Have you been diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear?
Is shoulder pain that keeps you awake at night?
Has reaching overhead been uncomfortable and your find yourself avoiding it?
Worse, have you been told you might need a rotator cuff repair surgery?
In nearly all rotator cuff cases, it's possible to skip surgery, heal naturally and get back to doing everything you love to do.
In this case study, Dr. David details everything about Lucy and her specialist treatment that helped her fully recover from a torn rotator cuff tendon.
Lucy began to have shoulder pain when reaching up while at work, at home, and when doing exercise at the gym.
She gave it some time to see if it would go away, but when it got worse, she finally went to the doctor.
She tried everything:
- Taking pain medications
- Getting a pain injection
- Physical therapy
But when her rotator cuff pain continued to get worse, the only option her doctor had left to try was rotator cuff repair surgery.
That's when Lucy started researching alternative options to surgery. She came across El Paso Manual Physical Therapy and began treatment there as soon as she could.
She went through 12 treatments in the clinic in hopes of avoiding having to settle for rotator cuff surgery.
Within the first 3 visits, she began to stop taking pain medication and reach up overhead without pain.
By the 7th visit she was lifting small weights safely overhead. At the end of her treatment plan, she was exercising at the gym regularly and felt completely normal in her shoulder again.
I detailed everything I did in treatment with her visit by visit in this PDF of Lucy's case study.
She was so happy to learn that it wasn't just that she was in her 50s going into her 60s or her family history that was the cause of the rotator cuff tear.
There was a muscle imbalance that needed to be fixed.
Once Lucy began treatment focused on taking pressure off the rotator cuff and then correcting deep rooted muscle imbalances, then she began to naturally heal her rotator cuff.
We documented the whole process and put everything Lucy went through here in this Case Study for you to see.
We’ve even included Lucy's reactions to each treatment.
You can access Lucy's Case Study right here in this PDF document.
It details what was done during each of the 12 treatments she did over 3 months, as well as her full background history.
I've helped thousands of people naturally heal from a torn rotator cuff and avoid rotator cuff repair surgery.
Lucy's case is very typical for someone we see with a rotator cuff tear. But we've also successfully helped people in worse condition.
We've even helped those that have already had a rotator cuff repair surgery but continue to have shoulder pain and are developing another rotator cuff tear.
It's my mission to help people fix the underlying root muscle imbalances that cause there too be too much tension going through the rotator cuff tendons.
Lucy's case study is the first time I've put the day-to-day rotator cuff treatments out for people to access. I hope this can help you begin to find relief!
I’ve never before released patient information like this. I was able to get her permission, but had to give her a different name for her confidentiality and to protect the healthcare workers that treated her.
If you have a rotator cuff tear and are looking to avoid having shoulder surgery, then you’ll want to learn about what we did to get the pain under control and then fix the root problem while safely getting back to being active again.
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