How To Cure Inner Knee Pain Caused By Pes Anserine Bursitis

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Do you have pain on the inside of your knee? Do you think it might be coming from peasant serine bursitis or bursitis in your knee, maybe your doctor told you that you’ve got pes anserine bursitis? Or you’ve googled this, look it up on the internet, and you think that it might be pes anserine bursitis.

Well, I’m going to show you in today’s video how to easily fix this problem to get the pain under control and sets you on the path to resolving this issue for the long term so that it’s not recurring, and coming back every few weeks or every few months.

My name is Dr. David Middaugh, and I’m a specialist physical therapist that will pass on manual physical therapy. And this channel is dedicated to helping people stay healthy, active and mobile. while avoiding unnecessary surgeries, injections and pain medications. Please subscribe to this channel so that you don’t miss out on any of the helpful videos that we upload every single week.

So you’re going to want to watch this video to the end that cover the treatment. Towards the end of the video, I just have to tell you a few more things so that you don’t do the wrong treatment on yourself. Just in case you don’t have peasantry and bursitis.

You got to just see this next part so that you don’t injure yourself further, it’s important to know where the pes anserine Bursa is because it is on the inside of your knee, but it’s not on the knee joint, it’s just a little further down.

Now to tell where your knee joint is. And then find the bursa, all you got to do is wrap your hands like this loosely around your knee and bend and straighten your knees several times until you can feel the bones moving in there. Where you feel the bones if you can just put your fingers on them and feel where the motion is between the two.

That’s your joint line between your shin bone and your thigh bone. So once you’re on the joint line, just move directly to the sides follow the joint line, and it’s okay if you’re off a bit, just drop your your fingers in this direction over your knee. And then on the inside of your knee, you’re going to want to go down several fingers, just walk your fingers about 234 steps down. And if that’s where your tender right in that area, that’s your peasants hurrying versa.

Now if you’re more tender, higher at the joint line, or even higher than that, that is not your Pez answering Bursa, you want to stop this video and go look up other stuff. In fact, we’ve got a video linked in the description below that talks about other causes of inner knee pain.

Now if you’ve got pain at that pes anserine Bursa where I’ve told you that once you walk your fingers down, you feel it there. Now you’re good to go, you can continue going on this video, you likely have pes anserine bursitis. And the stuff I’m going to show you here is going to help you out tremendously. Now let me tell you what not to do. Stretching.

Most people are told to stretch for this problem, they’ve told to stretch their quad muscles, their inner thigh muscles and hamstring muscles behind the thigh. And although this can give you some short, temporary relief, it really isn’t solving the root of the problem, which is what everybody wants, you want this problem to not be coming back all the time.

That’s what this video is going to show you about here in just a few moments. So if you’ve been stretching for pain relief, it’s okay as long as you don’t feel your your knee getting worse your inner knee pain your pes anserine Bursa getting worse.

I would not look to do it though with the expectation that it’s going to solve the problem and you need to start exercising and massaging the muscles like I’m going to show you. Okay, let’s talk about the three things that you need to do. For this easy self treatment.

The number one thing that you got to do is a self massage on the correct muscles. And now I’m going to show you exactly what to do. You’ve got to find the knots in the muscles and hang out on those to fully relax them and take pressure off that Bursa down on the inside of your knee are you going to do is sit down somewhere where your legs can be resting any chair will do doesn’t matter the height of the chair just where you can access your leg.

Now there’s three muscles that make up the peasant serene there’s one called the Sartorius. It comes this way. There’s one called the chrysalis that comes this way from the groin up to the knee, and then one of the hamstring muscles from the back inside of the knee or the thigh that goes into the same spot on the inside of the knee.

All you want to do is grab two fingers like this and rub the muscle. Now side note, if you look at my hand right here, the skin of my hand is kind of loose, just like that you want you’re going to make contact with the skin and just move the skin around it once you can move the skin around then you can get to the deeper tissues and rub those you can feel the knots on your thigh muscles.

That’s what you got to do is get through the skin by not rubbing the skin but moving the skin along with the tissues under it. So that’s what I’m doing over here. I’m going to get my fingers in there and rub through the skin into the muscle. Find enough usually about the middle of the thigh sometimes up here, close to the hip. right there’s a common spot we’re not will develop and all you got to do is walk Get out.

So move up and down this way towards your knee and hip, you can move sideways like this, just keep that contact with your skin. Nails might get in the way. So just consider that you can’t use your knuckles if you want it to I’ve seen people do that successfully. And circles work as well just move that knot around, you don’t have to push super hard, in fact, I don’t want you to, the more gentle around the knots and you just give it its time.

It usually just needs about a minute or so 30 seconds to a minute and just work your way around the knot. And it should diffuse it should start to meltaway gradually, some knots take a little more time than others some take more repetition with this, you might need to do this several times to calm those knots down. But it’s important that you calm the knots down.

Because if that muscle muscles knotted up, it shortens the muscle, which adds tension all the way down here onto that pin answering and can cause the bursa to flare up or even tendinitis of the pins answering. So once you’ve gone to the front of the thigh, you’re going to go on the inside of the thigh to do is open up your legs a bit, and you get in there where that muscle attaches to your bone.

So if you got to get all the way up there, do so to find the knots. And it’s not about massaging the length of the muscle, you can that’s not a bad thing to do. But I would focus your time on finding those knots those hard nodules in the mouth and the muscle and freeing those up.

So usually mid muscle is where you’ll find it right in the belly of the muscle. And just hang out there, work your way around it, rub it up and down side to side, little circles, whatever you got to do to get that not to calm down and give maximal pressure relief to that has answering for the hamstring, it is good if you can put your foot up on a chair, or on some surface where your legs angled up like so.

And you’re going to get more of the back of your thigh. And just find that it doesn’t matter that you’re on a specific muscle here. I mean, we’re trying to get certain muscles. But for purposes of you not being a specialist in the body, potentially just find an eye it’s going to help even if it’s not on the exact muscle.

And if you just work your way up and down the thigh, it’s slightly different angles and stretches, you know this stretch versus this one versus this one, you just kind of make lanes on your leg, if you will, you’ll find the knots and once you find one, just work it out, you might have several work several of them out, the more the better, she can get this to calm down and set you up for the exercise that we’re going to do next, the exercise requires this muscle to calm down.

So that’s why we got to do this this massage first. So let’s go to the exercise here. The first one we need to do to lie down on your side with your knees, and hips bent life. So feet on top of each other just like this. With your knees, you got to be looking at your knees, this top knee, you need to make stick out forward like that.

So you got to roll your hip forward, you might roll your upper body as well. And get this top leg to come forward without shifting your feet down here. Once you’re in position, you can open up your knee, just like so hold it for 10 seconds. And after 10 seconds, you can come down. And it’s not about picking up your leg real high.

It’s about maintaining this leg forward as you lift. And that causes the muscle back here to work. That’s the ultimate goal is to get the butt muscle on the back of the hip kind of outside back of the hip, where your back pocket is get that to tighten up and work if you can make that work, that’s going to set you up to shut these muscles down to calm them down.

So you can take pressure off that peasants are in bursitis and relieve the problem for the long term. So 10 second holds, then take a little quick break and do it again. each rep and I’m not keeping count here, it’s probably not 10 seconds, I’m not going to do all 10 reps, I just want to show you the exercise, you can pause it and do all 10 reps. And ideally do both sides for symmetry.

The point of this exercise is to wake up the right muscles that are going to allow the peasant serene muscles to calm down for the long term. Once you’ve done 10 reps and started the next exercise is going to be a bridge exercise you can do your back just like so. Knees bent, feet a little apart, maybe about hip or shoulder width apart, then your feet need to be angled out a bit because you’re going to open your knees at the top so it just puts you in the right position.

Go through the sequence you’re going to flatten your back, that engages the abs, hold the back flat then squeeze your butt muscles, which will make you lift your butt just a bit. So back flat but tight. Then actually lift your butt on purpose for just an inch or two and hold it there for 10 seconds and push your knees out as far as they’ll comfortably go.

That should light up your butt muscles. If you don’t see a play with the angle. You know make sure you have that sequence that I just went through correct so that you can fire the button muscles really well. After 10 seconds, come on down, and repeat it back flat. But tight, lift up and knees out and hold for 10 seconds, get those glutes working really, really well.

This is a power exercise need to get lots of glute activation, or you should feel them working very well. Versus the clamshell, the one on your side is a coordination exercise, we’re getting the right muscle to turn on and activate, which turns off the inner thigh muscles and allows that his answering to calm down. So back flat, but tie it come up and hold it for 10 seconds.

Now once you’ve gone through this routine here, you’ve done the self massage, you’ve done the clams, and you’ve done the bridges. Now you’re set. And you’re going to just repeat this on a schedule. So let me tell you about that next year. If you’ve got more severe pes anserine bursitis, I mean, it’s keeping you up at night you’re feeling in the morning, if you do any activity, it flares up, you might be a very active person, you got to be doing this every hour or two up front.

If it’s less bothersome than I would like to do it still daily, but two or three times a day, it’s hard for me to tell you exactly how often to do it, I don’t know your specific situation, you’ve got to find the sweet spot of what’s benefiting you.

But what I can tell you is if you give it a day where you do it several times at least three, four or five times and you can tell a noticeable difference in your inner knee pain from that pes anserine bursitis, then this is going to work on you and you’ve got to double down on this exercise. In other words, do it more frequently.

See how much juice you can squeeze out of the these exercises, how much benefit you can get out of these exercises, so that you can cure this problem and it’s not coming back over and over again.

Now this sets you on the path to fixing the long term problem that should get you out of pain should reduce the pain we’re looking for about a five to 10% reduction in pain each day that you do this enough as the percentages accumulate. You need to increase your glute strength.

I’ve linked down in the description, a series of glute exercises that you can do for knee pain, I would look at those right now and start thinking about doing them or, or just start doing them already as well. Those are probably going to be once a day or twice a day depending on your situation and how much glute strengthen you can take. Don’t get too sore, you got to make sure this is manageable for you.

But if you’re looking for something more comprehensive, we’ve got something called a 28 day knee health and wellness boost program, which is an online program 100% online and on demand.

It guides you through specific coaching on how to move better how to get stronger, how to make sure that your knees are not going to become arthritic, how to protect your meniscus, how to not allow stuff like pes anserine bursitis stop you so they can continue to live your life and be healthy and active without worrying about visiting the doctor for some unnecessary surgery or having to rely on injections and pain medications to just get by so that you can spend time with family without you know being in tears or paying for it the next day.

Let’s go check out that program. And if you liked this video, give us a thumbs up please and don’t forget to subscribe and turn on the notification bell. Thanks so much friends.

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