right now. If you were to scratch your skin lightly, but enough to irritate your skin, where you get a red mark, that is irritation, and it goes away within minutes, at most a day. But if you were to scratch your skin so hard that it cuts it open and you start bleeding, that's a skin injury. That's different from irritation.

Because what needs to happen in order for your skin to heal from from a cut that opens it up and you bleed from, you need to go through the normal healing process which requires you to get a scab and develop a scar, and that takes a week or more at times. It's a longer recovery time for your skin versus just a light scratch that causes some redness.

I think the same thing can happen in a knee meniscus, a medial or lateral meniscus in the knee, where you can irritate your meniscus, not necessarily tear it because you didn't have any findings on the MRI. The reason why I believe that happens is because normally, cartilage takes months to heal. You are talking three to six sometimes 12 months, depending on how severe the injury is.

Yet, we have people here in the clinic that look like a meniscus injury, and they are better within a month or two. I have to think that it is an irritation, especially if they have MRIs with them, that show that there is no tear. After a month or two of treatment, their meniscus looks completely normal. I really think that it's an irritation, and that's excellent news for a lot of people, because when they come and get treatment for an irritated meniscus here, we'll tell them if it's irritated or more likely torn.

They can avoid having an MRI which can be costly, and not really give you the best information always. Then they can also avoid potential unnecessary meniscus surgery and injections, which often just mask pain, they don't really fix the problem for the long term. They can avoid having that as well. So there you go. There is all the details on why a meniscus can cause pain in your knee.

All right, we are halfway through all the reasons.

Let's go on to number four, arthritis.

There are different types of arthritis. The most common is osteoarthritis, osteo just means bone. And arth means joint. An itis means swelling. Bone joint swelling is what osteoarthritis is. There are other versions of arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. There is more than that. But the most common problem that people have is osteo arthritis. This is the age-related changes inside your joints.

This is associated with a meniscal tear, usually a loose ligament, and you can also have worn down cartilage. This tends to affect people that are older. What happens in it. Let's go to the extreme what happens in extreme arthritis is you have a loss of motion on an X ray. You will see that the bone ends just look different than normal. There is been small, repetitive problems that have continued for a long time and never been fixed, and it has changed the joints so much that the joint does not move.

Normally, there is swelling associated with this sometimes, and getting better from extreme arthritis, you are not going to get 100% better. Likely you are looking at more like getting 50 75% better, and if it's not that severe, then I think you can get it in the 90s for sure. But there are usually some more permanent changes. I'm an advocate of the body is very malleable; the body can change. If you put it in the right situation, it can morph into a healthier situation. But when you have been working on some bad knee problems for decades, for 50, 60, or 70 years. You know how fast it's going to morph back into normal is questionable, if it's going to happen in your lifetime. I just always keep that in mind.

Let's talk about arthritis that's just starting. The way that this typically presents in somebody is, they will have some knee pain, they might ache and throb. They may or may not have swelling, sometimes they will get swelling, they will have grinding in their knee, usually clicking and popping, and they usually won't like exercising or moving. You won't feel good in their need to go for a walk. You won't feel good in there to even get on a bike or elliptical machine. Their knee just doesn't like to do stuff.

As a result, people with knee arthritis typically avoid doing exercise, because it's uncomfortable to do so. They tend to get stuck between a rock and a hard place, because they might be out of shape, maybe putting on weight, and they know that they need to go exercise in order to maintain their body weight and their fitness. But using their legs just flares up their knee. They get stuck in this vicious cycle of putting on more weight, being less healthy, and also increased knee pain. Then they start to think, well, it's my weight that's affecting my knee. That might be true. That's extreme, though, you got to be like 70-80 or more than 100 pounds overweight for it to really be affecting your knee.

But most of the time, if you can increase the mechanics in the knee, if you can improve the alignment, make sure the knees bending all the way, and straightening all the way, and strengthen certain muscles around the hip and knee. That usually creates more space within the knee joint, which allows for improved motion. Somebody that has more mild-to-moderate arthritis can usually recover quite well and get back to exercising and be able to manage their weight.

We have had people here in the clinic that come in knowing that they have arthritis, they have gotten an X-ray, and the doctors have told them, the classic is a doctor says you have  arthritis in about 15 or 20 years, you are probably going to need a knee replacement, if you don't take care of this. And then many patients are thinking, “Oh my gosh, I'm following in the footsteps of my mom or my dad, who is in their 80s or 90s, and they had a knee replacement a while back, and I don't want to deal with that because, I want to stay active and healthy, and make sure that my knees are able to carry me into my 80s and 90s just fine.”

I can tell you right now that more often than not, people, elderly people in those situations have not been able to get the strength in the space needed inside their knee joint. They could have probably prevented being in a walker or having to rely on a cane. If back in their 50s and 60s, they properly addressed it and kept up a few things as they aged over time. I can't give you clear specifics on how to treat arthritis, the ideas that I can share with you about it are, that you need to stay strong, and you need to make sure your knee moves all the way. You might need help for that, or you might not. It just depends on your specific situation.

I'm definitely going to go on the side of get help, because it will. It will shortcut your time and make sure that you are on the right path to not allowing your arthritis to get any worse and possibly reversing it. But if you wait, you might flounder around trying different things that may or may not work all the way. Meanwhile your arthritis is just progressing over time. You are unhealthy over time, this could contribute to other side effect, health conditions like your blood pressure being too high, your cholesterol being too high, because you can't exercise because your knee hurts.

A lot of people just don't connect it that way. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common knee problems that people face as they get older because it just it builds up over the years. Now, the other way that I say this is muscle imbalances, that if you think of your knee joint, you have muscles on the front of your leg called the quads, the quadricep muscles, and then you have muscles in the back of your leg of your thigh called your hamstring muscles.

This is a really simplistic explanation. There is way more complicated things that we look at here in the clinic and in way more precise ways to fix this problem, but I'm just giving you the bird's eye view of things. If your quad muscles are way stronger than your hamstring muscles, it's going to change the way that your knee joint moves. It's going to yank on your patella more, your kneecap. Because the quads, move the kneecap, and it's going to shift the shin bone too far forward on the thigh bone. This could feel like your quads are always tight. It could feel like you get knots in your quads, you might get the cartilage in the knees wearing down quicker, you might get the meniscus problems, you might get all the other issues that I talked about. Arthritis could come in, and the ligament issues could feed into this as well.

If your thigh muscles are way too strong, that's what we commonly see. That could be causing knee pain right away. Some of the misconceptions that people have is they think, “Well, my knee hurts, so I need to get stronger quad muscles.” At face value, that seems like it makes sense. But if you look deeper into it, it's going to yank the shin bone too far forward on the thigh bone, and then it increases the pressure of the kneecap against the thigh bone. It just changes the forces in a bad way inside the knee. That's a simple way to put it.

Most of the time, the reason why people will get, where their quads are too strong, is they are doing exercises that dominate the quads, that make the quads a dominant muscle in the leg. The feedback is terrible because people think “Look at these massive quads that I've got. That means I'm healthy.” I see pictures online often if people show it off their quad muscles, and if you ever look at their hamstrings, or the glutes, or other muscles that contribute to this muscle imbalance, they don't have much there.

Exercises in the gym that I would definitely stay away from, if you are dealing with a knee problem right now, and you think that a muscle problem could be affecting it, are knee extensions. The way this exercise looks is, there is typically a machine, you sit in it, and it has a pad that goes in front of your shins right above your ankles, and then you straighten out your knees and it makes your quad muscles tighten up real hard.

A lot of people love doing this exercise because it's straightforward. It's easy. The machine is easy to operate, and there is usually a stack of weights and you put a pin in the weight that you want, and you do your exercise. It gives you that instant feedback that my quads are tight, they feel like they worked out, they are burning and it makes you think “Wow, I really got a good quad workout!” and then some people will go get on the hamstring machine and they can't lift nearly as much, or don't get the same effect that they get on the quad machine.

There is a huge muscle imbalance. This is a big problem over time. Typically they don't get knee pain right away. They will get knee pain as time goes on over the years, but it starts years before the knee pain comes on, and when they have been working on their quads a lot.

Another time that people get quad problems, or quad dominance issues, where they are working out their quads too much, is doing free weight exercises like lunges, squats, and deadlifts. Exercises that are intended for your legs they are missing working other muscles, and they are targeting inadvertently the quad muscles.

CrossFit is an amazing exercise in my opinion. I have a CrossFit background. I love doing weightlifting, powerlifting, all that stuff. I've worked with tons of coaches over the years. I work with some awesome coaches and some coaches that could probably brush up on their mechanics and anatomy and all that. I don't blame them. I think they are all the coaches have the best intent. They are helping out all their clients with the best knowledge that they have possible. But they just don't understand certain things at certain levels. Of course, you know, I'm an expert in this kind of thing.

They will have their clients do certain exercises like squats and lunges, for example, and the clients will report they will say, my field is working in my quads and everybody's smiling about it because they are saying great, you are getting an awesome workout, you are burning calories, you are going to get more fit, this is good. Little do they know over time, they develop these massive quads and they do feel healthier, they are more fit, their blood levels are normal as far as blood pressure, all that other stuff. Blood values that are important for your heart health.

Meanwhile, they are generating all these massive forces through their knee joint, and they are harmful for the knee joint. They are wearing down their cartilage. They are loosening up ligaments, they are messing with the meniscus. What typically happens, after years of doing these lifts that are quad dominant, where they keep working out their quads, then they have a knee injury that that kind of comes on abruptly and they are like, I just been doing my squats like I always do. I've just been doing my knee extensions, like I always do and all of a sudden, my knee just blew out.

That's how this develops over time. So watch out if you are out there exercising right now, and you have been focusing on your quads and maybe neglecting other leg muscles. Make sure that you have a more well-rounded exercise routine. Make sure that you fix your squats if you like squatting and dead-lifts as well. What you should feel on squats and deadlifts is actually your bottom muscles working out, the glutes should feel like they are getting more of a workout.

Okay, let's go into number six. This is the last reason that knee pain comes on for most people. And this is related to the squats and deadlifts bad movement.

Number six is bad movements.

A lot of people don't get that their knees should work in a certain angle relative to their body. If you are female, typically you might have wider hips than a male. It's not 100% true, but it just depends you have to adapt and figure out the way that your body should be moving, to get the right muscles to work to take pressure off your knees. This is something that we go into depth here in physical therapy, to make sure that everybody knows and understands how their legs should properly move, so that their knees are healthy for the long term. This is not something that's taught. Oftentimes when we go into movement patterns here in the clinic, people think to, well, I know how to walk. I know how to run. I've been running for years and years, I've ran marathons. In fact, I know how to squat. I've been doing CrossFit for years, and I can pick up hundreds of pounds, or I know how to bike. Another one is cycling that people say it's no big deal. You just get on the bike, whether it's stationary, or road bike, or mountain bike and you just pedal that's all there is to it.

There is definitely more precise mechanics that need to be considered., ad they are just small tweaks most of the time, that if we can fix that bad movement, it turns into good movement. Think about this. If you have spent years and years, decades of your life moving bad, little by little, you have been worsening your knees over time. If you make it as small as a few degrees, shifting your knee position, it all of a sudden turn into good movement and you can keep doing those things that you love without having any injuries down the line.

The way that you move is needs to be taken into consideration. I can't give you more details on how to move right now, because it depends on your genetics, it depends on your activity, there is so many variables that we have to take into account. When we give people advice here in the clinic, we would have already figured out what they like to do, what kinds of exercises they are looking to do once they get out of pain. If they are not looking to do exercises, what their activities are like at home and at work, we have to factor all these things in so that they can properly exercise.

Alright, let's go into the four ways to start fixing your knee problem.

These are general answers here. Like I said, it depends on your specific situation, but some preliminary things that you can look at, to make sure that you start to go in the right direction to fix any problem. We are going to go over four of those.

Number one is your footwear.

I think that you should be able to walk barefoot and be able to have normal knee mechanics. But if you are dealing with an active knee problem right now, having comfortable footwear helps tremendously. If you can, depending on your work environment, the people that you are around, the social context, all that stuff. Having comfortable supportive athletic shoes is a big deal, it will definitely help reduce your knee pain right away.

Wearing dress shoes, heels, or sandals as well can affect your knees. Let me just go through each of those dress shoes, because they tend not have a whole lot of support. If you are on your feet a lot, and you are wearing shoes that have minimal support, the impact isn't absorbed in the shoe, it's transmitted up into the knee. If you have already got an irritated meniscus, or bad alignment in your knee, or these other problems that we talked about, it can just make it worse. It can exacerbate the knee problem.

If you like to wear heels, even just a small heel, like an inch or two inches, of course people talk about the extremes, the big stilettos the four or five inch, six inch heels. Obviously, that's going to change your ankle position and your foot position, and it's going to influence your knees, and even hips and back. But even the small heals, if you are on your feet for a long time, that does put a small influence on your knee, and they can aggravate knee problems, the more that you are in your feet. If you are able to get into some comfortable athletic shoes, I would recommend doing that.

Now sandals tend to not have a lot of support either. Certain sandals don't wrap around the heel so they can slide off your foot really easily. And that can cause you to walk and move inappropriately. I think sandals are fine if you are not going to be on your feet a whole lot. But if you are going to go to the store, especially a big store that you have to walk around a lot, I would definitely wear shoes that have the wrap around the heel, so that you are not having to change the way that you walk.

The second way to start fixing your knee right away, exercising.

Find exercise that does not aggravate your knee. Typically, a light cardio exercise is good for you. If you can get some advice on how to proceed in exercising, of course, but if you haven't really tried exercise, if you don't know if it's going to hurt you or not, I would venture into some stationary cycling.

Go to a gym that has the bikes, the ones that you sit on and you can watch TV, something like that. Or you might have a bike at home, even if it's an outdoor bike, that could be beneficial for you. The idea with this is, if you have a cartilage problem, meniscus problem or ligament problem, light, repetitive motion, like you might have encounter on a bike, or an elliptical too can begin to heal those tissues.

Let's say you go and try this, and you feel like it aggravates your knee problem, then it might not work out for you right now. But I would start there, you could start out with some easy light exercise. When I say light, you can still burn a lot of calories, you have to play around with the intensity. I wouldn't put any resistance on the machine to start off, and I would go for like 10 to 15 minutes at the very beginning. The first time you do this, if you feel okay, see if you can do another five to 10 more minutes. You could potentially get up to an hour or more and burn quite a bit of calories to improve your health, which will also improve the knee if it doesn't aggravate it.

You can start out with some light cardio exercise. But where I want to warn you, let's say this works out for you. You start going to go cycle, you start doing the elliptical, and you are like wow, my knees are actually getting better. They still hurt. There are still some things that I can’t do, but I actually feel better. The more that you cycle, and do cardio, like the elliptical machine, maybe even some walking in order to protect your knees even more, and make sure that you are reversing a cartilage problem a meniscal problem, or a ligament problem, you eventually need to get into strengthening. You need to make sure that the right muscles are strong.

A lot of people only make it halfway through this, they only work their way through the cardio and don't ever get into the strengthening, because they are afraid to they have associated knee injuries with squats or with using that knee extension machine or other exercises, lunges that have hurt their knees. Typically, those are good exercises, they just need to be done properly so that they are helpful for your knees rather than harmful.

Number three, and this goes in line with the strengthening, in about eight to nine out of ten knee problems, in order to improve the knee problems for the long term, essentially the cure, we are talking about the cure here, you need stronger butt muscles.

The glutes need to get stronger. The glutes are key, because they properly position the knee. If you think about your hip joints, which you know the glutes are on the back of your hip, they can rotate your knee in and out, and they can change the way that your knee is positioned. For normal everyday activities, like walking, maybe running or this exercise that we are talking about cardio, your glutes are key and making sure that you are able to position your knee properly.

Also, the stronger they are, they tend to set up your other muscles down your leg to operate properly. Now let's take this to the extreme. If you have a relative that's elderly, or you know somebody that's elderly, maybe yourself and they have a chronic knee problem. More often than not, they tend to not have a but, they just don't have muscle back there. We see it all the time, we see people that as they get older, they lose their poor butt muscles. That's associated with having increased knee problems. They will have other problems along with that. They will have back problems, hip problems, maybe even sciatica problems, sciatic nerve problems. But if you have any problems, and you are older, more often than not, we see that they are lacking some serious butt muscles.

When we rehab people, when we get people better from their knee, if we are going to go down the pathway of strengthen their glutes, a nice side effect is that they actually get more firm back there, and they sometimes even increase the size of their butt muscles, which is a good thing. I strongly encourage you to start working on your glutes. There are tons of different exercises out there. You need to eventually get into resistance exercises, the ones where you have to have some weights to make it challenging, and it doesn't take a lot of time. It just needs to be done right. Get help on working out your glute muscles.

Number four, here's the last and most secure way to make sure that you start to fix your knee problem. Get specialist help.

If you go find somebody that knows what they are doing to fix the problem, especially somebody that can do it without a surgery, without more injections, without pain medications, I think that is your best long-term bet. I'm not in any way knocking off doctors, physicians, people that give surgeries, injections and medications, because that is definitely very helpful in certain circumstances.

If you have a completely blown up knee, more often than not a surgery is recommended. There are cases here in the clinic where we see people for the first time and I say Hey, you got to go talk to the surgeon about this. Don't do it, they can help you out. This is beyond my help. But for milder to moderate cases, and in some extreme cases can be salvaged as well. We can help them out, and it's a process that takes time, in order to get them to the point where they know they are educated. They are also helped out, hands on wise, to make sure that they have full motion, and all the mechanics are restored in their knee. The strengthening is also done properly, the exercises done properly so that they are safely getting there.

Here in the clinic, we speed up that process big time, a lot of people like to go try things out on their own, and that's fine, of course. But they might try different things that don't work, things that don't help, things that actually make it worse, or they give up that they don't have that consistent feedback on if they are doing the right thing or doing the wrong thing. We try and dig here and make sure that everybody's on the right path to fixing their knee problem for the long term. The experience most people have, here in the clinic whenever we are helping them out with a knee problem, is that they get better little by little.

There isn't a big change right away on the first or second visit, they will notice more of a change after the first month. Then it gets even better into the second month, and if we need to go beyond that, the third or fourth month or beyond, we'll see them for that. What tends to happen is they are better for a long, long time. There might be a few things for them to keep up long term, as far as some exercises. But if that's easy, and that's simple compared to getting a surgery, injection, or having to rely on pain medications.

Let's talk about those for a second. If you go have a surgery, we have amazing surgeons out there, and surgeries have changed so much in the past decade in the past 20 years. They are amazing and they do a great job with doing meniscectomies, knee replacements, and ligament repairs and all that stuff. If you have to have that done, that's great. But surgeons aren't necessarily teaching you on how to keep your knee healthy for the long term. They help you if something's torn, if something needs to be repaired or cleaned up, and that will typically allow your knee to feel better right after the surgery.

But I always have to ask the question of how did you get there? If you have any sort of trauma or accident that injured your knee, if it just came on without any sort of major problem, there is something that you are doing or not doing that led up to this. If you don't address that, you are going to end up having that problem again, even if you had a surgery to repair something that was torn or worn down or replaced.

You need to make sure that you learn how to take care of your knee problem. Another way to think about this is think of liposuction. Let's say somebody who's heavyset, everybody knows that if you eat better, if you eat less, depending if there are any sort of hormone problem or thyroid problem. But if you are just overweight because you eat too much, and you don't exercise, and you know it. If you know that if you start exercising and if you start eating better, you are probably going to lose weight.

But some people like to shortcut it, they like to go get liposuction and that's fine. That's your personal decision. Once you have liposuction done, you will look thinner instantly right away. But if you keep eating the same way, if you don’t exercise, it actually does come back. You will put the weight back on and you will grow again.

It's the same idea with getting the knee surgery done. If you don't learn how to manage it, it's just a matter of time before you need another knee surgery, or you have some other knee injury. We commonly hear people say they went in for a meniscectomy because they had a meniscus tear or meniscus problem. The surgeon told them afterwards, after they finished all the therapy and the follow up. They said well, you might need a replacement in 15 or 20 years. You will probably need a replacement in 15 or 20 years, come and visit me again.

When that happens, and that’s just some thinking in my head, I hope you don't have to have another surgery, let's figure out how to fix it, how to move better, how to get stronger, how to improve your alignment, how to take care of your cartilage, so that you don't have to have any other procedures later down the road.

The other one is pain medications. Whether it's injected or you are taking pain medications, that eats up your liver, and other organs, your kidneys, and it doesn't teach you how to move better and get stronger. It just takes away the pain temporarily. If you get an injection, typically those the relief will last anywhere from a month to several months. Some people get cured because their irritation goes away, and they don't get back to that activity that got them there in the first place. They think the injection fixed it. But if the pain comes back after having an injection, it's because you are doing something to aggravate it.

Still, you can't expect the injection to cure the knee problem. Notice I said problem, not pain, because it will take care of the pain. But it won't take care of the problem that caused the pain. That's what we look to fix here in the clinic with manual physical therapy. Same thing with medications. Of course, those just last hours, maybe a day and you really can't rely on it. They have some serious side effects, addiction problems for the prescribed medications, you can have addiction problems and doctors will limit you nowadays on how much medication you can have.

Also, it affects your normal function. I mean, some people they say they feel like they are drugged all day. They feel like they can't operate vehicles, they can drive, they feel drunk, they feel like they can't work, they can't think clearly. That's not cool. Then the over the counter medications like ibuprofen, they can rip up your stomach, they can really cause some serious problems inside your guts. Some people feel it instantly, they will feel nauseous, they feel like they can't eat after taking ibuprofen. But some people don't feel anything instantly. I'm more concerned about those because if you are taking ibuprofen around the clock, like the bottle says every four to six or eight hours, depending on the dosage, and you go for weeks like this, then it can seriously mess you up.

Some people get hospitalized for this, some people even die from side effects of taking ibuprofen. It is not a good idea to be taking ibuprofen for the long term.

That being said, when people come into the clinic here, I'll tell them, hey, how's your home life? How's your work life if you are pretty grumpy because you are not sleeping enough because your knee doesn't let you sleep? Or you are just aggravated, maybe taking some pain medication or asking your doctor for an injection or pain medication is wise at this point. But please be sure that you are working on a plan to fix the long-term problems so that you are not having to Rely on injections or medications for the long term.

There you go guys, you have the top six reasons that people get knee pain, and I've also giving you four ways to start fixing it right away. I hope that this podcast was helpful for you. I hope that you are more knowledgeable and educated about why the problem is happening, what to do about it, and what next steps to take.

If you are thinking that you want professional help right now, I encourage you to reach out to us call us at 915-503-1314 and talk to us about getting help for your knee problem. If you are in the El Paso area, we are open here to help you out. If you want more tips more help go to our website at www.EPManualPhysicalTherapy.com and there are free resources on there, you can find our blog, we have tons of knee help there, as well as other body parts that we commonly see.

You can download a knee pain tips guide, it's a PDF document that you can get sent right to your email. As soon as you give us some details, your email information, all that stuff. We'll send it to you right away and you can begin to read through the knee pain guide so that you can learn more about other ways to help out your new problem. I wish you have the best day today and stay healthy and stay safe. Bye.

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Would You Like To Talk With A Specialist?

Choose which one works best for you…

Dr. David

Hello El Paso! This is Dr. David, expert physical therapist. I'm the owner of El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. Welcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. I've got with me here today Philip Buckler, he is an expert dentist and has, to me worded most clearly, and most succinctly explained things about dentistry, that I never understood.

Of course, I've grown up going to the dentist my whole life. But I love the way that Philip explains things, whenever asked him questions. Full disclosure, he's a patient of mine. He's really close. He's had an awesome experience here at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy, and I wanted to bring him on the podcast, because he has fantastic advice for dental health.

I wanted you guys you listeners, to be able to experience that from Philips. I've got some questions for him, but before we go into that though, Philip, please tell me a bit about yourself. Where are you from, and how did you end up in El Paso?

Philip Buckler

Okay, I'm originally from Oregon. I went to dental school in Michigan. I ended up in El Paso for my job and I fell in love with the city, and also met my wife here. I've lived in El Paso since the end of 2011 actually integrated from dental school in 2010.

Dr. David

Fantastic, awesome! And of course, you've been practicing as a dentist since then.

Philip Buckler

Yes, with a one year add residency, which is kind of an additional year of training beyond dental school.

Dr. David

Awesome. So, you're a super dentist, then…

Philip Buckler

I wouldn't go that far. But the extra training was very beneficial.

Dr. David

Awesome. And your experience, you've treated a variety of ages and specialties. Is that right?

Philip Buckler

Yes, I believe the oldest person that I've seen was 96, I want to say, and the youngest person that I've seen, I've seen a few children as young as a few months old. I'm not a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentist tells you something that contradicts what you hear for me, go with what the pediatric dentist says with regards to children.

Dr. David

I wanted to pull out of Philip here for you guys. Just some clear up some general health tips. Get clear on a few dental ideas, dental hygiene ideas, and hopefully this is helpful for you listeners at home or wherever you are in the car, at the gym, wherever you're listening to this right now.

One of the most common questions that I hear people talk about is, how many times a day do I need to brush, is it once or twice? Is it after every meal? Should I be impulsive about this? What do you have to say about that? Phil?

Philip Buckler

Well, the answer to that is, for me, it's more comparable to any other area of hygiene. You just need to keep the surfaces clean, a tooth surface that is kept clean, will not develop decay. Unless, there are a large number of other factors present. But good hygiene will cover over a multitude of other potential drawbacks, either genetic or coming from additional treatment like cancer, that sort of thing.

Dr. David

Gotcha. If you had to make a general recommendation, and we have talking a little bit before, as you mentioned about assuming that your genetics aren't that great, so you have to just brush so often.

Philip Buckler

Assuming each surface in your mouth is cleaned at least once every 24 hours each tooth surface is cleaned once every 24 hours, you're good. The standard recommendation is two brushings a day. But if you can get them all in one brushing, or one brushing and flossing, right before bed, so everything's nice and clean before you go to bed. For many people that will be adequate.

The criteria for success will vary from person to person. Because the criteria for success is your teeth are staying in your head, you're not developing periodontal disease and you're not developing decay. If you aren't developing ant new cavities, and your teeth aren’t starting to get loose and fall out, and your dentist tells you that you're not losing bone around your teeth, then whatever level of hygiene you're practicing is adequate, or at least close enough to it for long term sustainability to have your teeth last as long as you do.

Dr. David

So basically, you have to figure out a little trial and error, work with your dentist to get feedback on is what I'm doing enough? Can I back off a bit and be okay still that that's generally how you should proceed?

Philip Buckler

Yeah, many people, if you brush and floss very thoroughly once a night before bed. That's often adequate. My wife, before I met her, she hadn't seen a dentist for seven years, but her teeth are better than mine. And they are clean. I'm jealous. I hope our kids get her teeth. So that just shows the disparity. Some people have to work at it more than others. So again, don't assume that you fall into the easiest portion of the population because that's a good way to lose your teeth. But there is a wide variability.

Dr. David

My wife's the same way. When I met my wife, I had just started flossing regularly because I had the dentist told me I needed flossing. I didn't know how to floss. I finally had a dental hygienist take literally, maybe three minutes, four minutes and showed me how to do it. She taught me about the hug and pull,

Philip Buckler

Using it as a scraper on the inside of the teeth, as it helps to see go back and forth.

Dr. David

It's been a game changer. We taught our kids, but my wife said, when she saw me regularly flossing every day, she said “Really, you floss all the time who does that?” And she put her hands in her hips and said, “I've never had a cavity and I've never floss” and I was like “well I've had a lot of cavities!”

Philip Buckler

Good for her. I'm glad she can get away with it. But most people can't. And for anyone who doesn't like to floss, then in your case, the best form of dental insurance the best gift you can give yourself and it will save you thousands of dollars is a very high-end electric toothbrush. Very high-end Sonicare or an Oral-B. Something that will produce enough agitation inside your mouth against your teeth that will help flush out there in between the teeth.

Now that's the next best thing, and I actually have had people who use those, fool me into thinking they were flossing on a routine basis, which probably doesn't impress my fellow practitioners or any hygienists but I'm sure it's happened occasionally.

They're good products and I don't get any kickback from them. I've used both of them myself. It's just individual preference. Yeah. Other products that help her Water pick super floss. I'm not particularly picky about how my patients get their teeth clean as long as they are clean and they're not developing cavities and they're not they're not losing bone so it looks like the bony support for their teeth will last them through the rest of their lives. A lot of time.

Dr. David

You know about the motorized toothbrushes, what did you call them again?

Philip Buckler

Like a Sonicare or an Oral-B? Those are the two big brands, but there are a lot of other good brands.

Dr. David

I'll never forget, growing up, and I heard you use the same words that I've heard of the dentist say, a high-end toothbrush. And automatically when the dentist said that. I remember telling my mom that I needed a high-end toothbrush and I got the sense of “Oh, we can't afford that it's too high end.” Then when I actually bought my first one, I said that was 40 bucks, relative to a normal toothbrush is maybe 10 times more, or however many times more it is, but those… I got a Sonicare and it has been one of the best investments ever made. It is completely different brushing your teeth, one of those rather than a regular toothbrush.

Philip Buckler

And as long as it prevents at least one cavity, you've more than made your money back. Or if you get one of the $200 toothbrushes, then it might take a couple of cavities prevention. But it's an investment that will repay itself. It's cheaper and more effective than dental insurance.

Dr. David

Oh, yeah. So, we started taking our kids to the dentist, because they are getting bigger, they get more teeth of course, and from the get-go, we didn't want to get them kid’s toothbrushes. Because the brush heads on the Sonicare toothbrushes that we have, are actually kind of small, smaller than the normal toothbrushes, and they fit in my kids mouths better.

Plus, they think it's entertaining to the thing buzzes in their mouth, and they loved it. So, from the get-go, we started having them get used to Sonicare toothbrush, and every time we take them to the dentist, they're like, wow, your kids teeth look great. their gums look great. Just keep doing what you're doing, is what they tell us. I've loved those toothbrushes. I can't go back anymore.

Philip Buckler

Yeah, I'm going to be making sure that each of my kids has a good electric toothbrush. One that runs off double A batteries, does not qualify as a high-end toothbrush. It's more of a gimmick toothbrush better than nothing. Now, don't get me wrong, some people can do everything with a manual toothbrush. I've seen plenty of people who do that, but if you need that extra umpf, it'll really save you time and money, and time and pain in the dental chair.

Dr. David

Oh yea, that's no fun.

Philip Buckler

But dentistry is very friendly these days, relative to how it used to be.

Let's see what else to talk about. Oh, yeah. So generally speaking, I tend to compare people's teeth to the treads on your tires, they will wear down over time thousands of cycles a day. Every day, every year all your life. Your teeth are like anything else mechanical. They are like any other part of your body. They do wear down, they will get sensitive. Some people have problems with their knees, some people don't.

It's the same with people's teeth. A lot of people ask me about jaws clicking, cracking and popping. Again, there's a lot of individual variation on that. I generally say that some people's jaws are more flexible, and others cannot. It's kind of like some people can crack their knuckles or make a habit of doing it.

Again, that's an oversimplification. There's a wide variety of things that go into that. But when your jaw opens, it actually goes through two forms of movement. The first is a purely rotational type of movement for the first half. And then the second half is when you're opening to the full extent. That is what we call a translation movement where the combine all of your mandible is actually moving against the maxilla and physically shifting out of place rather than just rotating to the socket.

To help facilitate that, your body has a disc of cartilage, like it does in many other joints in your body, and occasionally, that disc or curtilage doesn't move optimally, or when you get older. Sometimes it just wears down period. Like arthritis, you can get arthritis in your jaw joint. Oftentimes, that will produce a clicking, cracking, popping sound.

Most of those sounds are not something that needs to be directly addressed, as long as you're chewing comfortably and functioning normally. Oftentimes, it's keeping an eye on it. If it really is messing with your quality of life, there are treatment options, and I'd advise you to see your general dentist and possibly get a referral to a specialist to get that looked at.

Dr. David

Yeah, I think that's good. Just to summarize that in a super concise way, I think the takeaway points from that is, the jaw joints are complicated. It's not just like a hinge joint. There's a bunch of funny movements and then just like you hear about in knees, there's a movable piece of cartilage in there, discs is what they call it, kind of similar in the spine and having compare that to, it's not an exact analogy, but it's very effective.

That disc can be injured, or it can shift in funny ways, or in that can produce clicking sounds. Even can hurt or make the jaw move unevenly. But it basically would fill up here is saying is if it doesn't hurt or isn't affecting, eating or doing anything with your mouth, then not a big thing to worry about, at this point, just monitor it makes sure it's not getting any worse.

Philip Buckler

In general. Yeah. And just kind of like you keep an eye on a knee that tends to pop when you move in a certain way. Same deal with your jaw. There's actually a very in-depth sub specialty of dentists, that and often general dentists will become certified through additional fellowships through this, that specializes in treating disorders of the jaw joint. If it's really messing with your quality of life, that's when you might want to consider seeing one. However, for most people. It's that degree of intervention isn't warranted. It's pretty extreme. But for those people who need it is it can often be very beneficial.

Dr. David

Yep. Super good information. I love this. One of the things that we were talking about, before we started recording here, was about diet and about what you're eating and how that might affect your dental health.

Philip Buckler

Yeah, so when I see someone with good hygiene, who also was developing a bunch of decay, and they don't have anything in their medical history, like radiation therapy, that would decrease their salivary flow, then it's the typical culprit is diet. The way cavities form in your teeth of course, like any other part of your body bacteria likes to live there. It's a nice warm, wet environment. So, bacteria like to live there even more than most places bacteria like to live.

That's why you need to clean it once every 24 hours in order to keep those bacterial colony sizes down. Whenever you put something with calories, or burnable calories in your mouth, the bacteria that are living on your teeth will metabolize that as their waste product, secrete acid, and that acid will not only decrease the pH of your saliva below the point where your minerals start leaching out of your teeth. But of course, they'll also do that in a much more localized focused area on the teeth, which is why you don't want to let any bacterial colonies grow in specific areas on your teeth for any extended period of time.

A lot of areas that people miss, tend to be done by the gum line, especially on the canines and second molars, because those are those areas that people miss. So, don't let plaque buildup back there. But when those areas, those bacteria in those colonies are fed, the pH of your mouth will drop below the mineralization threshold for about 20 minutes according to the classic studies. Every time you take a bite of something with calories, or sip something with sugar, or any other calories, not just sugar, but oatmeal is kind of a Greek culprit that a lot of people don't know about.

That will basically restart that 20-minute timer. So as far as your teeth are concerned, it's usually not how much you eat. It's, in terms of sugar, how often you eat it. If you're nursing an energy drink throughout the day, that's a lot worse for your teeth than say, downing three meals a day, even if they're pure sugar, the rest of your body, your pancreas would object to that much sugar. Your teeth you won't have nearly the problem. So again, it's kind of a moderation thing and unsweetened coffee, unsweetened tea will stay in your teeth. But if you're looking for some kind of an energy buzz or a caffeine buzz, I would suggest developing a taste for unsweetened teas, unsweetened coffees, because well, they'll stain your teeth, but they won't damage them. Caffeine in and of itself doesn't actually lower the pH. of your mouth.

So, it's kind of an indirect effect, but your body actually deals with that because your saliva is super saturated with minerals. When the pH in your mouth is at normal resting pH your teeth will actually absorb minerals, from your saliva, which is good in general. But at the same point in time, once they've absorbed enough minerals, you start to get mineral deposits on your teeth.

It's a very fascinating engineering trade off. You get the deposits on your teeth, but those calculus deposits will irritate your gum tissue. And, of course vector you'd like to live on the calculus deposits because they're much more varied in terms of surface area, and they're harder to clean. So that tends to lead to more gum disease.

The areas of your mouth that are most resistant to decay, also tend to be the most prone to Calculus buildups and bone loss and gum disease. Usually, that's where your salivary glands empty so there's no direct solution. It's only engineering tradeoffs, and it's very interesting, and you can hope that by keeping your teeth clean. Some people with more mineralized saliva just tends to build up more calculus. So, life isn't fair. Some people do need to visit the dentist four times a year, and some people can get away with visiting the dentist one time every seven years. And they're good.

Dr. David

Yea my wife is lucky. I have to go on a regular basis and I'm happy to. I always tell people I will use a Sonicare, I will get a high-end toothbrush, I'll floss, I'll use the water pick whatever it is. I want to go to my grave with good looking teeth.

Philip Buckler

Yeah, and one thing I hear oftentimes, I'm never quite sure how serious people are about this, that they'll just get their teeth taken out and get dentures, and that dentures are way better than nothing. Don't get me wrong, newer dentures that are Implant Supported. I'll be honest, that costs about the price of the new car to get an implant supported set of dentures, but man, they're functional jewelry that's worth it.

If I ever get into a major accident and lose my teeth, I'm going to remortgage my house to get implants supported dentures, because the difference is amazing. But even normal dentures, or even little dentures are still way better than nothing. But they are like prosthesis for your mouth.

You don't get the same kind of function with a denture that you would get with normal teeth, you don't get the same tactile feedback. And it's almost like wearing a custom-made pair of shoes in some ways. Your mouth also changes over the course of your life like the rest of your body. And one of the things that goes on in the case of dentures is that your bone sticks around to support your teeth. When you have no teeth there, the bone will gradually remodel and recede. So, the dentures gradually become loose and fallouts.

Oftentimes, dentures have to be remade, and by oftentimes, I mean once every three to five years and oftentimes more in order to keep them functioning well. And if they don't function well, if they develop sore spots, they're very uncomfortable to wear and they can be normal situations and so there is a learning curve to using them. You don't get the same tactile feedback. But again, they're a lot better than nothing. And if your dentist recommends dentures, it's probably because the health benefits of keeping your teeth in place are now outweighed by the benefits of taking those teeth out.

Because when teeth get loose enough to the point where you can't clean them, or the bacterial colonies get big enough, your mouth is very resilient, and it has an excellent blood flow and can bring far more white blood cells to the site than almost any other part of your body. But at the same point in time, that bacterial load does still play stress on your body. So eventually, if a tooth gets loose enough, the question isn't going to come out. But is it going to come out on your terms or its terms and are you going to have to get it out when you have a chronic infection that's losing puss…

I'm sorry, I don't mean to gross everyone out. but I've seen cases, so generally a controlled plant removal of teeth followed by the delivery of a prepared denture or followed by multiple impressions to make a denture for your mouth as it is, once it finishes its healing remodeling process is a much better alternative to letting things go on their own.

That being said, again, there's compromises and tradeoffs. Everyone has to decide for themselves, as an individual where they're at. And of course, there's costs for dental treatment, you just have to make the best judgment call you can about how you're functioning with the teeth that you have.

Now, if you if you ever have to look into that situation, or you're ever faced with that choice, see where your teeth are at now, versus where you would be with dentures, and just kind of make that call and decide when that would be right for you. That will vary from case to case. I see my role as a dentist to give people the information they need to make the informed decision that's right for them, rather than necessarily dictating to the decision to them.

Oftentimes people ask me what the best option is. In that case, I look at their teeth and I'm like, well, if your teeth are my teeth, here's what I did. But oftentimes there's plenty of good options. There's a joke that if you go to 10 different dentists you will get 10 different treatment plans.

That's not because dentists are blind, it's just because there are multiple ways to approach a problem. And a lot of these teeth problems are not just medical, but they're also mechanical. And there's multiple ways to get to the right solution. Dentists are individuals in terms of what works best in their hands, it's the same thing that you would run into in terms of a surgeon who recommends a particular procedure that they're very good at, which is where you get the Doctor of Dental Surgery degree or a different approach.

If you're in doubt and you're contemplating a course of dental treatment, whether it's expensive or invasive, or just because you want to educate yourself, one of the best investments that you can make is to get a second opinion. Once you find a good dentist, stick with them, and there's a lot of good dentists in El Paso. The El Paso district dental society actually does have a large number of good people that I know quite a few. And there's a lot of excellent dentists in El Paso. And that number is growing.

Dr. David

This is awesome Philip, this has been phenomenal information. I feel like we cover the whole gamut. We talked about kids a bit. We talked about, what you should be doing normally. And then we even went into end of life, dental hygiene, talking about the dentures and all that stuff.

Philip Buckler

Yeah, thank you for your time. I know I can get long winded on this, and there's so much more that could be said, and people are keeping their teeth longer. It's just great. What's going on dentistry as far as the advances that are being made even just every year.

Dr. David

Yeah. That's awesome. It's very exciting. Well, thank you so much for your time, Philip. I really appreciate it. Hey, everybody, for those of you listening right now, go on to the platform that you heard this podcast on, whether that's Apple platform, the Google platform, Android, wherever you're going listening to this.

If you want to get more health information just like Phillip said, so that you're in the best position to make the best decision about your health. Educate yourself and hit subscribe so that you get notified about when we put out more information so that you can learn more about how to stay healthy in El Paso. Thank you so much, and we'll talk soon. Bye. Thank you.


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Would You Like To Talk With A Specialist?

Choose which one works best for you…

Dr. David

Hey, welcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. David Middaugh, physical therapist, and I've got a special episode for you today. I've got with me here Lilly. Lilly is my physical therapy student. She's in her last week of her final clinical rotation. She's about to become Dr. Lily soon here. As long as everything goes fine with this podcast and we don't automatically fail her… I'm just kidding.

But no, she's doing fantastic. I was so happy that she agreed to do this little interview, to help out any students out there in physical therapy school, that are looking to do a clinical internship at a manual therapy clinic like we are. Or a private pay clinic, otherwise known as a cash-based clinic. Because we're both, we're a private pay manual therapy clinic.

I just wanted to get her thoughts, and her honest answers, on what her experience was like. So that if you're thinking of doing something like this, then you can have it straight from Lilly here. So, without further ado, hi, welcome, Lily. So, let's get into it. What were you expecting? Prior to coming to this clinical rotation, you knew about us a little bit already, you explained about how you heard through some friends, about us. What were your thoughts prior to coming?


Yeah, like you said, I had heard about you, and my big sister in the PT program actually did her internship here. She said great things about it. She said she learned so much. And also, when I was at my second rotation, my CI actually recommended you to one of our patients who needed some orthopedic work. So, I just heard all around great things from you. And I didn't know what to expect, it being private pay, and just manual therapy. I didn't know how you could just do manual therapy for the whole hour or whatever. But I was expecting just something new and something really good. I didn't know what to expect actually.

Dr. David

Cool. I always just think some people get nervous or concerned, because it's not your typical setting with insurance and your gym settings as well, sometimes people come into the clinic here - because you actually visited us before starting your clinical rotation - and most people that come in for the first time, they're like, where's the treadmill? Where are all the weights?


It’s very different here. But I have a massage background. So, it being small and intimate. It's very familiar to me with being a massage therapist. So, I wasn't turned off at all. I actually was welcomed by it. And it was cool. I knew it was going to be different.

Dr. David

And we only take students in their last clinical rotation. What did you feel? How did you feel that that went for you? Did you feel like that was a good thing? Or like it maybe should have been different? What are your thoughts on having to come here on your last clinical rotation?


Well, I'm definitely glad I had the experience from prior rotations, before coming here because I mean, this is a hard rotation. So just even being able to talk to people about having to pay out of pocket, and not using their insurance. Having that experience from being able to talk to people, and have rapport and all that from other rotations, helped me out.

And then of course, like some of the orthopedic background that I had, and being comfortable with bodies, that helped me out too. But I honestly wish I had this rotation first, just so I could continue to use all the skills that I learned here at other clinics, so that I could better help them. I felt that, learning what I learned here now, and then looking back on the experiences I had with other patients, I could have done so much more with them.

But I mean, obviously I feel like I needed that experience first to get here. And now just having this experience I'll just be better whenever I start as a clinician, so I feel it's appropriate.

Dr. David

Yeah, I can see that for sure. Here in the clinic we weighed, do we want to take students, earlier in their clinical rotation, part of their education or later. And the main reason that we decided to take a student at the end was because, at the beginning, you're probably aware of how to go to metric measurements, do manual muscle test, do other special tests, but you just don't have that many reps doing it.

Because we are teaching students here pretty advanced stuff, we'd rather spend our time on the advanced stuff, on the cool manual therapy stuff, instead of like, here's how you get force on a muscle test. We didn't want to spend a bunch of time doing that. We figured it's probably best if they do that in another clinic on their first or second rotation.

But I went through that myself, actually. My first clinical rotation was at a pretty strong manual therapy clinic, and so I know what you went through where you're like, I wish I could have applied this but what I ran into was my second clinical rotation, and the one after that was not manual therapy based. And when I wanted to implement manual therapy techniques that I was comfortable doing my CI that weren't trained in manual therapy weren't comfortable allowing me to do it. They couldn't monitor the effectiveness of it, they didn't feel comfortable putting their license on the line, in case something bad happened with the patient, and they weren't familiar with it.

So, they weren't sure of what the side effects could be, if any. It was a little frustrating on my end, but I'm glad that you made it this far. So how do you think this whole experience, going through clinical rotation here in a in a manual therapy clinic? How was this beneficial for you and your practice as a future PT?


All this was awesome. I'm so glad that I had this experience because, I mean, you went through fellowship training and you had five extra years of advanced training after PT school, and I got your Cliff Notes. So, I got that specialized training in a shorter amount of time. And, yeah, I'm not going to be as advanced as a fellow, but I have that training. And that some of those techniques that they use, I feel comfortable with.

I probably won't ever get to that level that you are until I go through the program, but at least I feel confident and I know that my skills are way, way more advanced than I ever could have imagined, especially with manual therapy. I just know that I'll be a better clinician overall. I feel confident just talking to people that I run into in everyday life that aren't patients and they have problems and they say yeah, you know, I can't play soccer because I have a meniscus tear, and I don't want to have a surgery. And I say, come in, have some PT. Because this is what we specialize in, and I'm going to help you avoid surgery and you don't have to have the surgery. Let me help you.

If I hadn’t had been event here, I wouldn't have been as confident to say that. I would have done the usual PT stuff, but now it's a lot more specialized and customized. So, I just feel like, I know I'm better off having this experience than if I had never had it.

Dr. David

Nice, awesome. I'm just going to inject what I went through as a student going through my clinical rotations, and once I figured out that I wasn't inpatient material. I didn't know honestly, when I started my clinical education, I went into it with an open mind saying, maybe like inpatient, maybe I'll like neuro, maybe I'll like outpatient. I didn't really know and then once I discovered manual therapy, outpatient orthopedics, I fell in love with it.

I had an inpatient rotation and absolutely did not like it. I did not like dealing with bodily fluids of any sort. This wasn't my thing. Wound care? Forget it! So, I got deep into the outpatient part of things. But it's just so difficult to get specialist training throughout, and then I felt like all my outpatient clinical rotations were very similar and I didn't really learn much. I felt like I learned more about coding for CPT codes. You know, how to manage three, four plus patients all at once and allegation, tech and assistance.

Although that's a valuable skill, it's not like directly clinical in my opinion, it's more so, I mean, it is clinical in the sense, but it is more managerial, like managing people, which is important for the health of the patients that you're responsible for. But as far as doing a technique or learning a new exercise or patient education, explaining something to a patient differently. That's not something that I quite got when I did three outpatient orthopedic rotations which are all very similar.


Yeah, no, this is a whole new world. It's elite. It's specialized, for sure. The manual therapy, and I'm just grateful that I got the opportunity to catch a glimpse of it, and see if I want to further my education become a fellow on that now, who knows? But you're right. I forgot how fresh and green I was during the first rotations and we were talking about CIs having to say, this is where the going is, and just getting reps in, in doing range of motion and all that basic stuff. I'm glad I had that elsewhere because we were able to focus on the good stuff. And we were able to get into the meat of orthopedics and manual therapy. So, yeah, it's been awesome. Being a part of that.

Dr. David

Good. So, what do you think was the hardest thing for you to learn here?


Definitely doing manual therapy on Dr. David Middaugh. I'm pretty small and he's pretty big. So, the mismatch of our bodies, it worked out, for sure. Every time I really had to adjust to his body type. But I think that also helped me, because patients that we get in everyday life, they're going to be bigger than you, or they are smaller than you or whatever. So, you have to be able to adjust and modify. I definitely got really good at modifying. Working with you specifically.

But yeah, I think also just building up my endurance to do manual therapy for a whole hour, because we are used to doing it on one body part, and then that's it, you do 30 seconds to a minute. But now you have to be efficient and be able to run through different parts of the body and building my endurance to be able to do an hour, I think I was pretty comfortable with it.

Also saying that I have the massage background but being able to work on a bigger body type and do manual therapy for an hour. That was that was pretty hard. Also, discovery visits here were hard. Being able to talk to a patient and explain to them and educate them.

The way that we educate here, I think it's really cool. We pull out pictures from the netbook and show them exactly what's going on in their body, show them how this happened, and then being able to talk to them in the way that they're going to listen to respond. I learned that from Dr. David here, and that's something that I didn't think I'd ever learned at a PT clinic.

Dr. David

Yeah, you know, for context, a discovery visit, is basically like the initial consultation or just meeting the patient for the first time and letting them know we can help them or not so that they can decide if they're going to work with us, you know, hire us and begin treatment with us.

And it's a critical visit just because we're building a relationship, we’re diagnosing their problem, doing our physical therapy, diagnosis, and then setting some expectations about how we can help them out, and what to do, and if you think of like a sales talk, that's kind of what it is. It's not in the sense of a car salesman.

I think whenever I say the word sales, people automatically think of a cheesy car salesman. But I mean, you could talk about it. It's literally just sharing your knowledge with somebody.


Yeah, I think that was like, the biggest thing. We have such a large knowledge base and people don't know that stuff. For us, it's common knowledge, especially other PT students and other PT programs. But when you start telling them like, hey, yeah, I worked with cadavers, and I looked at this tissue in real life, like I see in your body, and I was able to see it and you share that with them. They're like, wow, you know that you went through that.

And that's part of you selling even though you're not trying to be cheesy, like you said, but it is kind of dabbling in sales, but it's just being genuine and sharing what you know, which is, we know a lot about the body but I think the difference here is you're trying to get them to buy in and actually take money out of their pocket because they're not using insurance here. And that I think, was kind of hard for me at first but with the right coaching and getting reps, I was pretty confident after about like six weeks or so.

Dr. David

Yeah about halfway through. She did a 12-week clinical here just to give you the context, and the first half was pretty much like familiarizing yourself with, getting grilled all the time.


I was in the hot seat a lot.

Dr. David

Quizzed, checking her hands-on skills. From a clinician perspective, from a CI perspective, like her instructor, what I was doing during those first six weeks was gauging how fast she can go, how much information can she take, how good is she applying what I'm teaching her, so that they can determine how fast can I let her loose on clients independently.

From the get-go, she was touching patients and doing special tests. I was getting her involved in feeling certain things, doing some of the treatments as well. But as far as me stepping out of the room, because we do treatments in rooms, we're essentially in one room. We're not an open clinic so I can keep an eye on everybody as we're doing stuff, so it's a little tricky from a clinician, from a CIO perspective, because I don't want to be a fly on the wall the whole time. It's kind of awkward when it's just a small room and a table and the therapist, so I needed to feel confident that Lily could step in handle business.

I could step out and she's got it from beginning to end, and she aced that. She did really good. But it took a lot of coaching and training and her part on her part, just putting in the effort and making sure that that she was confident, and we had a lot of discussions about confidence along the way too. That was a big concern of mine.

You definitely have to come in with a certain level of confidence and be ready to stand on your knowledge base and your skill level.


And then go home and practice. For sure. Because I did that a lot.

Dr. David

Tell us more about that. What was it like for you? I mean, how much time? How do that go?


I remember when of the things you gave me a packet on how to prepare before I even got here. And one of the things that I read was practice your mental manual therapy skills 5 to 10 minutes every day. I really took that to heart. I was like, No, I really, really need to practice this. So, I'm looking at a massage table at home, a treatment table, and I remember, the first week I would go home, and I would write down concepts, like mechanics of the neck, or the sacrum, just to get those concepts down. That way whenever I come in, and I have to talk through with Dr. David and tell him like, no, this is where the restriction is. I know because this is how it moves, and this is how it works.

I'd have to visualize that at home. That way I can come in here and be able to say it without looking like I don't know what I'm saying. I practice the knowledge of it, and then also practice on my husband. I would work with him and he loved he loved it. He loved me being here because every day I would go home, and he thought it was a massage, but I'd be looking at joint integrity and assessing stuff.

So yeah, at least every day. And then whenever on the weekends, I'd be with my family and work on different body types. I know we talked about that too, how that was important. So, my niece and nephew got some hands-on work too. And then everyone wanted me to work on them. So, everyone liked me being here.

Dr. David

Yeah, what she's referencing to is just how you have to adapt your body size, your hand, your body shape as well, to the person that you're working with. Which is obviously going to probably be a different size and shaping you. And like she mentioned a while back, about how I'm a big guy. I'm 6’2, over 200 pounds and Lilly is 5’2 or 5’3?


Yeah, 5’3

Dr. David

She is a lot smaller than me and getting her to do a lumbar technique or a thoracic technique is pretty challenging to kind of wrap your arms around me. It's a big deal for her to find adaptations trying it on different people because she felt like she was failing all the time around me. Trying to do like a thoracic manipulation or something but she could probably go knock it out easy on somebody her size.


Or my niece and nephew, they loved it. They're like pop my back.

Dr. David

How old are they?


One is 15 and one is 13.

Dr. David

So, they are on their way to being an adult. They're little mini adults.


But I did have that click. I think I even mentioned to you, how I had been practicing and practicing, and then one day I was practicing on my husband and it was like my hands were just doing it automatically. It was like an epiphany because I finally had that psychomotor score. I was like, I got it finally, I think it was on the neck. Because that was one of the parts that I felt comfortable early on. And I was like, I just know how to do it now. And I felt so happy and it wasn't right away. It wasn't even like after a week, it was like maybe after three weeks. It just clicked where it's like, I finally got that manual skill down.

Dr. David

That's definitely how it works out where it needs to come on with multiple reps, you have to just keep going. That's why I tell people practice at home. Even while you're here, practice at home before, and then even when you're here. Practice at home when you're not here. Just that you're heavily involved in it. You're thinking about it. I mean, you should literally be dreaming about doing manual therapy.


Yeah, for sure.

Dr. David

So, we talked about the hardest thing. What do you think was easiest thing about being here?


The easiest thing for me personally, since I have a massage background was the soft tissue mobilizations. I always felt pretty comfortable whenever a patient came in. And they're like, Oh, it's over here in this area. And after I had done the usual mobilizations, or even the soft tissue work, that you had showed me, I was able to implement strategies that I do, and I was able to treat them and help them in a way that I felt was pretty effective.

Soft tissue work, for me has always been pretty easy. And then just talking to people, that's a big thing here. As PTs we have to establish a relationship, but in order for them to want to come in, something that you taught me was, make it fun for them. Engage them and start talking about stuff so that they get their mind off of you literally grabbing their bone and moving it so you're able to work freely.

So that was pretty easy for me just having that connection with patients and I really enjoy that. I love talking to my patients and talking about their dogs or their work, or whatever is going on. That was nice. It wasn't too hard.

Dr. David

I love that part about this, the way that we do things. Because we see clients completely one on one, for an hour most of the time. And you really do develop almost like a family type relationship with clients. I mean, you were just telling me before this, how you had one client who had a death in the family and then, as we record this, we're in the middle of the Coronavirus lockdown so everybody's gone through that as well.

So, it's been stressful for patients coming in here. And they come to you, I haven't even talked to some of these patients so barely talked to them. The ones that you're working with just at the introduction, and then when they walk in and for the subsequent visits, they barely Say hi to me, and they are ready to go work with you.


Yeah, they're my patients for sure.

Dr. David

I think that's pretty cool. You develop that relationship.


We've been through a lot together, and I think I was there emotional support. Whenever this happened, like the Coronavirus and people shutting down, I think they were kind of emotional support for me too. Some type of normality. So, it worked both ways.

Dr. David

What would you say was your favorite part of this clinical rotation?


My favorite part, aside from learning all these advanced techniques was for sure getting treatment. Dr. David would have to show me the techniques and I actually had a sacral shift, and I didn't know. I had low back pain, but I'm a mother of a three-year-old, so I always thought like, Oh, it's just because I had a kid and it comes and goes, I just have a little back pain for the rest of my life.

Then he's showing me this how you assess, with leg length discrepancy, you look here and he's like, you got a sacral shift. And I was like, wow, fix it. He definitely put his hands on me a few times. I even had a knee problem, and you helped me out with that, and I think even a neck problem. So that was cool. It was like getting some treatment out of it.

Dr. David

Yeah, for me, it's needed because well, obviously, so that you feel good while you're working with patients. Last thing I want, is for you to be in pain doing that. But you also learn a lot from getting the treatment to see, and to be the recipient today to get a therapy. Somebody who knows what they're doing, putting their hands on you. Compared to somebody who's learning how to do this stuff, to see what it should feel like to feel the joint move to because you have a different mind going into this.

Unlike somebody who's not in the medical field or isn't familiar with the type of mental therapy stuff that we do. They're not really paying attention to what to look for, but you've been living and breathing this stuff for years now. Being inserted in PT school. So, you're very aware of what joint we're on, how we're moving it, what muscles influence, and all the surrounding topics regarding rehabilitating it.

I see it as like, even if you didn't have a problem going on, and you do some of these techniques to use so that you can feel it. That's pretty much how we progress through things. Whenever I'd show you a manual therapy technique, I'd say I do it to you, and then you do it to me, or somebody else, so that you can know what it's supposed to feel like.


And it helped me out. Because since I had the experience of feeling it. First off knowing what the pain was like, and then knowing what the treatment was like, and feeling better afterwards, I was able to explain it to my patients better. That way they know what to expect. And I could even just have a story to relate to and say, Hey, I started working out here.

I started doing some deadlifts, and I was always scared of using the bar, it's so heavy and I've never been a gym rat personally. I'm more of like, let's go around and dance or do an activity, more cardio stuff. And here I had to learn the importance of strengthening. And I mean, obviously, we know that in PT, but it was at a different level, it was more, I think you have a CrossFit background. It was like Olympic style lifts, and I started doing deadlifts here and my pelvic shift, it shifted again, even though he had fixed it.

We went through treatment, he helped me out with it, and then I had a story to tell my patients like, hey, look, this is what happened to me, and we could relate on a different level. It was cool having that experience and it was a tool for me to use with my patients.

Dr. David

I hadn't mentioned this to you, but yesterday, when we ended the day, we were covering an ankle technique. And we covered a few techniques. One of those was an ankle technique, and I hadn't reviewed that technique for myself, for probably a year or more. We went to the technique and my ankle felt looser. You only did it on my right and as the evening progressed, and even this morning, I didn't realize how stiff my ankles were, until I've had my ankle loosened on the right. Because of my left ankle feels stiff now and I didn't realize how stiff it was. If I move my dorsi flex, I can feel my right ankle move up better here and walking down the hall here in our building.

I'm like, man, my left ankle feels way stiffer than my right! So even for me it reminds me of how life is, like how we forget that we have all these little issues and we live like that. I've been running. Since all the Coronavirus stuff, I've been running more. I think since I've been running, I probably missed 5 or 10 degrees of dorsiflexion. I'm a little angry now. So, we have to get you to fix me. Since it's your last week here.


Yeah, it's important to maintain your body. Right? I think that's the reminder. We all have to take care of ourselves.

Dr. David

Yep. All right, we're almost done here. I’m going to ask you one more question for wrap up. So, what would you say to a PT student that's thinking about doing a clinical rotation at a manual therapy focused clinic, or a private pay clinic? One of the two, or combination the two, like we are here? What advice would you give, or what kind of heads up would you give them?


So definitely, be confident, especially at this setting, and then just own your knowledge. I think I was telling you earlier. No, your (bleep)

As a student, just know your stuff. I think coming in here, we all feel like we know anatomy. But Dr. David would put me on the hot seat, and he'd be like, so what's the insertion here? And what's the nerve here? How does it move here? And I really had to just think and say my answer. And he's like, are you sure? Are you sure? Then I would second guess myself. And he's telling me to look it up. And I was right.

He was just making sure that I knew my stuff. I think that's the biggest thing. Just be confident. Never stop looking at your textbooks, never stop learning, and be open for sure. Because a lot of the things that we've learned that are like common concepts in PT school, were challenged here. And I know that one of the things that we had talked about was like conscious competence, and unconscious competence, and all these other ones. What I felt I knew, coming into this world, this kind of exclusive world of manual therapy and fellowship training, you have to be open to different concepts, or seeing them in a different perspective.

I would say, own your knowledge, but at the same time, be open to looking at it in a different way. Because you never know what you'll be limiting yourself to learning, if you don't open yourself. I just took everything like, Okay, let me just accept it as it is, so I can learn the concept. Then I think we talked about this too, also kind of be able to question it and say, Is this the truth? I would just say, keep those things in mind and you'll do great here.

Dr. David

Yeah, I love it. I think that pretty much sums it up, with the best way to come in is with an open mind. And I ran into that my first clinical rotation. I was always a good student. I learned all the orthopedic stuff really, really well in PT school. I didn't really know about the different schools of thought in PT, because I was oblivious to it. I just didn't know, and I was one of those students. I remember, I'll never forget the first week or two of PT school. One of the professors said who here has had PT? I looked around and almost everybody raised their hand except me.

I had never been in physical therapy, so I didn't really know what it was fully like, besides my volunteer hours. So, I was unaware. I never hung out in the PT clinic for more than I needed to. So anyways, when I went to my first clinical rotation, I was bringing in all this stuff that I learned from PT school in orthopedics, and it was a manual therapy clinic and I almost butted heads with my clinical instructor, that's just kind of my personality.

I was wanting to tell him. I wanted to be right, is what it was, and he was the same. I'm so glad. His name is Paul Payjack. He did a good job of standing his ground against me, and f getting in my face sometimes. I’d be like, this is how it is, I'm telling you. Once I finally said, all right, I'm going to let go of what I think is right, and just trust you fully. Because you're the PT and you're very studied and all this stuff. I was able to start to feel certain joints move that I could never feel before. Or see movement in a way that I hadn't seen.

What I remember telling myself is, even if it's completely wrong with what they're showing me, I'm just going to do it, to at least get a good grade to pass my clinical rotation. But if we know what's the worst, I'll learn what not to do. So, I went into it with that kind of mentality and it changed my life. I still do this to this day, I have an open mind about things because there' are very few things in my opinion, where there's like a hard and fast black and white like this is the right way to do it.

Definitely in physical therapy. There are multiple ways to do things and rehabilitate people and learn and everybody's just unique and different in their learning styles and their body types. So, it needs to be all taken on an individual basis. So, keeping an open mind is a is a huge deal. Thanks for sharing that appreciate it.


Yeah, no problem. You guys are welcome.

Dr. David

Any last words before we wrap up? Or do you feel like you got it all out?


Yeah, I mean if you guys come here, you guys are definitely not going to regret it, and you guys have been better PTs and I will definitely trust you. Way more if I'm ever your patient. If I know that you had a rotation here.

Dr. David

Oh, thanks a lot. Appreciate your time. Hey guys, thanks for listening. I appreciate you listening and if you're a PT student out there, and you want to do a clinical rotation at our clinic specifically, you can give us a call at 915-503-1314.We are selective with who we take. There's an application process, so heads up on that. And of course, you have to, okay that with your university, with your clinical, whoever's in charge of clinical, at your university. So, get on it soon, it's not something that you can do last minute, on a whim.

You have to plan it ahead and make sure you have all the paperwork lined up, and we do that on our end as well. And then we need enough time to take you through the interview process. We usually have a few applicants as well, and we can only take a select few at a time. So, make sure you're on top of that. But other than that, I wish you the very best day and I hope you are learning a lot. Have a great day Buy bye.

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Dr. David

Hey, everyone, my name is Dr. David Middaugh. Welcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. I've got a good friend of mine here, Tony Stafford. Tony Stafford is a client of ours. He came in for a little issue that people in their 20s and 30s tend to deal with, and it's a relatively quick problem to solve, and he's doing fantastic at this point.

He's nearly at the end of his care with us. But the reason I want to bring him in is because he's not in his 20s or 30s. He's actually in his mid-80s, 84 to be precise. He'll tell you more about himself in just a second here, but I wanted to bring him on because he's got some awesome advice on how to keep healthy into your 80s. So welcome onto the show, Tony. Tell us a bit about yourself. Tony, where are you from?

Tony Stafford

I'm from North Carolina, originally, little town outside of Charlotte called Belmont. I went to Wake Forest University and graduated in 1957. After I graduated from Wake Forest, I was drafted into the army and spent my first year in Fort Meade, Maryland. Then I was shipped to Fort Bliss, and that's how I ended up in El Paso. When I got here, I discovered that there was a little college here by the name of Texas Western college, so I checked it out and started taking some night classes at Texas Western college. And met a girl Of course, and when I got out of the army, I stayed in El Paso to finish my master's at Texas Western. After I got my master's from Texas Western, I went to LSU for my Doctorate, and I was not coming back to El Paso, but Texas Western called me and said, Hey, we'd love to have you as a doctoral candidate. So, I told my wife, I said, we'll go back there for about a year or two, till I finish my dissertation, then we'll be out of there. 55 years later, I'm still here because I love El Paso. I'm here by choice.

Dr. David

Fantastic. Yeah. So, you said there that you went through all this education. You ended up moving away from El Paso for a while to go to LSU, to do your doctorate. And would you mind sharing what your doctorate is in which are you studying?

Tony Stafford

Yeah, my specialty is English and American literature. My dissertation was on Shakespeare.  At University of Texas El Paso now I'm in the English department, and I teach a variety classes. My specialty is dramatic literature, and additionally, Shakespeare, a British playwright, American playwrights, but I can teach it all.

Dr. David

that's awesome. Sounds like you'd be a fun professor to have as a student.

Tony Stafford

I love teaching. I put a lot of energy into it, and It keeps you young.

Dr. David

Oh, yeah. And you can tell with your personality and disposition. Well, let's get into some of the health tips that I think that you've got, that our listeners need to hear. So, first off, just getting motivated is a big deal. So, for you what are two or three motivating factors for you to stay healthy?

Tony Stafford

Well, that's pretty easy. I hate being sick, and I love feeling healthy. So, to me that's a powerful motivating factor. I don't like being overweight. So, I like to watch my diet and workout and a little bit of vanity. I don't want to get fat and ugly, it I don't have to yet. But staying healthy is what's important to me, and I noticed it’s something you have to work at. It doesn't come free. The law of the universities says use it or lose it.

Dr. David

It's so true. I love that. That's fantastic that that motivates you. I know for me specifically. I don't want to have to get bigger clothes. I don't have to go up in the size of my pants or my shirts or anything like that.

Tony Stafford

It's called vanity also.

Dr. David

Yep. It's a bit of vanity for sure.

Tony Stafford

That is also about health.

Dr. David

Oh, yeah. You just feel tremendously better. A little bit of my whole story. I won't take much time at all, but I used to be very obese when I was a kid. I kind of grew up like that. But once I lost a lot of weight. I was stunned at how good I felt, and I never knew that I could feel like that, because I was so used to feeling the way that I felt when I was really overweight.

Tony Stafford

You just feel lethargic and low energy. And that's not a good feeling.

Dr. David

So, what have you tried and found that has not worked for you to keep healthy?

Tony Stafford

That's a hard question to answer because everything I've tried so far seems to be working. I tried bicycling, but then I discovered the streets of El Paso are rather dangerous. I had several friends who were killed on bicycle. Including Beto. O'Rourke's father who was killed on a bicycle. I tried swimming, swimming wasn't for me. But I played football in high school and junior college, and you have to run a lot to stay in shape. And I found out that I really enjoyed running just for the sake of it. But bicycling didn't work. Swimming didn't Work. And eating steaks and hamburgers didn't work. So, I had to eliminate those things.

Dr. David

So, does that mean that you're not eating meat right now? Are you eating chicken or fish? Or what's your diet look like, how is that contributing to your health?

Tony Stafford

Vegetarian all the way. I started off on this kick about three and a half years ago, and I was going to try to be vegan. That's very, very strict. And you can't have cheese which I love, and eggs which I have one egg a week. But so, I slipped back to the Fed classification of vegetarian but no poultry, no ham, and I love pork chops. But you know, when you get into a vegetarian diet, and you learn all kinds of delicious dishes, you discover after a while you don't really miss meat. I don't miss it at all. Not even tempted. A few bacon crumbles on my salad maybe when I go out to eat, but that's about it.

Dr. David

Wow. Yeah, that's fantastic. For me, I was a pretty heavy on meat, especially back when the Paleo Diet was a big kick, and I know a lot of people are on the keto diet. If you're listening right now and you're very carnivorous, or you're following one of these, paleo, keto, or there's a bunch of other diets out there. I think what Tony has developed, I've had other conversations with him about health and for myself too, is you kind of have to figure out what works best for you, and your genetics and your health. And maybe meat is a part of that.

Tony Stafford

I would say, if you're going to eat meat, you should have small pieces. Sparingly and of course, poultry is not as fattening, or doesn't contain as much fat as beef, or pork does. So that might be an alternative for some people. I know my son's a big Health Nut also, and they eat mostly Turkey, which is pretty close to almost no fat.

Dr. David

Yeah, it's pretty lean. Especially the breast. So just to sum it up there, you found that exercise wise, cycling was not your thing because of safety. Swimming didn't really take too,

Tony Stafford

even though I was a lifeguard when I was in college. I was a sinker. Swimming is very difficult. So, I gave up swimming. And I found my niche was running.

Dr. David

Yeah, we'll talk more about that right now on the next question. The other things that didn't work out for you too well was eating meat, especially you said pork and beef me. I'm glad that you found that out. For those of you listening I'm looking at Tony, I'm describing he's probably going to blush right now, but he said he's 84 but he does not look like a year pass 54. He looks fantastic. I mean if you look at his skin, he's got excellent color. I've worked on him, hands on wise, and he just feels sturdy and strong, not frail at all. Someone in their 80s it's not uncommon to see them as somebody that if you if you shove them or nudge them accidentally, they might fall over. Tony looks like he'll shove you and nudge you and knock you over. He's a tough, sturdy guy. He's in fantastic health so it's evident. That's why I wanted to bring him on the podcast today.

Tony Stafford

One of the essentials in life is good blood flow. Through your skin, through your muscles, for your heart, for your lunges for everything. Good blood flow. Lots of oxygen. I think that keeps you young.

Dr. David

Definitely, and mind wise, something that I think maybe you're picking up on is, Tony's a sharp guy and he's into reading, and keeping up to date with things. He's feeding his brain, exercising his brain quite a bit as well.

Tony Stafford

Crossword puzzles, I exercise my brain. The law of the universe use it or lose it.

Dr. David

Yep. Fantastic. So, let's go on to the next question here. Tony, what are three or more things, if you've got more, that you attribute to your current successful health?

Tony Stafford

Well, it may be a little repetitive, but I run every day. I'm in a phase out program right now. So, I'm not teaching this semester, so I have that luxury of being able to run every day. I may take one day off a week. But running is one of the secrets from me. I run pretty long distances anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes every time I go out, and I try to keep a pretty good pace.

I think running is absolutely in my life for me is essential. I love running and when I'm running, I'm breathing deeply and looking at the blue skies and just enjoying the exercise and feeling my body in good health, and it's that, in itself is very stimulating.

The running is one thing. The other course is the vegetarian diet. For me, that works very well, and I don't get into a medical history, but every time I have a checkup, I blow my doctor socks off because he can't believe my cholesterol and my heartbeat and all my vitals condition, they're in. Yeah, again, vigorous exercise, and then a healthy diet.

The other thing is attitude. A lot of people get 60 or so, and they go around talking about how old they are, and they make themselves old. I do not see myself as old. I see myself as young. Maybe that's kind of stupid on my part, but, but I think the brain has so much effect on the body. For me, we know the relationship between brain and body and having the right attitude, and a youthful attitude and enjoying things in life.

I am a scholar. But I'm not often the library all day long, doing research. I have a good balance in my life. I mean, I go to football games and basketball games, and dining with my lady friend, and just staying involved in life and enjoying good things, enjoying good movies, enjoying good play, enjoying good concerts. Those things. attitude is the third thing I would mention here. Running, diet, and attitude my summation for that.

Dr. David

That's super good. That's spot on. Just to highlight each point that you're saying there. With the running specifically, I love that you found that out for yourself, and for me as an expert physical therapist, and I will never forget one conversation I had with a woman. It's been two years now, who came in, she was in her 50s very petite shaped. In other words, she had a small waist, big hips and she was short. And she told me it's been on my bucket list to run a half marathon. Yet she was seeing me because her knee and her hip are killing her from running just a couple miles, and she's talking about she was having to ice her knee.

I had been working with her for a little while already, and I had been pushing her to do strength training. Now she did phenomenal. With the strength training, nothing hurt her. She was actually good at it, and she enjoyed it. So, I had this conversation with her. I said, “look, you're genetically built to lift weights like that. That's what your body is built to be good at, running a half marathon you're just not cut out for.” I think there's something to that. That's why you see, Kenyans and Ethiopians win the Boston Marathon, there's a certain body type that's built.

Tony Stafford

They're very small. UTEP has a number of Kenyans, and I see them around campus and they're tiny guys, they probably weigh 135 or 140, something like that.

Dr. David

They're lightweight and you're looking at your build, I could see why you would tolerate running as much as you do. Because I'm sure there's listeners out there saying oh my gosh, every time I run my knees kill me or my feet kill me or something hurts and, and so I would consider that you know, what have you done exercise wise that you've enjoyed that hasn't been harmful to you? And what have you done that has hurt and don't dismiss it as I'm not just I'm just not an Exercise person. It's not for me. There's got to be something out there something that you enjoy

Tony Stafford

Bicycle, a stationary bike or something like that. One of the questions I always get asked David is, well don't your joints hurt from running so much? Of course, I don't do marathons. That's beyond my scope. But I do run every day. Those distances I mentioned. Yeah, but people always ask me well don't your joints hurt. I've never had any joint problem. And the thing is, I think everybody should hear this.

First you want to buy very good shoes and make sure they're plenty cushion. And then I buy a couple of extra inserts in my soles so that my shoe has lots of padding in it because there is some pounding that takes place which I which jogging and running. But I think if you have that cushion there, I think it really eliminates the trauma to your joints that way. So, I would say make sure you have some good shoes and put extra Doctor Sholls inserts in for extra padding. That's what I do.

Dr. David

I agree hundred percent. I think investing in your footwear is a big deal. I've been running myself in the past, and I've noticed a difference when I the palest level running shoes versus the running store running shoes are the top brands. You definitely pay for what you get when it comes to running shoes.

The other point that you brought up, on the three things that that attribute to your health, was nutrition, your diet. I love how when I've heard you talk about your diet, it's very disciplined and you don't seem stressed out about it. You don't seem worried about it. I see some people that bring up how they wish they could have this food, or that food that they can't have because they're on their diet. But the resolve that I have seen you is incredible to me that this is just the way that they eat, I enjoy it.

Tony Stafford

This may be hard for a lot of people. They love food, which is very easily to understand, and some people can't do without food, and they can't get enough of it. That becomes the problems. I've tried to minimize the importance of food. I love vegetables, and I have fruits and nuts and vegetables and pastas, and all kinds of wonderful things with lots of good sauces and everything else. But I don't make food that I'm not living from meal to meal.

Some people are, and for some people is a recreation, and or pastime or a way to feed their own happiness. But you don't need to make food so important. Yes, it's vital, to be able to have the nourishment to live on, but you mustn't get it out of perspective as to just how the role it plays in your life. I have friends for whom food is extremely important. They spend all their time reading cookbooks and trimming up all these fantastic dishes. Can't quite go there. I have to be reading a good book.

Dr. David

I think that's connected to the third point, which is your attitude, your mindset towards your health and nutrition. I can tell you, my background, I grew up with food being probably the most important thing when it comes to get together,

Tony Stafford

My culture was the same way. I was a southern boy. And food is really important to Southerners. Fried chicken and all those things.

Dr. David

I've taken the angle of I just need sustenance, I need this to be good., and it needs to give me the energy that I need to make me feel good. I don't want to fall asleep because it had.

Tony Stafford

I think when you eat a little bit, you enjoy it more. When you reach the point where you're eating, you're already full and you just keep on eating, and it really gets to be painful and kind of nauseated.

Dr. David

I love that. Those are excellent health tips, and I think really foundational for everybody, it's awesome that you're doing that. Let's move on to the next question here. So what health advice do you have for listeners that are in their 30s 40s and 50s? The people that might be working right now, they might have a family to care for at home, because you were there at one point, it looks like you were just there.

Otherwise, I mean, age wise, they're busy, they're dealing with day to day constant things or they're spending the time working all day and so, finding time to exercise and cook and do all that stuff is stressful. What advice would you have for them?

Tony Stafford

Well, I know when you're young and you have a family, and lots of obligation, it is extremely difficult. I don't make light of that. My son is just turned 40 and he has three little ones. But he carves out time somehow. Even if he has to get up at 4:30 in the morning to go ride. He carves out a little bit of Time. If his wife ever complains, he says to her, would you rather be I'd be hanging out at bars.

I'm not preaching, and I sympathize with you when you have lots of obligations and a full-time job, and a family, and all those things going on. But you just have to set aside a little bit of time to take care of yourself. Otherwise you won't be around for your family very long. And I think if they know you're doing it for them, they'll appreciate it and be supportive.

I understand the challenge completely. My son has been known to jog in the middle of the night before dawn, all these times, yes, he's a marathoner. He is in a different category. He's got to be committed. He works out he lifts weights and everything. So, it can be done. It just takes a little bit of discipline.

First, make it important. Secondly, be determined that you're going to do this. And then considering your family's needs and their schedules, carve out a little time for yourself to do that. Otherwise family life will devour everything and that's important too. But you got to take care of yourself. Also, you won't be around for long for your family.

Dr. David

So true. Yeah, you're doing it for them. If I could put in my two cents, I'm currently in my 30s right now, and I've got three small children, and of course working and my wife's working and we're in the same boat. So, I'm like your son, I'm the guy waking up showing up at the gym at 4am 4:30 in the morning, trying to get 40 minutes of weightlifting in.

On Monday, I went for a run in the dark at about 4:30am as well. In certain spots where the streetlights were very good. I had my phone, so I flip on the flashlight. Yeah, I'm on a familiar path though, so I can know what to expect.

But just a concern that might come up for listeners out there that my wife deals with. Because I get home from my run and she says, Well, I'm glad you ran. I wish I could do that. I'm the lady and running at five o'clock in the morning, doesn't sound very appealing to me. Because you never know. The safety of all that stuff is questionable for a woman. And so, I completely get that.

Tony Stafford

I understand her frustration, because for my son is that his wife manages some city gyms. So, she's in the gym all day long, and she gets her workouts in while she's at work. And she’s teaching aerobics classes and all those things. They don't have much tension when it comes to that, but I can understand your wife’s frustration.

Dr. David

Oh, yeah. She manages though, we make it a point to get the kids to exercise as well. We bought a jogger. stroller and on the weekends, we'll all go run together and jog. Yeah, we'll go to the park, have the kids play in the park where we take turns running around.

Tony Stafford

There's nothing wrong with a nice good steady walk. You don't have to be running all the time, and you and your family can all walk with you. Just tell them keep up the pace a little bit. And they need the exercise also.

Dr. David

And one more piece that I think listeners will appreciate, is the idea of life ebbs and flows, but staying in your zone. So, for instance, the holidays might come around, the December holidays that everybody's on break. For me, my kids were off during that time. So, my schedules changed. I was comfortable with saying, you know what, I've worked out well enough. I can take a couple weeks off. Maybe get some workouts in, here and there with the kids. But as soon as life gets back to normal, the holidays are over, back on my schedule, and that's okay.

Tony Stafford

There's nothing wrong with taking a Break.

Dr. David

Yeah. So, taking breaks, I think is okay. The key is getting disciplined enough to come back onto the normal healthy schedule. So, we got one more question here before we're out of time. Now we talked about people in the 30s 40s and 50s. What health advice do you have for somebody in their 60s 70s 80s and beyond? Or somebody who was about to retire, maybe has already retired, and they're looking to stay healthy? What advice you have for them?

Tony Stafford

Of course, it depends on what their lifestyle has been like. Many people at that age are very sedentary. It's like, use it or lose it. If you just sit down, once you're retired or in your old age, because you're tired a lot, it gets worse. You have to force yourself to get out of the easy chair and out from in front of the TV set. And because you're following the line of least resistance just to plop down in a chair, have lots of snacks and watch TV. If you do that every day, you're not going to last long.

Staying active is really important. If someone can't start off running and that kind of thing. But you can take walks, and I would say, also have interests in addition to the physical and the dietary considerations that we talked about attitude, but also have some interest. I read every day. I of course, I'm an English professor. So, I love writing, and just finished my third novel. But go to art galleries, go to concerts, find a really interesting hobby, something that you're good at. All of us have a special talent. And many times, we follow our economic needs and go into jobs and whatever because we have to, but at some point, you have to ask yourself, what do I really enjoy doing? What am I kind of good at got a knack for?

People's hobbies often bring them a lot of satisfaction. So, having interest and getting out of the house, going to movies, plays, concerts, that kind of thing. But having interest is important for people. I mean, I've seen people have the attitude, oh, I'm this age and I'm no damn good anymore and I'm worthless and, and they just make it worse for themselves by just kind of resigning and not having a positive attitude.

I sound like Norman Vincent Peale, but as we said before, the relationship between the mind and the body is a powerful one. The mind can affect incredibly powerfully the body. Having interest and having a good attitude, and having some activity, it doesn't have to be running.

That's what I would say to people, you have to start off very slowly. It should be something you look forward to every day. When you are getting out of bed in the morning, what is it in your day that you're really looking forward to? And I've known people who just said, I'm not looking forward to anything. And I don't care if I die now or not. I'm like, Hey, man, there's a lot to be lived yet. And so just enjoy the sunshine and the rain and everything, just enjoy life. That would be my advice. Not that I'm a counselor or anything. I'm just speaking from my own experience.

Dr. David

I love it. I hear, throughout the past year even, we've had clients that are older, and we've seen them lose a spouse who's relatively devastating. Talking with him through that and being able to see how they cope with it and then realize their purpose in life beyond where they're at, and beyond losing the spouse has been amazing.

For me personally, as a youngster, relative to somebody at that age, I look at you and how I learned a lot from you, and I see it as I have so much to learn from all these people that are older than me. So, I need them in my life. And I think it's important for somebody who's getting older in their years to realize how they can contribute to the generations.

Tony Stafford

Go to senior citizens cities, centers, meet somebody new. Don’t give up!

Dr. David


Tony Stafford

So, I would say that … where was I going with this…. I told you the story before. My mother had a sister, my aunt Ruby, and she was married to my father's cousin, Uncle Brady, and they worked very hard all their lives. They made a decent amount of money, had real estate holdings, and so they were comfortable. But when they retired, they stayed in bed all day. They ate in bed, they read the newspaper in bed, they watch TV in bed, and I'm telling you within a year's time, they totally deteriorate. Both of them became very senile and demented. Why? Because they just weren't using their body and their mind anymore. Now, and I just watched it. I was flabbergasted to see how quickly they deteriorated from just doing nothing. So, you don't want to stay in bed all day. You want to have activities and that kind of thing.

Dr. David

Yeah, great advice. This has been a wonderful bit of advice. I think our listeners are going to benefit a lot from this. Thank you so much, Tony. Appreciate it.

Tony Stafford

My pleasure

Dr. David

Well, guys, for those of you listening, if you want to hear more podcasts, you can visit the website, www.stayhealthyelpaso.com, please subscribe to our podcast on the platform that you're listening on, whether it's Apple or Google or Android, any of you were on all the platforms, just so that you can get updates about future podcasts coming out. And I hope that you are staying healthy out there. So, have a wonderful day. Bye bye.

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Would You Like To Talk With A Specialist?

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Dr. David

Hey, welcome to the Stay Healthy El Paso Podcast. I'm your host Dr. David Middaugh, physical therapist and I'm the owner at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. We've got an employee highlight today, here I am joined with our guest Zarah, she is our massage therapist, and I'm going to interview her today. She's going to give us some interesting perspectives on massage and the benefits of massage Say Hi Zarah!


Hey guys, what's up?

Dr. David

So, I'm going to ask her some questions, and just to give you all a heads up, she is excellent in what she does. We have put in some extra training, but we wanted to get her perspective about what massage, and how she got into it, and why it's important for people to be getting massages. So, I'm going to start off with first question here. So, tell us where you're from and where you went to school.


Okay, so I'm from El Paso, Texas, born and raised. I went to school at Eastwood high school, and I graduated from EPCC with my massage certification.

Dr. David

Fantastic and you've been with us here now for a couple of months, and you're gradually progressing. It's been fantastic to see you getting better and better. I wanted to find out from Zarah, how she got into massage and just to learn more about why she loves it so much, and what got her kick started into it. So, tell me Zarah, what got you into doing massage?


I've always been interested in massage. I have experienced massage from my family and things like that. There is something healing about being touched by someone who really truly cares about you and wants you to feel better.

Dr. David

Yeah, definitely! It makes a big difference when you touch somebody, and do something to their muscles, joints, bones, and it makes a change in their body. It can make a dramatic effect, especially in your case, you're loosening up really stiff parts of their body. So, tell us a little bit about a specific client, or patient of yours that you've helped out in the past.


I had a client who broke her wrist, she wasn't able to do the things she used to do, and she was a very independent person. Until she wasn't. She was having a hard time getting back to doing things she could do before. I would go and massage her wrist. And after a couple of sessions she was able to get back to doing things she could do before her surgery and all that.

Dr. David

Fantastic. I've seen massage clients with Zarah, we don't work on the same patient at the same time, but we do work on the same patient, within different appointments. One of the reasons why we hired a massage therapist like Zarah, here at El Paso Male Physical Therapy, is because as a manual therapist, we're working on the joints on the movement. It's combination of hands on work plus the exercise, but I would see patients that had some super stiff muscles, super stiff spots in their body that needed to be freed up, and I just didn't have the time to work on that.

I'm also not the best person to do it. But once we found out that a person like Zarah could help us out, it makes a dramatic difference and speeds up the recovery. Especially in muscles that are in the back, and the shoulders, and neck area, on the legs, and certain parts of the legs that can be contributing to things like knee arthritis, hip problems, other knee problems, back problems, neck issues, and shoulder issues.

I have seen such as work, do miracles on people, she loosens up the stiffest muscles I've seen. So, we're super happy to have her on the team here. Zarah, can you tell us something helpful that you often share with patients that they may not know.


So sometimes patients come in with a neck problem, and I'll have to explain to them that I have to work muscles around that area as well. Because everything is connected. Sometimes they don't know that I have to work the muscles around that area as well. Not just the spot that they come in complaining about.

Dr. David

Yeah, I completely know what you mean. Because we get people in here for a foot problem, and then we end up working on their knee, hip, and back. Or they come in for a back problem, and we end up having to go down the hip, knee, and foot, or up in the neck. We have to go into the shoulder, and the elbow sometimes. So, I get you, when you have to work in different areas to treat the real problem to get the outcome that you want. So, are there any other tips that you think might be helpful for somebody looking to get a massage here in El Paso?


Yeah, so if you're kind of skeptical about getting massage, because you have to get undressed, there's always something we can do to work it out. Some people get fully nude, other people leave underwear on, it doesn't matter. Really, what I always recommend is getting fully nude, just so that I can use my techniques to the best of my ability to work on the areas to give you the outcome that you want.

Dr. David

Great, thank you so much. So that's super helpful. Yeah, we have clients that aren't comfortable with taking everything off. And that's totally fine. It's to your individual preference and comfort level. We have some clients that just want to take off their shirt, or just roll up a pant leg. That's fine too. So, if you would like to schedule an appointment for a massage, you can reach out to us by calling us at 915-503-1314. And just ask about getting a massage, especially if it's for a specific problem, like back pain, neck pain or shoulder pain, or a knee problem as well. We can help to get some instant relief for those problems.

If you want to go to our website, you can visit www.epmanualphysicaltherapy.com and you'll find a tab at the top of the of the homepage there that says massage and you can learn more about that there as well. And if you mentioned our podcasts, we might have a special offer. So just mentioned that you heard us on the podcast, and whoever is answering the phone, at that time, they'll let you know of any podcast offers that we have going on. Thanks for listening. Please stay healthy. We'll talk soon. Bye bye.

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Would You Like To Talk With A Specialist?

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Dr. David

Hey there. I'm Dr. David, welcome to the show. I've got a great guest here, friend of mine. His name is Dr. Angel Garcia. He's a physician here in El Paso, sports medicine specialist. One of the best in the southwest. Certainly, the best in El Paso and I let him tell you more about all that. But I just want to welcome you to the show. Thank you for listening, and welcome on here. Dr. Garcia. How are you?

Dr. Garcia

Good. Thanks for having me.

Dr. David

Yeah, absolutely. We sure appreciate it.

Dr. Garcia

So, my name is Angel Garcia, was born in Puerto Rico moved to El Paso when I was about five years old. Been here since then. Went to Bel Air High School, part of the health magnet there, first graduating class. After Bel Air, went to Baylor for my undergrad, got my degree in psychology. And then from there I went to San Antonio for Med School, Medical University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio for medical school.

Graduated there, came back home for residency at Texas Tech in Family Medicine, and then after completing the residency in family medicine, stayed at Texas Tech for a fellowship in sports medicine, to better serve the patient population that I was interested in treating.

What drew me to family medicine was more of the… being able to see the whole family, treating the whole family, but I really love the musculoskeletal system working with athletes, and dealing with those type of issues and trying to provide a different perspective then what was provided by surgeons.

Not that, you know, surgery has its place, but for the vast majority of problems can be solved without surgery. And I was wanting to be able to help my patients more. So, I decided to do the sports medicine fellowship at Texas Tech.

Dr. David

That's awesome. Were you one of the first classes there at Texas Tech because they are pretty new?

Dr. Garcia

For sports medicine. We were the first class for sports medicine at Texas Tech. They had, you know, different program throughout the state. But my wife and I really want to stay here in El Paso with family.

Dr. David

Cool, cool, awesome. I love El Paso. So, you've got your own company here and let's just where we're at right now we're recording from Dr. Garcia's office. So, tell me about your company, what's the name and where's it at?

Dr. Garcia

So, yeah, when I left residency and fellowship, I really wanted to just kind of go out on my own, you know, not working for the man. So, we opened up a clinic El Paso Center for Family Sports Medicine. Initially we were at another location on Lee Trevino. But we recently just moved, we got a new building, trying to expand our services. So now we're on George Dieter and physicians, right next to diagnostic outpatient imaging and across the street from foundations hospital. So, it's a pretty cool location. So far, people are really liking the new building.

Dr. David

I know, I just got a tour when I walked in and is swanky looking. I mean I think of just modern. The floors are just beautiful, everything is, it smells like that new car smell.

Dr. Garcia

Still breaking it in, still moving in. But slowly but surely. Yeah.

Dr. David

So, I don’t know if you mentioned, but when did you start your practice?

Dr. Garcia

So, we've been in practice, I’ve been in practice for about seven years now, outside of residency and fellowship, but if you take that into account that has been about 10 years.

Dr. David

Nice, awesome. And then you mentioned that you did the fellowship and the residency and all that. Just so that people understand the difference, because I don't think the general population understands. I think they think you go to medical school, you become a physician, and residency and fellowship kind of just loses meaning after that. Could you explain a little bit more about what that means?

Dr. Garcia

So medical school, everyone kind of receives like the same kind of groundwork knowledge for general medicine. Then you had to start picking what specialty you're wanting to go into. So, whether you want to do dermatology, ophthalmology, or you know disorders of the eye, or if you want to focus on skin, if you want to become a surgeon, if you want to become a heart specialist, then those require more training than just what's in medical school.

Once you graduate medical school, you can become a general practitioner, but you're not necessarily a specialist of in of any sort. So, OBGYN had to do a residency in OBGYN. Cardiologists have to go to fellowship to study the specifics of the heart. So, after medical school, you have this kind of groundwork that you have to build on, and then depending on what specialty you're wanting to do, that's the fellowship or residency that you go into. Residencies can vary from three to seven years. Family Medicine is a three-year residency. Most of the primary care residency are two years. So, pediatrics is also three years, psychiatrists two years the surgical subspecialties can be anywhere from four to five years.

Dr. David

So, what's the difference between a residency and a fellowship?

Dr. Garcia

So, residency is your primary specialty, so internal medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics, family medicine.  Fellowship is when you want to take an aspect of that, and sub specialize. So, you get further training in the heart. Your further training in the GI tract. You get special training and different surgical procedures.

In my case, we got more training in the muscle skeletal system, more common sports type injuries, management of those injuries. Just dealing in more specifics on a smaller area, that you can become more specialized in, as opposed to this broad topic of, Family Medicine, where you have tons of medical elements that you study. The fellowship focuses on one of those, and you go into that a lot more in depth.

Dr. David

So, you're, that's like super specialist. My understanding is, it's like the most specialized that you can get in a specific body area or subject within the medical field.

Dr. Garcia

Right. And that's where the fellowship comes in. Some people will do multiple fellowships to get specialize in very minutiae. So, like the eye doctor can become a specialist of the retina. So, there are different things like that. Orthopedic surgeons who will become specialists in just the hand. So, that's the point of fellowship. It is just to focus on one or two areas and expand your knowledge on that as supposed to just kind of generally brush.

Dr. David

So, we are going to get into our topic of the day, one of the favorite things for you to talk about is shoulder problems. And, you know, it's definitely a commonly injured body part for people in sports. So, tell us about shoulder problems, what got you interested in that?

Dr. Garcia

So, it's basically what got me interested in sports medicine in general is just trying to deal with, you know, common ailments that athletes, and I use the term athlete loosely, you know, you don't have to be a professional athlete or anything like that to have shoulder pain.

Dr. David

Be like a weekend warrior.

Dr. Garcia

Weekend warrior, you know, or even just recreational. Just dealing with aches that I myself had, you know, I had a shoulder injury a few years back when I fell and dislocated my shoulder. You never realize how important the body part is until it hurts. So, helping people deal with shoulder issues is something that I enjoy just as my general sports medicine practice and trying to provide a non-invasive or non-surgical approach to something that can be pretty debilitating. And try to approach it from a vantage point that is just not isolated to the shoulder, but like the whole body in general.

Sometimes people will have neck pain that presents in the shoulder. Or they could have the elbow that is the cause of their shoulder pain. So, it's not just the shoulder that you have to look at. You have to look at the whole individual. And sometimes when you go to, you know, other specialists and tell them you have shoulder pain, they don't necessarily evaluate the other things that could be masking as shoulder pain, and people go undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed for several years. So that's one of the things of why I was wanting to get into that so that I can help patients get to the right diagnosis. And the right treatment sooner.

Dr. David

Yeah. That's awesome. That's so cool. And so, how long have you been focusing on people with shoulder problems? I mean, was that been your whole career pretty much it was an after the fellowship more so?

Dr. Garcia

More so after the fellowship. I didn't do as much during my family medicine residency. But the little I did do was what sparked my interest to do the fellowship. So, in my fellowship, and then the time since then, so for the past seven, eight years, have been really, really focusing on shoulder issues.

Dr. David

Now you said that you help people out with avoiding surgery or alternatives to surgery more. So is what he said. What are some of the common problems with shoulders that you see like some of the more specific diagnoses?

Dr. Garcia

So, the most common would be, you know, rotator cuff injuries. That's, that's kind of a catch all phrase, sometimes, but that's, you know, definitely the most common shoulder problem that that we see. And rotator cuff issues don't necessarily have to be caused by any, you know, real significant injury or trauma. Someone could just reach for something really quickly or, awkwardly rotate their arm a certain way and they develop inflammation of the rotator cuff or a sprain.

Not all rotator cuff issues are necessarily tearing that require surgery, a lot of times it's a muscle strain or inflammation of a muscle that just needs the right type of treatment. Most of the time that treatment consists a lot of going someone like you and getting physical therapy.

Sometimes, when I tell my patients it's a simple fix, but it's not a quick fix. The exercises aren't very elaborate, you don't have to have a lot of weights or a fancy gym because people always say, “Well, I don't have time to go to the gym.” Well, you don’t have to go to the gym, you can learn about some of these exercises, you can just use your door jamb for exercising the muscles of the rotator cuff. But the key is arriving at that right diagnosis. So that the appropriate treatment can be applied.

Dr. David

And one of the other diagnoses that I commonly see, related to rotator cuff tears, and the way that I look at the body, it's more of a spectrum and on the lower end of the spectrum of rotator cuff tears like the extreme end, on the other end would be like nerve impingement. So, there's something wrong with the ball and socket joint. Do you get a lot of those people as well?

Dr. Garcia

Yeah, it's definitely a spectrum. It's the impingement, I think, is one of the more overlooked. And the reason why is because, a lot of the studies that we use, or a lot of the diagnostic studies that people use nowadays, don't involve, unfortunately, the physical exam.

So, x-ray, a lot of people will focus on X-ray when people have shoulder pain and like, “Whoa, you have nothing.” Meaning that yeah, there's not a break. You may have a little bit of arthritis, but the X-ray is normal. Until the patient's like, “Well, why do I have this pain?”

Well, one you know, muscle doesn't show up on X ray. Second, test that is commonly used is the MRI. The MRI is great for looking at tears. It's great for looking at signs of inflammation. Maybe some calcifications in the tendon that cause irritation. But it doesn't allow for you to examine the muscle in movement. And impingement is one of those things where movement is what triggers the symptoms.

So yeah, the MRI may come back negative, because impingement you're holding still in an MRI, you can't move. So, there's no way to, appropriately diagnose impingement using MRI. So, impingement is more of a clinical diagnosis in terms of certain exams that you do within the visit that trigger that symptom.

That's one of the things that, sports medicine specialists learn in fellowship are those provocative tests to elicit that symptom, that can't necessarily be visualized with the most common modalities that we have.

Dr. David

Yeah, that's exactly I wanted to ask you next is, what are you doing? You specifically as a sports medicine shoulder specialist, what are you doing that's different than, say a general doctor, like what kind of knowledge, or hands on test do you do that they wouldn't necessarily know to do?

Dr. Garcia

In family medicine, when I was doing my residency. The basic exam that I got was, do they have full range of motion of the shoulder, or are they tender to a particular spot. For impingement, and other shoulder issues, there's a slew of tests that can be done to test the rotator cuff.

There's one is called the job's maneuver where you know, you're putting pressure on the arm and external rotation pushing kind of up towards your head. The other one that's called for impingement is the nearest test so you kind of put your thumb facing down and then you kind of elevate your arm close to your ears. So near to the ear.

Hopkins test is another test that checks for impingement where it's kind of like you hold your arm out in front of you, bend your elbow and just kind of rotate your arm down towards the floor, as you move across your body.

So, there's different tests that specialists have been trained to do that that weren't part of my, my residency training. And a lot of times you got to use multiple tests to isolate the issue, because the longer an issue goes on, other muscles start to get affected, they start to ache and can give you a false positive on some test and kind of lead you to another direction when it's all coming from the impingement.

It's just that it's gone on for so long that the other muscles around it are irritated because they're having to pick up the slack. So, it's a combination of all those tests. Sometimes I'll do an ultrasound. So that's one of the few, or I think the only one, that you can actually visualize the impingement because you're actually visualizing the muscle and then you move the joint, and then you can see the impingement on ultrasound. So that's, that's another modality that we can use.

Dr. David

Wow. That's awesome. What type of symptoms should people be looking for when they have a shoulder problem? When should they decide to come and see you versus waiting and seeing if it'll pass?

Dr. Garcia

That's a great question because you know, everyone's going to have aches and pains. It's part of life. You tweak muscles here and there. When it starts affecting your activities of daily living, if you're having trouble getting dressed, or putting on your shirt, women having issues striking the bra, reaching for a cup in the cupboards, or doorknobs.

When it's affecting your activities of daily living, and the symptoms have been going on for about a week or two. Most muscle strains heal within a week or two timeframes. But if it's severe pain, if it's pain that's keeping you up at night. If there's any significant weakness or neurological issues, numbness, tingling, burning, then I would definitely come in sooner.

But if it's just a pain to the shoulder, without significant reduction in your daily living, you know that 7 to 10-day window is usually good enough for most muscle strains to kind of go away. But if it's persisting past that, that definitely seeing someone would be beneficial.

Dr. David

Yeah, one of the common ones that I hear about all the time is picking up the full pot of coffee, to pour their coffee people always say “Gosh, that kills me every morning! That’s how I know my problem still hasn't gone away!”

Dr. Garcia

It could be something as simple as that. I've had one person that couldn't get their toothpaste on because they would have to reach up into the medicine cabinet to get it. Just that motion of moving their arm up the few degrees was killer.

Dr. David

Oh, cooking is another one, like chopping up a lot of vegetables or you know, whatever it is they're chopping, that force repetitive, I hear a lot of people complain about that.

Dr. Garcia

Yeah, that too. The people who are able to enjoy their golf, they are finely attuned to when their swing goes awry because of the shoulders bothering them.

Dr. David

Yep. And in the sports world, people lifting weights, all the time run into shoulder problems. Especially with like doing overhead exercises or anything with any shoulder specific exercises. Bench-press, I hear about all the time.

Dr. Garcia

So, for people who are who are on the more athletic side, do more performance. Being akin to your body is key. If there's a gradual loss of weakness on one side to the other, that wasn't there before. In someone who trains a lot needs to be dealt with soon, because those slight weaknesses can actually be a sign of pre-significant muscle damage and someone who's very well built.

So, someone who has that, or notices that you should be seen pretty quickly. For those who are wanting to work out form is key. You can be doing the right exercise, but if your form is not right, you are going to hurt yourself.

Dr. David

I see that all the time. I agree 100%. So, do you have any other helpful information that you want to share with people in El Paso about shoulder problems, that they may not otherwise know? Like, it's not common knowledge or something that unique that you end up telling patients a lot.

Dr. Garcia

What I tell patients in particularly, because I'm a huge believer in diet and exercise. And a lot of people think that one day they have to go to the gym or have a lot of fancy equipment to do the exercises. But in terms of the shoulder, they are very basic, simple exercises that for the actual intrinsic rotator cuff muscles don't require a whole lot of heavy weights or machines. It's, it's mostly a lot of range of motion and an appropriate range of motion.

Just because you go to the, and I get this a lot for people when I try to refer them for physical therapy is like, “Why, I go to the gym three, four times a day. I'm already doing exercise.” Yeah, you're doing exercises but you're doing exercises one for more of a general kind of well-being of the body, and usually more geared towards muscle building or muscle toning.

The exercises for shoulder injury, or any musculoskeletal injury are more geared to taking away the inflammation, or muscle strain from the smaller intrinsic muscles that oftentimes get overlooked when you're going to the gym.  Curling or bench pressing, that are focused more on the larger muscle groups.

Physical Therapy is something that focuses on the intrinsic muscles, that helps stabilize the joints better, that don't necessarily make you look, it doesn't add to the curb appeal. But it just helps mitigate the pain by assuring more proper alignment of the muscles and joints.

Dr. David

Yeah. I always have people that, whenever I talk to them about working on their rotator cuff muscle, I tell them this, you'll feel somewhat of a burn but it's not going to be like if you go work out your biceps are triceps, and then you never going to have the muscle burn where you look in the mirror and flex and rise like, look at this rotator cuff back here. It's just popping out like that.

Dr. Garcia

Because people go to the gym to focus on muscle building or improving their physique. The exercises for rotator cuff, the emphasis is not on improving the physique. It's on improving your pain, which will down the line allow you to improve your physique by letting you do the exercises that you're more wanting to do. But these exercises are needed to help prevent injury when you're doing those other more strenuous, heavy lifting exercises.

Dr. David

For the rotator cuff muscles, just to talk about that a little bit because that's a super common problem area for a lot of shoulder problems. There's four of them. We don't have to go to the names you can certainly Google them, but they all pull in different directions. They help to connect the ball on to the socket in the shoulder joint. And so, as a physical therapist, finding the exact direction in motion, that is the weakness or that is the main problem area or knowing which rotator cuff tendon is injured is also part of the problem. When we talk about doing shoulder exercises, rotator cuff exercises, it's not always like the same one that's going to help every person.

Dr. Garcia

Right? Because with their being the four major muscles that make up the rotator cuff, not everyone's going to be injured in the same muscle. And like you said, each muscle has their own action. One of the muscles rotate your arm outside, and another one rotate inside, another one lifted above your head. And then depending on what degree you're in, multiple muscles are working at the same time to give you that same benefit.

So that's what we talked about, when we talked about what exams to do for shoulder pain. Evaluation is trying to isolate that muscle in a particular movement or test that elicits that symptom.

The same exercises don't work for everybody, because not everybody injures the same rotator cuff muscle. Even though we dump it in the catch all phrase of rotator cuff injury. But rotator cuff injury can be a slew of different things. Because there are the four major muscles and then you have all those other smaller intrinsic muscles or ligaments that that can be injured.

Dr. David

Biceps tendon, I always hear about that.

Dr. Garcia

I see that bicep tendon is pretty common. You got ligaments that are combined but hold the humerus, and the shoulder together, are really small ligaments that that can be a cause of posterior shoulder pain, or pain on the backside of the shoulder that aren't necessarily muscle related. It's a ligament that attaches or holds two joints together. So yeah, every rotator cuff injury is different and therefore needs a different set of exercises to work through.

Dr. Garcia

Yeah, yeah. Cool. Well, this has been great. Talk about the shoulder today. So, do you have anything else that you think you want to share with El Pasoans about shoulder problems, or your company, or just in general about anything else you help us with?

Dr. Garcia

So, I mean, we're here, like I said, on the corner of Georgia Dieter and Physicians 11851 Physicians Dr. to help you with any sports medicine or musculoskeletal injuries. We also offer a vast array of other things, to general found medicine issues. So, we see anywhere from kids to adults.

For people who do a lot of working out trying to lose weight. We offer a weight management, education and help with weight management in terms of medication and diet, nutrition counseling.  For people who have problem areas that they want to get rid of love handles or things like that. We have some aesthetic procedures that we offer SculpSure is a non-invasive way to lose the fat in those problem areas that aren't responding to diet and exercise.

It's not a substitute for diet and exercise. It's just for people who had those polar bears that they just can't get rid of that we can give you that added assistance with the with the SculpSure.

Dr. David

Amen to the problem areas. I know very well about that. Well cool. So, if someone El Paso wants to learn more about your clinic, Dr. Garcia, or even maybe make an appointment. What's the best way for them to get in touch with you?

Dr. Garcia

They can call us here at the clinic, 915-493-6646. We have a Facebook page and they can just search El Paso Center For Family Sports Medicine. They can reach out to us on our website, and they can actually book through our website at www.elpasocenterfamilyandsportsmed.com. There's a link there that you can actually book online if for whatever reason you're trying to book an appointment after hours or over the weekend. So those are the main ways to get a hold of us.

Dr. David

Awesome! Great information today. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us really appreciate it. I think El Pasoans are going to benefit from this, time and time again as this podcast is available.

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Dr. David

Hey there El Paso! Welcome to the show. Thank you so much for joining us. I've got an awesome interview lined up for you today. My name again is Dr. David Middaugh, physical therapists. I'm the owner of El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. And I've got Julio Alcalá with me. Julio is the owner of XR imaging.

I've known him for years now. He's fantastic at what he does, probably one of the best around. He is an expert, X-ray technologists. He's got 16 years of experience. And I'll let him tell you more about all the stuff that he does and where he went to school and all that. But just before we get on the show, we're going to focus on our topic today, what Julio is really going to talking about his osteoporosis, and I'll let him go into the definition of it and in a related condition called osteopenia, and he'll tell you some interesting facts about those conditions.

But if you've got osteoporosis, or osteopenia, you definitely want to tune in to every word that Julio has to say. You might even want to give him a call, and work with him so that you can help fix that problem. Which is very fixable. A lot of people don't think that it is. Even in the medical field, they think that you're going to have it for the rest of your life, but that's just not the case. You can improve if you do the right things and get the right kind of help. So without any more pauses here. Let's talk to Julio, so Julio, welcome to the show.

Julio Alcalá

Thank you. Thank you, David. Thank you for inviting me. I'm glad to be here on your show and ready to share nice and valuable information with your listeners here.

Dr. David

Awesome. I'm glad to have you. Well, let's start by getting to know you a little bit better. I know you decently well, but let's hear about where you're from, and where you went to school. How did you get into this field?

Julio Alcalá

Well, a little bit of a story about myself. I always say they brought me here to the states, right? I was a teenager I came to El Paso when I was 14 years old, and I went to Eastwood High School. So for those listeners out there, you know that are troopers. Once a trooper always a trooper, that's what they say back then, in Eastwood?

Then after that I went to EPCC, and I enrolled in the X-ray program at a EPCC. Throwing a little commercial there. But very intense and very high level of training, that they have those guys there on the EPCC. So I became an X-ray technologist back in 2003. And I started working in our local places here, in different hospitals and clinics. Back in 2009, I decided to further my education in radiology. So, I went and got my bachelor's degree in radiology science.

I had the intention to become a radiologist assistant, but then I finished my bachelor's degree and, you know, life happens. So then now I find myself owning an imaging center and providing X-ray services for the community here in El Paso. So that's how I how evolved here in this nice community.

Dr. David

Yeah, El Paso is a nice place. Well, tell us more about your company XR Imaging. Can you tell us where it's at and give us more information about it, please?

Julio Alcalá

Yeah, XR Imaging. It's a diagnostic imaging center, it's located in the east side of El Paso. What we do there is, that we primarily offer very affordable and quality X-ray services, ultrasound services, and bone density scans as well.

So we are primarily targeting those individuals that are tired of the conventional diagnostic services, right? Where you go there and you're dealing with insurances, they give you an appointment, per se 10 in the morning, you get seen at 11 in the morning, so you're there in a large waiting area and wait. Maybe listening to other people's stories and whatnot right.

But anyway, so, we provide X-ray services, ultrasounds, bone densities, and we are trying to improve the patient care and patient satisfaction by offering all of our clients and patients a one-to-one interaction with a technologist, and no waiting time.

We're very good on the time that we tell you that you're going to be seen. That's when you get seen. It's a nice comfortable setting. And we offer pretty much every diagnostic will do, right? Data quality and fast results to your providers.

Dr. David

Very nice. Awesome. And what's something that's particularly unique about your company?

Julio Alcalá

What is unique about XR Imaging is that we do we do offer that one-to-one interaction with patients. So the moment that you get there, you are going to be greeted nicely. We value your time, we know that for most individuals, they're taking time off from work, they have family to attend to. So we welcome you nicely. We take care of you on time, and one other very important aspect of our practices is that we like to educate patients.

You're not going to be one more number, one more patient, were you go there, and we take a picture and then you're out. We are going to take the time to do a very quality study, show you, and educate you through the images.

Now, we don't diagnose there, because that's not our job. That's the doctor's job. But we are very good at showing you the images and identifying different aspects of your anatomy. If you have any questions regarding areas where it hurts the most, or you have concerns about, we will show you that we are getting a quality picture of the area, making sure that the study is going to be complete for the radiologist to do a very precise diagnosis.

We do take that time per patient, and we allocated this time, or playing with logistics, to make sure that we don't go on and make this a long, long, long visit. It's effective timing. Educational timing in a nice comfortable setting.

Dr. David

That's awesome. So you actually get to show your clients their images, or whatever it is that they're getting scanned by you?

Julio Alcalá

Yes definitely. So, we work with digital imaging. So, the moment that I take an X-ray the moment that Deseret does the ultrasound, the images are there in a digital format. So we show them to you. Also with these two processes, screenings, the moment that I finished scanning the lumbar spine, the hip, the image is there available for you to see, if you require, or you want to have records of these images.

After the radiologist has the data and completed report, we can gladly provide up either a PDF file, or just a digital format. We can burn a CD you can take your images with you. The patient has access to see their images at any given point.

Dr. David

That's really cool because I knew, as a physical therapist, we get people here in the office all the time, that they had x-rays, or an MRI, or whatever imaging done, and they've never seen them before. They just didn't. Nobody showed it to them. They saw the doctor, but the doctor just told them, hey, you have arthritis, or you have this whatever problem it is. But there's something about that individual just being able to see all the imaging and all the stuff that was done. Because if they can, then they have a visualization for what's going on with their problem, why they have their issue, that's really cool that you give them that opportunity.

Julio Alcalá

And then to elaborate a little bit more, it's a very touchy subject, because in school we are taught not to, obviously as x-ray technologist, we are not be able to, or we should not be telling them what the patient has. Like diagnosing the person. That's the doctor's job.

But most technologists are afraid to show the images to the patient because the patient's will then ask that question, what do I have? Do I have a fracture, or have these conditiones or whatever pathology it is. But what we do is that we want to educate you. So we can show you the picture. And if there's any specific area that you're concerned, we will illustrate this area to you. So that when you go to your doctor, and you have questions for your doctor. You can say I got to see the X rays, and I thought, I saw this area right here. Did you see the same tingling on the images?

Because most doctors will get a radiologist report, and then tell you essentially what he saw on the paper, without even seeing the pictures. So then by the patient, being educated, and having those questions to the doctor, you just improve patient care. I mean, we're just humans the doctor can make a mistake as well. I know that a lot of doctors out they don't accept that, but we're just humans. But it's also the patient's responsibility to ask questions that pertain challenge that diagnosis and ask why. And then seek for other alternatives of course, right?

Dr. David

So that they are in a better position to win so that when they get to the doctor's visit, they're better educated about it, and they can ask better questions. That's awesome. That's so cool, powerful stuff. Let's get into talking about osteoporosis. So what got you interested in osteoporosis?

Julio Alcalá

Well, it's one of these conditions that presents no symptoms. So truly, there is a, well, let me throw this statistic out there, one third of the female population here in the United States, that's one out of three, right? Females over the age of 50 will suffer or will develop osteoporosis. So the problem here is that we don't know when. We don't know if it's going to be at 50, 55, 60, 75 right. So then, osteoporosis, has no symptoms. I got very interested on doing osteoporosis screening, because throughout my usual experience in doing X-rays and doing bone density tests, I came across with high volume profile of individuals, female the most, were they just… I don't know if I'm using the right word, but the cane away, right?

I mean, they don't know they have osteoporosis. I get to see how bad their bones are internally, and for the most part, they pretty much ignore it most of their adulthood, through their adult life. They didn't know they had this. So I kept just asking myself this. I mean, we should have a more proactive approach to help those individuals. Because at 65, 75 it's already too late. You can definitely do something. And it's a very simple test. It's a very simple screening test that it can definitely improve your quality of life.

Dr. David

Yeah. Oh, it's so simple. It's so fast. It's very quick and you get tons of information right away. Well, for those of the listeners out there that maybe don't fully understand what osteoporosis is, could you just in simple terms, define it for us?

Julio Alcalá

Yes. So osteoporosis is a condition that affects your bones, and it affects the bones by making them very, very weak in the inside. So if you go to any place they should actually, they're going to take a picture of the outside of the bone. What we refer to as the cortex of the bone, and with this radiograph, with this picture, we can determine fractures, locations and things like that. But we cannot diagnose osteoporosis based on a simple radiograph.

Now, if osteoporosis that it's advanced, that means if the bone is drastically weak, then at that point, we can see it on a radiograph. But why would you want to wait right? Why would you want to wait just to go with a radiograph to diagnosis osteoporosis? This is why technology like the DEXA scan, DEXA is an acronym for a very fancy words, Dual Energy X-ray Photometry. So, we just call it DEXA, and it's x-rays as well, but DEXA can measure inside the bone, rather than just taking a picture of the outside of the cortex, or outside of the bone.

So then measuring the inside of the bone will let us know at any given, age how strong or weak your bones are. If your bones are weak, then we need to rely on these technologies to find out how weak they are. If you could be on the phase before osteoporosis wishes to osteopenia, or osteoporosis. Think about osteopenia as the phase before osteoporosis, when we start noticing a decrease in bone density. But it's a good time for you to take action to prevent osteoporosis.

And in just talking a little bit more into it, we run with a system of a score, and most are very healthy individual at 30 years old, he is going to have a score of zero. Okay? So then we're going to start comparing this score to these particular individuals. So if your score is anywhere, lower than 2.5 points in this score system, that we call t-score, you're going to be diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Anything between zero and negative one, you're going to be diagnosed with osteoporosis. But think about this, right? If you are diagnosed with osteopenia, you're 40-45 right? You have at least a decade, maybe two decades to do something to prevent osteoporosis and essentially improve your quality of life as you age.

Dr. David

Oh, man. So, my takeaways from that are, that osteoporosis, it doesn't hurt, it decays the bones from the inside out, and you probably won't even see much happen on the outside, you have to look at the inside. It's the density of the bones. And the lower the density, the worse your score. Once it gets to a certain point, then that's the threshold of where they call it osteoporosis.

Julio Alcalá

That's exactly what it is.

Dr. David

tends to affect women 50

Julio Alcalá

Right. Yes. So then the National Osteoporosis foundation recommends osteoporosis screening for all females over the age of 50. But that's a recommendation. Now, we do have here at XR Imaging on authorization by the Texas Department of Health to do self-refer osteoporosis screening. So you don’t have to go to your doctor and ask him “doctor I want to check my bones.” You now can do it on your own.

So then you're 40-45 you want to buy some time, you just want to make sure, if you're listening, if you're a female right before, pre-menopause or menopause, or you're through menopause. That will be a good point for you to start thinking about “What about my bones?”

Because you mentioned something very important. Osteoporosis has no symptoms and it’s not going to hurt. Most individuals say oh my bones hurt, or my joints, or my back, right? And they might confuse this pain with weak bonds. But that is not the case. There are no nerves inside the bones to trigger a pain effect, to let us know okay your bones are weak right?

So then we rely on technology like DEXA to truly measure these values these bones. But in being proactive on your health. If you scan yourself with a suprosis of screaming at early age, you're even better, right?

You don't have to wait for your doctor to request this. It is pretty much informing the public that you have the right to be practical with your own health. And this is primarily going to affect females. And definitely just because of changes in hormones and through menopause, any deviation of estrogen is going to, and we have other risk factors, but primarily the estrogen. As you decrease estrogen, you increase the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Dr. David

So that's probably especially helpful at going in before 50. If you're female, if like your mom or your grandma, or other people in your family have known osteoporosis, that they've been diagnosed with osteoporosis, then that's probably somebody who should say, hey, maybe I should go get checked out in my 40s I should probably go take advantage of this ability to go see somebody like you and get scanned now for osteoporosis so that they can be prepared for the future.

That's cool. So let's talk about just kind of a tangent here. What could happen to somebody that has progressive osteoporosis? What are the problems we'll run into? Because if it doesn't hurt, they're not going to know that they have it necessarily. They might have back pain, hip pain or other stuff, but that's more related to their joints or muscles, or something else, but the inside of the bones, what you're saying is not going to hurt. But let's say that osteoporosis keeps getting worse. What could happen?

Julio Alcalá

So worst case scenario, right? If you are having a fracture on your spine, or you fracture your hip. So we know, by statistics, that those hip fractures primarily are quite dangerous. There's a highest that this is for individuals who broken a huge danger. They're up in the hospital and they don't make it. You know, it's drastic, the numbers are drastic.

So then who might suffer from a hip fracture? We know that by accident most people can, any type of trauma, but individuals with weak bones, and we're talking about the elder here. They're taking a shower, they slip, and they fall. If they have weak bones guess what, either the back, or the hip is going to be one of the areas that fractures.

We see a lot of fractures also on the wrist, because just by tendency landing ourselves, we put our hands out. But, the one of most concern is going to be spine fractures, and hip fractures. So then, as we age, we want to age with a good quality of life. We want to be doing things, enjoying our grandsons, enjoying those, good days, be walking

Dr. David

Going on a vacation, walk around….

Julio Alcalá

So then, what we want is to prevent that from happening, right? Making sure that the public here understands that osteoporosis is truly a thing to consider. And it’s quite easy to diagnose and to prevent. It is very hard, very hard to early age, as a diagnosis to process to recover from it. So, the younger you are, the better you are, you will be proactive and then you just pretty much improving the outcome towards the, you're late years, I guess I shouldn't put it like that.

Dr. David

And just to give you, the listeners a perspective, from the physical therapy side. Because I see people that have had hip fractures, and spine fractures and that kind of thing. Rehabbing and recovering the strength and mobility and the ability to walk and do normal life things sucks. It's terrible. And you know, a lot of these people have had a hip replacement because they couldn't salvage the hip bones.

Some will get a pin surgically put in to stabilize the fracture in their hip, and their life changes dramatically. So yeah, many of them passed away. Unfortunately, because of all the changes that happened after breaking a hip or fracture in the spine. But if they lived, usually they're attached to a walker, or a cane for the rest of their life. And people hate having to carry a walk around.

You have to put it in the trunk of your car whenever you leave. It gets caught on things it it's miserable. The best is, if you can just have your own body, and not have to carry any sort of walker or cane and get around and do whatever you want. And yeah even better, like you said, quality of life. Being able to say I'm going to get on the floor and play with my grandkids and not be afraid that I'm going to injure myself for that, or that dealt with this fracture that I got, you know, years back or last year, and it can't get I can't do that anymore.

Okay. So, yeah, the dealing with the problems of osteoporosis is not fun, it's just that it happens suddenly. And it is terrible as it comes. But let's talk about the other end of that. What could be done to prevent it from getting worse or maybe even improve it?

Julio Alcalá

So, in understanding first the risk factor, so we classify them by control risk factors and uncontrolled risk factors, right. So, suddenly being controlled or uncontrolled receptors will be gender, age, and genetics. So then, I mean, right there out of the bat, females will have. So osteoporosis is going to by genetics is going to target females over the age of 50, they cannot control this, and then like you mentioned, before you know if your parents your grandparents had osteoporosis, that doesn't mean that you will have it, but the risk increases right?

So if you cannot control the age, you cannot control your hormones as to going through menopause. The only thing that you can control it's be proactive right? Go get checked, call me if you want. If you're listening to this right now, just give me a phone call 915-613-2748 we'll help you with a simple osteoporosis screening. It's a very simple test that brings a lot of value. You want to know if your bones are strong, to be conscious, be aware of this and enjoy your life, and if they're not, take it as it is, with the attitude of improving and then we will offer you a second scan.

We will refer you with the specialist that we you know can help you to improve your bone density. Then you'll come back six months, two months to do another scan and see how you're improving. But that's essentially a way of contemplating these now excluding these uncontrolled risk factors because you cannot control it, right?

We know that sedentary individuals who are more prone to develop osteoporosis. The bones, we call this process osteogenesis. So it's like, generating new bone or the beginning of building more, right? So then the cells to Genesis process gets stimulated when there's high impact on the bone. So we know that individuals who practice high impact exercises or resistance training, they do better, they minimize the risk of developing osteoporosis.

So if you're young, you are active in the gym that's going to be benefit for you, in preventing developing osteoporosis. We also know that very acidic drinks such as Coke, excessive coffee, many soft drinks obviously, that carry a lot of the, the pH is very acidic, it will start affecting on the long run. I mean, I told this one time, and then the patient told me, what do you mean if I just drink one cup of coffee? I'm like, No, no, I didn't say that. Enjoy your coffee, right? But in the excess on the long term is going to have an impact.

Dr. David

I'm putting my coffee down.

Julio Alcalá

I love coffee. So I just, you know, being aware of the, you know, be putting myself on that on that limitation. Be cautious when I'm doing

Dr. David

drink water instead.

Julio Alcalá

No, no, but yeah. So then think about these little things that you can do in early age, right? What's your soft drinks, making sure that you're not drinking too much acidic, or high acidic drink? Then be active, not necessarily cardio, okay, a lot of people think just by going and walking around. So in fact, there's this very interesting report in the society that came in 2007 in UCLA, it was a short, it was only 40 individual, with certain characteristics, but they sleeting in groups of 20. Okay.

The one group of 20 patients was pure females, over the age of 50. They had them do cardio, just pure cardio exercise, and then they were tracking how their density will progress within 24 months. And then the other 20 deep resistance. Well those that the resistance and high impact, develop or maintain better bone density compared to the ones that were just doing cardio, okay. So then the that type of exercise is also very important.

Dr. David

And just to speak to it from a physical therapist standpoint. A lot of people, as they say, if you're 50 and up, people tend to have back pain, or hip pain or things hurts, and then having this understanding of “Alright, well, I got to go do some sort of resistance training that might mean weightlifting or something else.” It depends on what the individual likes to do that. So we guide them towards just how to do it in a way that's helpful for them.

If they're running into back pain or hip pain, and the exercise they want to do, then talking to somebody like me is a huge benefit so that physical therapists can guide them on the right exercises, and it might be that they're not ready to lift weights today, they need to do some other stuff definitely leading up to it so that they then can begin to hit the weights a little bit harder and be safe about it and not get injured some other way.

But it's true. We see so many clients here that they end up going to go to weight training and the way I tell people is, just like you get calluses on your hands from working with your hands a lot, or other tissues respond, similarly, our muscles will get thicker, our tendons will get thicker, and our bones get more dense. It's just a natural response of our bodies have to extra forces you put on them. But what I see from our clients is it's uncomfortable to lift weights and push yourself too hard. It's kind of easy and very gratifying to get on the treadmill, or the bike, or whatever and say I burned 500 calories. I feel good about myself. And you don't get the same kind of response when you lift the weights. It's like Well, I don't know how many calories are burned and if you actually look it up, it's not that many calories, but the benefit that you don't feel right then in there is that your bones get stronger, and your muscles get stronger and all that.

Julio Alcalá

This is one of the things I encourage most individuals, because they go there and they express, “I am in pain” or “My back hurts” or “My joints hurt”, right? It's going to be impossible for me to do exercise, but they don't realize that a physical therapist it's science. You guys, you doctors, you go through school, you get a very, very specific training on how the body works and ways to, what to do to supplement for a specific type of movement or exercise. So, I understand. Pain is pain, and it could be relative from patient to patient, but seeking help is…. You need to decide whether you truly need the help, and then seek individuals like you.

When I improve my health, I know I'm hurting, but yet I know I need to do something, some type of movement. I want to go to the specialty school who are the specialties that will tell me what movements to do, how to do them and my body mechanics. With all due respect your primary doctor, more than likely, is not going to do it. So then seek individual help like physical therapy.

Dr. David

Yeah, doctors tend to be specialists in medicine, and everybody in the field kind of has their own specialty and so, so yeah, just find the right person for the problem that you are facing, and that's where you're going to find the best help.  So let's talk about a specific client of yours, that you can think of, that had osteoporosis and has maybe had a good outcome. Do you have anybody like this?

Julio Alcalá

Yes, so I have this patient through the self-referral program. This patient very, very proactive, very motivated to improve her health. So she goes there, she was referred by her primary doctor, we ended up doing just the osteoporosis screening. So it turns out that she had osteoporosis but very severe. Now, you will see this patient walking normal, right? I mean, she's just fine. She wasn't complaining but she should calls the office back a couple of weeks later and she says “ i was there, I followed up with my doctor, they diagnosed me with osteoporosis, they put me on these medication, but I want to do something extra to improve my health. Is there any recommendation? We talked about some things when I was there in the office? Can I do something else?”.

So then I went back on talking to her about the recommendations and I told her Okay, once you start implementing these basic things and stick to the treatment that your doctor obviously recommended. Because usually that helps to rebuild that bone, but improve due to physical activity, right. It started limiting your acidic liquids, right. I'm also starting to improve on your diet correct? And then she went on and did these changes, she does follow up six months later now i don't know if i she ended up doing something more in the natural or I think osteopathic.

So she seek some type of herbs and then some type of different teas, right? That because she didn't want to be on these medications long term. Well, I was in in, in my 16 years of experience right, doing x rays and doing bone density. I never seen a drastic increase in bone density in a short period of time of six months right.

Now, when we look at the values right or maybe right now it wouldn't make sense right? But just one point. But only in this score and the scale of what we when we utilize this score, right? It's a huge improvement. We see an increase of a T-score of one point on the T-score, maybe within a year, a year and a half but for this lady to have these improvements within six weeks. It was amazing, right?

So then, once again, I respect the treatment that your doctor is given to you, but do something else, right? Try to try to do that extra, those basic recommendations and then science in medical, the medical or medicine tells that there's no cure for surprises. There's only a treatment, and we can definitely prolong the damage or extend the data, the timing that osteoporosis is going to damage your bones right. So medication. But I truly feel that by improving your quality of life, you do have control of osteoporosis, you manipulate how strong your bones can get, but by being proactive and just simple life, regular life activities, right?

Dr. David

Oh, that's awesome. It's a great story. And I think its kind of like the idea of there's no cure for osteoporosis implies that it's like a disease, or like it's a virus, or like something that you cath. It's more like putting on weigh. It's a condition, it's the state of your health. You don't get a bug and then all of a sudden get overweight or obese, it's because of the way that you live, its because of how you eat, and what you do.

And I think it's the same thing with osteoporosis. It's your habits, the way you live that puts you in an osteoritic state or not, and that's what this lady changed. And so, when doctors give you a medicine for osteoporosis, I think it's easy for some patients to go into the thinking of, Oh, this is what's going to fix it. Just like when I went to the doctor before and I had a sinus infection, and they gave me antibiotics and it fixed it. That's not how this works. It's medicine, and diet and exercise and other factors that are that might be in your life that are just like with obesity or putting on weight, it's the same way that you got to treat it. And you have to maintain it.

Julio Alcalá

And one of the reasons that I shared the story about this patient is because we run by protocols, right? So then you go to your doctor, medical doctor, right primary physician, they order any type of test. In this particular case for us to proceed screening the protocol. It's one, one screening or one test every two years. Now, if you're being diagnosed with osteoporosis, we're going to do one exam, or one scan every year, right? But that's the protocol.

But do you have to stick to that, or if you're paying with insurances you're going to have to because insurances follow these protocols, right? They're only going to pay if you have osteoporosis, going to be one or once a year, if you don't, they're going to pay once every two years, right? But the nice thing about individuals like these is that they don't they don't settle with which is one. Yeah, one diagnosis and one simple decision that okay, you have osteoporosis, take this pill, that's it.

No, she went on and took care of her health by doing the things that she had to do, and not waiting for next year, or next two years. She realized that we do have this authorization to do self-refer. So then she went back in measure herself. And there it is, right. Like she now knew that she's on the right path to improve her health, right. She didn't have to wait another year or two years. So be proactive. Yes, doctors are great. To take care of certain conditions, but you primarily have to have control of your own health. Right?

Dr. David

Yeah, that's awesome. Well, when should somebody in El Paso reach out to you for help with osteoporosis?

Julio Alcalá

We've been primarily talking about females, but men also develop a process. The statistics are, or the ratio is a little bit less. So one out of five men over the age of 55 will develop osteoporosis, same concept, but we don't know when. So 55, 60, 75, right, we don't know when but essentially, if you are a female, over the age of 50, you're listening to this podcast. You're a female over the age of 50. You never check your bones. your bones never hurt, right? Do yourself a favor, be proactive, go get your bone check. It's a five-minute scan.

That brings a lot of value to understand how your bones are, right? And if you're a man over the age of 55, you never go, and I guess this is also a cultural thing. Okay? I get this a lot about Hispanic men over the age of 50 that Oh, I feel strong I'm these martial men I get to lift, very heavy things, I'm out there. But once again it's a condition that is not going to discriminate on gender, in that particular sense. It doesn't matter why or I should say on ethnicity. Don't matter.

Having weak bones is not a matter of whether you were a mushroom or not, so I go get chicken. It's good. So now, if you're listening to this podcast, and you're a female, you're a male that are in your mid-40s. You don't have to wait. You don't have to wait into the recommendations. You can give us a call 915-613-2748 and schedule your bone density or osteoporosis screen. We'll be gladly to take you in, explain to you what the results are, and show you how your bones are. So that way you know you can improve your quality of life.

Dr. David

That's awesome. Were there any helpful tips that you share with clients that they usually don't know before they come in and talk to you and meet you?

Julio Alcalá

Um, any tips that I want to want to share? I mean, when you will see your doctor right your doctor orders a specific, a specific test whatever it is, right. We love educating the patients and one of these, this part of the education is the fact that you have rights as a patient as consumers, matter of fact. So if a Doctor sends you to any specific place, they give you the order, or the referral form right? More than likely, they're doing it because you know they have a good relationship with this particular place right? But you might go to this place and you may experience that they are not greeting you correctly right?

You may experience that maybe that technology they didn’t give you the time that you deserve as a as a consumer, as a client. In the state of Texas, you have the right to choose the place that is best for you right? Yes, we love doctors, making this referral but ultimately, the patient has a right to choose where to go.

So what we offer here is that if you're not happy with this place that your doctor is sending you to, you have options, call around, compare prices, compare rates. Ask about reviews online. Now it's very easy to get on Google and find out about the reviews of different places right? So coming to us, if you're concerned about you're an individual that are health and fitness oriented, and you just want to step it up, get to know your body at a deeper level, you can call us and we're able to help you in in understanding how your bones in your body composition is that way you can improve your health in and in your fitness as well.

Dr. David

That goes into the next question. We can talk about this before we even started the interview is and then you offer other services besides osteoporosis screening, we mentioned a little bit about the DEXA scan, but it gives other information besides the bone density. Could you tell us a little bit more?

Julio Alcalá

Yeah, so these scans, these DEXA scanner not only measures the bone, it also measures your visceral fat. Visceral fat is the toxic metabolic active fat around your organs. A lot of people ignore this. We usually, because we can feel what is underneath our skins right, we change, we pride ourselves in around our bellies, right? So we can say oh, I have a, you know, I'm overweight or I have these six amount of pounds of fat. But most people ignore that internally underneath our abdominal muscles. On top of our organs, we have these very vicious, toxic fat that is there.

The more fat that you have, the more chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. The more visceral fat you have, the more chances of developing metabolic syndrome and diabetes, type two or type two diabetes. So then our DEXA scan can also measure these and let you know, so we know that the recommended value of visceral fat is less than one pound. Anything more than one pound is excess visceral fat.

Sadly, listen to these guys. Okay. Here in El Paso, we know that we are consider a very obese community, right? The average of visceral fat, in El Paso, is three and a half pounds to four and a half pounds of visceral fat. The recommended value is one pound or less, right? So then, you know, this is a I wish you can invite me to another podcast to talk about the certified DEXA scan, we'll make sure this is as well. We can also make sure we have the ability to measure your muscle, find out how much muscle you carry in this is an important value for muscle symmetry.

For those of you out there practicing any type of a sport, any type of physical activity, muscle symmetry, it's an amazing thing that most people ignore. So we know that the body works best when it's symmetrical. And essentially what's going to be doing the work is the muscles, right? So you minimize injuries by staying symmetrical, right how much muscle you're carrying on one side compared to the other. We're talking about your hands and your legs. So we can measure that as well. And then the last thing is, because of these BMI, the body mass index, this is a formula developed, back in the 1800s.

So you go to a doctor, they take your weight, and they tell you you're overweight, when in reality you might not be. So DEXA scan can let us know your true classification of weight per se, by accurately measuring, you're measuring your body fat percentage,

Dr. David

I've had this scan done myself, you did it on me, and I even had it back when I was in college. So I knew about it. And it's fast. I mean, you just lay down on this little bed, you put a pillow there, and you're not in the tube, it’s not like an MRI machine. So just to paint the picture from somebody who's done it. It's an open area and there's this arm that slowly goes over you, and it's maybe a foot away from you and it doesn't feel scary in any way, that is nothing loud it just it's very quiet. It's almost like it's just like it i mean it makes probably about same type of noises of like a printer might, and that's it. The whole scan itself is over within minutes, maybe like what 5-10 minutes

Julio Alcalá

Yeah depending on the Hight. Tall individuals is going to take anywhere between six to seven minutes. It all depends on that, but on the average anywhere from four up to seven minutes. You're going to have your waste coming in and you describe it. Very nice. It's not invasive whatsoever. So you're completely dressed. The only recommendation that we want to make sure is that we don't want you wearing metal, obviously within your clothing but if you go there with a nice comfortable clothing without metals, you just hop on the on the scanner and it starts scanning from head to toes.

You're not going to see or feel anything. The radiation amount that's another issue. Most were concerned about radiation we always tell patients to be concerned about radiation. But this scanner is very minimal quantities of radiation in a full scan, compared to an X ray compared to a CT scan. It's almost incomparable. The scan is very, very safe. Yes, we take precautions, nonetheless. Because once again, we're working with radiation, but that's our responsibility as technologist to make sure that that your scan is safe, that is high quality and that we're utilizing the least amount of radiation possible.

Dr. David

Yeah, so it's very easy to do. And the information you get is invaluable and I've seen people that are into the extremes. People looking at their body fat and muscle mass like the body builders, the people that are doing fitness competitions, and look a certain way and get their body fat down. But even your everyday Joe that just wants to get healthier and lose fat and put on muscle, they're not interested in competing. The DEXA scan gives you top notch information to be able to meet those goals and measure as you're going along.

Julio Alcalá

I utilize this phrase, and I'm pretty sure you have heard this before, what gets measured gets managed, right? So most individuals, as you described, they go start doing exercise or trying to improve their fitness, but if you're not assessing your body, measuring your body, how can you improve? I mean, you can go by looking at yourself in the mirror, but that's an external look, right? What's happening inside, you're going to rely on different technology.

So then the other thing is, let me tell you this. This is very, here in El Paso right? Not too long ago I was driving on I-10 and I see these billboards about Weight Loss Challenges. I'm not bashing anyone here or anything like that right no fitness centers but they're very common. That's what I'm trying to say weight loss challenges are very common. I support them because they at least get you motivated to do something. The problem with that is that individuals losing, or places that promise you that you're going to lose 20 pounds 30 pounds within a four to six-week period. You can do it, and they have the system to allow you to lose that drastic weight.

The problem with that is that as you lose weight, or you just go by your scale, you don't know what you're losing. You don't know if these 20 pounds, 30 pounds you don't know if it’s just mainly fat. You don’t know if it's a combination of fat or muscle, or even worse, you don’t know if it’s a combination of fat, muscle, and bone density. So then you might feel great. You might look great losing 20 pounds. But what are those 30 pounds? Did you maintain your bone density? Did you maintain your muscle as well?

Now when you decide to do these types of challenges, it's almost like a train, everyone is doing them. I encourage you to measure yourself. Create a baseline measurement, see how you are before your weight loss challenge, and I'm not talking about measuring tapes, okay, or even calipers. You got to find a technology that measures inside of you, gives you quantities of your tissues, then go on and practice your diet, your nutrition, your training, whatever they're offering to you. Then follow up with a scan and see what you lost.

Because if you're making an investment in time and money to these places, or anyone it can be an online thing, right? But if you're paying in these training or nutrition is not yielding the right results. Then you're being you know, they're tricking you in an essence, right? And then more than that, they're potentially affect your health. So then be wise about that.

And the other thing is that whatever weight that you lose, you want to sustain it, you want to maintain it, you don't want to lose weight in six weeks, and then just to see yourself in four months gaining it all back. So, DEXA scan will let us know realistically how much can you improve, in an X period of time, so that you leave the practice understanding, okay, this is our realistic approach. Once I meet these benchmarks, I'm going to be able to maintain my weight loss. Not only for six months, but on a long term, right.

That's what you want. But you need a tool, you need a tool to measure and to determine your values internally. The best technology that is out there is DEXA, nothing is going to be as good. There’re some other commercial devices, but they're you're dealing with a large margin of error in terms of the number, so decide where you can afford what you can and you know what, check us out, go visit www.XRImagingEP.com check out rates there. Very accessible very affordable. This is nothing all you know that it's, it's going to be out of the pocket of most individuals. It's something that, if you are spending X amount of dollars in a weekend, you know, to go have fun. Pretty sure you can afford our scans definitely.

Dr. David

Well, cool. Well, so you mentioned the website, and you mentioned the phone number as well. Can you tell us phone number one more time in case somebody wants to reach out to you?

Julio Alcalá

Yes, so you can reach XR imaging at 915-613-2748 you can also find us on our website www.XRImagingEP.com and we are on social media Facebook and Instagram you can find us the same way as us XR Imagine.

Dr. David

Awesome. Well great, awesome interview here for the podcast. If there's anything else you want to let us know.

Julio Alcalá

Yes, for those listeners of you who are interested in getting a full body composition analysis, this is the analysis that we talked about where we analyze your bones, we analyze your fat, your visceral fat, your body fat, and your lean mass. We call this a body composition analysis. So if you're interested in getting this analysis, we offer you a 10% discount. Only if you mentioned this podcast that you listened to this podcast and then make a reference of your practice.

Dr. David

Awesome. Fantastic. Thank you so much for that discount. This is huge. Well, great interview Julio, thank you so much for your time and wisdom and we look forward to possibly me on the show again sometime in the near future.

Julio Alcalá

Yeah, any other topic that you can think of that can bring value to your listeners or to your audience, please think about me.

Dr. David

Absolutely. Bye, guys. We'll catch you next time.

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