Headaches & Medications

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Hey El Paso!

It’s Dr. David here of El Paso Manual Physical Therapy.

I wanted to talk to you a little bit about headaches today.

Headaches are one of the most common reasons that people take over-the-counter pain medications, and we all know that those medications are just not the best thing for other parts of our body, other organs, and so it’s not good to rely on those pain medications for the long term.

Now, they’re great in a pinch…

And if you’ve got to get through today or these next few days and you need that pain medication, then absolutely take it.

Even if you need to go talk to the doctor to get some heavier prescription-strength medication…just so you can focus through the day, go talk to your doctor.

But here’s something to consider:

You need to find a way that is going to be a natural solution to get you away from the pain medications because relying on medications for the long term is just not good.

When is it going to end?

If you find yourself having to take more medication or if you’re developing a tolerance to where the medications you’ve been taking (they aren’t working anymore)…

Where are you going to end up next?

Think about this:

There are some nerves that come out of the base of the skull right at the top of the spine that wrap around the back of the head and frequently cause those tension headaches that are back here in the back of the head.

Those nerves also wrap around at the top of the head and there’s some that wrap to the front, the sides of the head, and they can also cause some tenderness on the scalp and pain as well.

What about those headaches that are on the forehead or temple area, or even the ones that are behind your eye, like you’ve got to dig back there to feel where it’s at?

Those are called retro-orbital headaches.

Nerves that come out at that same level but they stay kind of inside the skull and they innervate the face.

Those nerves are the ones that could be getting irritated if you have those kinds of headaches.

It’s important to make sure that you find the root cause of your headaches.

Get that addressed, because that is what is going to make sure that you clear up the headache problem for the long term.

It may be something relatively simple, something very fixable that you just wouldn’t have known unless you talked to an expert.

We treat this way all the time when we make small tweaks in people’s daily routine, sometimes it’s doing an exercise, changing your posture, or switching something out in your life, and it makes the world of a difference.

It puts you on the path to feeling better for the long term.

We’ve had cases where people have had headaches for years, in some cases decades.

20 Year Headache Story

There was a client of ours who had headaches for 20 years.

She had been doing some treatments here and there that would cause her pain to come and go, but she never found a consistent treatment that she could do herself to get rid of the headaches.

In her case, the solution was getting some muscles stronger, (which she wouldn’t have thought) but we were able to find the exercises she needed, she kept them up, and within a few weeks got relief that shed been looking for for 20 years from her headaches.

If you have a headache problem, like these types of headaches that I described…

If you’re getting the pain in the back of the head, the top of the head, the front of the head, or even behind the eyes, that is something that we can help you find a natural solution to so that you’re not on the pain medications for the long term and potentially causing some serious damage to your liver, your kidneys, and other organs in your body.

Please make sure you get this problem addressed.

Thanks, and have a great day.

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