How To Fix A Facet Joint Problem – Lower Back Pain

Back Pain Guide


I’m going to talk today about how to begin to free up a facet joint problem in the lower back. If you want to learn more about facet joint problems, check out our other video describing the details around how facet joints move, how they affect the discs, and different types of conditions that can present from such problems. Check out that video, the link is in the description right here.

Let’s get into the two exercises that I need to cover with you today to begin to free up that motion. So first things first, I’m going to just move this away to give me some space, I need you to figure out how to brace, how to tighten up your abdominal muscles. Because those muscles are key in normalizing the motion to make it more uniform, more the same at every level of the spine, so that we’re forcing those stuck facet joints to move a little better and a little better over time.

So I’m going to stand up here now you see my head for a second. But I want you to see what I’m doing with my abs. So what you got to do is put your hand right here in the front of your stomach with I’m about bellybutton level here, and then put a hand on the back and the curve of your back fine where it curves most and kind of facet your hand in that curve. And what you have to do here is suck in the ABS drawn the abs in a way that reduces the curve back here.

And what you will probably find is that your shoulders slouched down a little bit, and that’s okay, that’s good. Go 100% go as much as you can, it’s like you’re almost doing the face up, you’ll pull your butt muscles tighten up. That’s, that’s good. Now back off to 50%. And then back off to about 25%.

What you should feel here in this position is a little tightness in your abs, and that this flattened out a bit in the back. So abs tight, a bit flat in the back, holding this position. What you have to do that that’s step one, what I want you to think about doing now is living your life like this standing, walking, sitting like this, and I’m going to sit down, and I’m still doing it right here. I’m sucking in my abs 25% or mildly so that we can change the pressures in the facet joints on the back and begin to free up motion back there.

Now on the low scale, 25% intensity, but you’ve got to do is work to fire the muscles like this as much of the day as possible that you’re upright sitting, standing and walking. So as you go to the bathroom in your house, as you go to the kitchen, as you head off to work as you shop at the store, you need to have those muscles tightened up just a bit 25% over time.

Next, in order to free up more for facet joint motion, what you should do, this is more of an exercise like we have to count some reps. I’m going to stand up again. So you can see this, same idea you’re going to second 25% make sure this is flat. While you’re holding that I want you to do is start with your chest and shoulders begin to bend it down, curl it down. And think about each bone in your spine bending forward, one at a time, you’re going to slide your hands down the front of your legs and go as far as you can comfortably.

Once you feel like your hips are certain to bend. Like for me but right there, my back’s kind of maxed out, I’m certain the bend of my hips. That’s a stopping point that you’re going to uncurl do the reverse motion by pushing your hips forward first, keeping all this bent, then starts to straighten up but still maintaining this level time. It’s about right there.

The next one should to go backwards slightly, start leaning just a bit backwards, whatever is comfortable here because this can bite certain severe joints, you know joints that are very irritated, you’re going to go do it again, we’re doing 10 times total. So suck in those abs, bring the shoulders, upper body first and start to bend forward up and see your hips, start to then then reverse it show the hitch for first you can do this motion, then unbend all the vertebrae and hold those abs in the whole time. Don’t ever let them go and bend backwards a bit.

Do one more time here you can do 10 times at home. And it should be kind of slow and deliberate like this. Take your time. And if you need to take a break because you feel your muscles are tightening up quite a bit, and you just need to rest for a few seconds. That’s fine, do that. But what I would love for you to do, depending on your severity, is this needs to be done quite frequent.

So if you’re very severe in your back problem, that you got a facet joint issue because you were told because of an MRI or a an X ray or also you’re told by some healthcare professional that helps you and check you out. You just have a strong suspicion that that’s what it is this exercise should be safer for us we all back problems, but it is specific towards moving for facet joints. So I would want you to do this frequently, like every hour if it’s real severe and as the severity of the of the pain goes away. You can reduce to doing it as little as a few times a day, maybe even just once a day.

Now there is a progression of exercises. In order to fix a facet joint problem for the long term, and we go into detail about the progression, so that you can achieve long term relief in a special program that we’ve got called the 28 day back health and wellness boost program, check out the link in the description below. If you want to learn more about our 28 Day Back Health And Wellness Boost Program.

It’s got these beginning exercises as well as the next steps in the next steps and it guides you over 28 days. Detailed information, it’s me telling you exactly what to do each day, so that you can resolve a back problem and get long lasting relief. There are different explanations on how to do certain exercises based on your severity.

So if you’re really severe your back problem, you can watch the videos and learn how to reduce the intensity. Or if you’re more advanced or not as severe and you’re looking to just get that long lasting relief, then you can up the intensity on some of the exercises and most of the exercises, so that you can get that strength that you need to fix the imbalances and make sure that this back problem is gone for good.

But if you’re just looking to get facet Joint Relief right now, then do this exercise, try it out our release, you figure abs working, possibly even butt muscles working, that’s good, that’s okay, which you shouldn’t feel though is worse in your back. If you feel worse in your back, you’ve got to stop, you might not have a joint problem. Or you might have a joint problem in your lower back combined with some other issue. And that needs to be looked at a little more closely.

So I suggest you talk to a health care professional that is specializes in handling this kind of these kinds of problems without surgery, injections or medications. I hope this video was helpful for you if you think that you might have something besides a facade joint problem, we’ve got tons of videos, I’m going to link a few here in the description about other kinds of back problems that could cause similar issues to the facet joint problems. So you can look through those and see if you’ve got one of those issues going on here. 

If you’ve got a joint problem and you’re thinking that you want our help in the clinic for this, you want more exercise he wants to guide you through, you need some hands on help for the surgery problem because he can push this a lot faster, and ensure that you’re not wasting your time on fixing a potential problem. So you can avoid surgery having to rely on injections and medications.

I suggest that you get in touch with us by going up to the top of our website here and find the cost and availability button. And there you can leave us your details about what’s going on with your back problem. One of my staff will call you back first chance they get because they want to talk to you about your back problem to see if it’s a potential problem or something else related that we can successfully handle here in the clinic. We don’t want to waste your time. If they talk to you and find that it’s something that we can definitely help them we’ll tell you what the next steps are. So you can come into the clinic and we can check you out. Hope that we can be a part of your success story real soon. Have a wonderful day.


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