Healing Your Knee Meniscus for the Long Term
Learn How To Keep Your Meniscus Healthy For The Long Term Without Surgery (Even If You Have Had A Meniscus Surgery)
Whether you are having trouble after a meniscus surgery, or you are healing from a torn meniscus without surgery, this program guides you through naturally healing your meniscus for the long-term.
This program teaches you exactly what to do at
each of the 4 different phases of meniscus healing.
Join the Knee Meniscus Recovery Program
Get clear on what phase of knee meniscus healing you are currently in so you don't do the wrong thing and make it worse.
Learn specific exercises explained according to the phase of knee meniscus healing you're currently in.
Comprehensive help for a meniscus tear. Get information to help you keep your knees healthy so that you can remain active and avoid surgery.
If you are suffering with swelling in your knee, clicking or popping sounds that sometimes hurt, aching at rest, and worse pain the longer you’re on your feet, then this message is for you:
Your meniscus can heal! You can almost always get back to normal! You don’t have to settle on avoiding doing things you enjoy because of the meniscus problem in your knee! WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE HAD A MENISCUS SURGERY.
Most people (even healthcare professionals) believe that a meniscus tear REQUIRES surgery. That’s why so many people end up having surgeries, like a meniscus repair or a menisectomy.
Sure, there are definitely some patients that really do need meniscus surgery, but the majority can heal naturally, if they do the right treatment.
So, what is the right treatment anyway?
Because if you have had a meniscus surgery and you are still feeling knee pain and swelling, even though you SHOULD have been better by now, you have to ask: “What part of the treatment didn’t go right?”
Everyone is left scratching their heads. The surgeon might tell you that your meniscus looks fine on the follow up MRI, while your physical therapist will tell you that you might have built up scar tissue from the surgery so you need to stretch it and exercise more.
Maybe your surgeon is more progressive and told you that your meniscus tear is not that bad, and that you should try physical therapy first. (Or the insurance told the surgeon they won’t pay for surgery unless therapy is done first!)
Either way, you are still dealing with knee swelling, stiffness, and not being able to do everything you need to do in life.
Worst of all, there is no end in sight, because no medical professional has certainty about how this will go for you.
If You Ignore Your Knee Problem, It Just Gets Worse!
What most people do when facing Meniscus Problems that simply won’t seem to get better is they try all sorts of things from going on YouTube to watch meniscus exercises videos.
They search through Google for at-home treatment methods, they try creams, lotions, and all sorts of home remedies and other things they can find out about online. But for most people, none of that works for long.
And what happens if you just do nothing? If you just keep doing what you’ve been doing?
You’ll run the risk of developing a chronic knee pain condition that could lead to needing surgery, injections, or even the need to take pain medication on a consistent basis, and let’s face it, none of these things are good for your health in the long term.
How We Help Our Patients Get Rid Of Their Meniscus Problem For The Long Term
I’ve helped many meniscus patients get long-term relief over the years, here at El Paso Manual Physical Therapy. They usually arrive at our clinic having done treatments at other PT clinics, had injections, used braces, or tried stretching and exercising on their own (many have even tried surgery).
Many of our clients had lost hope of ever finding relief again, they’d even accepted that they are just getting older and that this is what it’s supposed to be like in their knees.
They even stopped doing a lot of the things they loved doing but couldn’t do any longer because their knee was just not up for the task without paying for it later!
But after going through our program and working with us more directly, they quickly saw a change in their swelling and mobility. They were able to start doing the things they haven’t been able to do for such a long time and they could sleep at night without knee meniscus pain.
For many, the clicking and popping has tremendously reduced and has even gone away completely.
It Worked For Our Patients, And It Will Work For You
Living with a meniscus problem is frustrating and annoying because of constantly having to think twice about how activities will affect your knee. Activities like:
The good news for people suffering from a torn meniscus or chronic meniscus pain after surgery is that in 9 out of 10 cases, it’s possible to get the knees healthy enough to get back to “normal” everyday activities that you used to do before.
Introducing the Knee Meniscus Recovery
Finally, It’s Your Turn To End Your Meniscus Problems Once And For All
About This Course
The Knee Meniscus Recovery Program is a comprehensive program that guides you through the entire process of calming down the swelling, pain and inflammation all the way to getting back to being active and healthy again. You’ll even be set up to return to lifting weights, jumping and running.
What you will learn
When you sign up for the Knee Meniscus Recovery Program today, you’ll get the key to improving your knee health so you can stay active, healthy, and mobile while avoiding unnecessary injections, medications, and surgery.
(Especially if you’ve already had a meniscus surgery!)
Wouldn’t you want to start doing the things you haven’t been able to do for quite some time now?
Go for a walk without paying for it later with swelling, stiffness, and pain?
Walking up and down stairs with ease?
Start going back to the gym again and work out with confidence that your knees will be fine?
All this, and more, will be possible for you after completing this Step-By-Step Knee Meniscus Recovery Program.
This easy to follow, step-by-step program will walk you through expert advice, stretches and exercises all geared towards helping you improve and maintain your meniscus health and overall knee health.
In addition to the movements, you will also learn about why knee injuries happen and how certain movements can be harmful or helpful.
Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Start Focusing On Improving Your Meniscus Health!
This is how the Meniscus Recovery Program Can Help You…
If you did end up having meniscus surgery and it’s been difficult to get the swelling and pain under control - there is something NOT going right. It’s usually that an underlying root muscle imbalance has not been addressed yet.
It might also be the expectations set for you by your surgeon. It’s very common for them to tell their patients that they should be nearly fully recovered in 2-3 months after surgery. This leaves people feeling miserable when they are still not able to do “normal” things even though it’s been 3 months.
It’s especially disconcerting when the knee hurts worse 3 months after the surgery than it did before going into surgery!
We always tell our patients to at least double, if not triple, the time frames your surgeon gave you for healing. This is always a relief to hear because it takes the pressure off to push through painful exercises and stretches. (And it allows you to not feel guilty or feel like you’ve been doing something wrong!)
Most surgeons have NEVER helped their patients rehabilitate after a surgery so their ideas for what is realistic tends to be inaccurate. That doesn’t make them a bad surgeon, it just goes to show that they are not the ideal person to trust most for the aftercare from surgery.
Here's What You'll Learn In This Powerful Program
Phase 1: Get Your Irritated Meniscus Under Control
This phase is all about getting the pain, swelling, and stiffness down so that you can be more comfortable with the simple things in life like walking through your home and sleeping. Being able to tolerate a bit of walking when you couldn't at all is a huge win. But reaching this milestone is also important so that you can be confident in safely pushing your meniscus on exercises that will resolve the root muscle imbalance for the long term.

Phase 2: Desensitize Your Sensitive Meniscus
In this phase, it’s still easy to flare up the meniscus and swell up and be in pain again. But following the small, seemingly too-easy exercises, will gradually get your meniscus to heal so that you can take on more time on your feet. The exercises and guidance here will help you to tolerate more walking while gaining great confidence in your knee health.
Phase 3: Get Stability In Your Meniscus
By the time you reach phase 3, you would have already felt like you resolved most of the problems related to the torn meniscus. What’s left at this point is correcting the root muscle imbalances that are putting too much pressure through your meniscus and causing the injury. Dr. David guides you through how to know when you’re doing too much OR not enough and exactly what muscles should be working so you can be certain that you’re addressing the muscle imbalances.

Phase 4: Good Health Meniscus Maintenance
The exercise and advice in this phase is focused on helping you keep your knees healthy for the rest of your life. You’ll learn how to keep up a maintenance exercise routine that at least keeps your improvements and if you choose, allows you to get even stronger to add more protection to your knees so that you can do more with confidence that your knees will be able to handle it without problems.
It all comes as part of the Knee Meniscus Recovery Program, for only $249.99!
FAQ's About The Knee Meniscus Recovery Program
5-Day Asked Money Back Guarantee

And you are 100% safe to try this out. We are so confident that this Knee Meniscus Recovery Program will help you improve your meniscus health that we are offering a 100% money back guarantee.
You can try out the program for 5 days, and if at that point, you are not fully happy with the program, we happily refund your investment. However, we are certain that if you do the exercises, and follow through with the program, you will be happy you made this minimal investment in bettering your knee health.
All we ask is that you at least give our program a fair try to help you improve your knee health. We are confident that if you do the exercises this program WILL help you feel better!
But if you are not absolutely satisfied with our program, simply contact us within the 5 day window, and we happily refund your investment.
It's Decision Time
You have a choice to make…
You can either continue doing what you have been doing, or worse: do nothing at all to resolve your meniscus problem. But you know where that will potentially lead you. I truly hope that this is not where you want to go…
Or you can take a new action. You can decide to do something about your meniscus situation and start improving your knee health so you can go back to enjoying life again without the constant annoying knee pain you have been living with for far too long.
Which do you really want for yourself?
Here’s what to do now…
If you want to start improving your knee health right away and keep healthy, active, and mobile while avoiding unnecessary surgery, medications, injections, then click the button below to get started with the Knee Meniscus Recovery Program today!
Take advantage of this special offer!
Normal price: $349.99
Your price: $249.99 (limited time)
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I have access to the program?
Lifetime access is granted as of now. That means you’ll have access to the program as long as our company exists, as long as we deliver this course, or as long as the platform exists. This gives you time to learn and implement everything you need to get your knees healthy for the rest of your life.
Do I have to exercise every day? What if I have a busy schedule?
Phase 1 requires more frequent exercise. It’s also the easiest, most doable exercises that require no equipment. So it’s typically easy to do exercises everyday at this phase. After that each phase gradually reduces in the amount of time that exercise takes. By the time you progress your knees to phase 4, you’ll only need to exercise 1-2 times per week for about 20-30 minutes to maintain your knee health for the long-term.
Will you explain how many sets and reps need to be done?
Dr. David gives ranges of reps and sets for you to perform for each exercise. The exact number depends on what you can tolerate without causing pain, while still using the correct muscles to do the exercise properly.
Is there a print out of the exercises?
We only offer videos within the program because it’s better explained that way than on a printable sheet. It’s best to review the video so that you can properly perform the exercise.
Is there any equipment needed?
No, it is possible to go through the whole program without purchasing any equipment. There are a few pieces of equipment that are recommended, but not absolutely necessary to be successful in healing your meniscus tear.
Will this program cause knee pain?
It shouldn’t! If you’re following the guidelines that Dr. David gives you, it should be comfortable to do everything in this program. He stresses throughout the entire program to avoid doing anything that causes more pain since that is likely to set you back. This is not a “no-pain no-gain” situation, instead it’s a slow down, or stop completely situation. Pushing into and through pain is likely to cause more irritation, swelling, and a loss of mobility. It’s discouraged completely in this program.
What if I had a meniscus surgery before? Will this help me?
Absolutely yes! In fact, this is the program you need to help resolve the root muscle imbalances that were likely NOT addressed by the meniscus surgery or by rehabilitation after the surgery. The ideas behind the treatment approach that Dr. David uses is founded in principles of healing and strengthening. Getting the root muscle imbalance resolved nearly always helps alleviate chronic pain even after meniscus surgery.
What if I have a ligament injury in addition to the torn meniscus tear?
Sometimes there is an ACL or MCL injury that happens at the same time a meniscus injury happens. These are especially common in sports injuries and traumatic accidents. Once the ligament is mostly healed, which typically requires wearing a knee brace with hinges for a few months, then this program will absolutely be helpful for clearing up the remaining symptoms from the ligament injury. The exercise guidance here takes into consideration all the structures in the knee joint.
Are there any exercises in the program I should avoid?
Always avoid anything that causes more pain. It’s okay to adjust an exercise first and see if you can make it easier by reducing the number of reps and sets. You can also reduce weights if you’re using any. Also try modifying the exercise as Dr. David shows you throughout the program. If none of those tweaks work, then it’s probably best to stop doing the exercise for now. You’ll likely be able to return to doing the exercise once you get stronger.
What’s the difference between your YouTube videos and this program?
The videos on YouTube are not as comprehensive and organized as the videos and teachings in this online program. Many of the ideas and principles are the same, but they’re not organized the same way. This program takes you through the proper process for healing the root of your meniscus problem.
Do you offer support if I have a question?
At this time, we have limited email support. This program is designed to be a self-paced comprehensive program. You’ll find all the answers you need within the program, but you’re welcome to email us at info@epmanualphysicaltherapy.com if you have a question. We’ll do our best to get back to you as fast as we can!
About Dr. David Middaugh
“My greatest passion in life is helping people avoid injections, avoid surgery, keep mobile and stay healthy and active."
"There's nothing that gives me more satisfaction than helping someone who was on the verge of giving up and having surgery not only feel good enough to cancel their appointment with the surgeon....but also get their mobility back, return to doing active things and no longer have to miss out on activities with family and friends because of their chronic knee problem."
"That's the reason I started El Paso Manual Physical Therapy! It's my personal mission to provide people with a natural, long-term alternative to injections and surgery."
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