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May Is National Osteoporosis Awareness & Prevention Month

Hello there!

It’s National Osteoporosis Awareness & Prevention Month.

We’ve brought on Julio Alcala, osteoporosis expert to tell us more.

Julio is a radiographer and owner of XR Imaging. He’s taught radiography at the university level and is a specialist in finding and measuring osteoporosis.

Here are some highlights from the osteoporosis interview:

  • Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones are less dense or “brittle” and more likely to break
  • It usually affects the low back and hips
  • Osteopenia is the beginning stage of osteoporosis
  • It can affect anyone at any age, but usually affects people after 50 years old
  • Women 50 and up and men 55+ should be screened
  • Women tend to be affected more frequently and sooner because of hormonal changes related to menopause
  • You might not have pain if you have osteoporosis
  • X-Rays are not the best test for osteoporosis – a DEXA scan is the gold standard for measuring osteoporosis
  • If caught early, you can prevent osteoporosis for getting worse – this prevents related fractures
  • Healing from a fracture for someone with osteoporosis is much slower
  • This is a preventative test so insurance covers a DEXA scan 100%
  • For those without insurance, the rate is $59.
  • SPECIAL OFFER for El Paso Manual Physical Therapy clients $40 for a screening (That’s a 33% discount!!!)
    • Call 915-613-2748 to ask XR Imaging for details or book online at

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