The 2 Best Diet Changes To Make Today To Battle Knee Arthritis

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There are two best diet changes to make to battle knee arthritis. I’m talking about knee osteoarthritis, these changes aren’t exactly for everyone, but they will help many people that are suffering from knee arthritis. Now after I tell you these two things, I’m going to tell you about some side effects and some potential situations where these changes won’t work for you.

So stay tuned, watch the whole video so you can make sure you know everything before you implement these two changes. Intermittent fasting has picked up steam over the past several years as a way to eat, it’s not really a diet, there are some dietary things attached to it as far as what specific foods to eat and not eat.

But the idea of intermittent fasting is more the timing of when you eat or not eat. And it’s really not complicated, you essentially miss a meal. And you don’t have to do it every day, you can commit to doing it a certain time periods, say two days, three days, maybe five days, or a week, some people go weeks or even a month or more depending on your experience with intermittent fasting.

And the types of food that you eat as well will matter in your ability to tolerate doing more than a day or two at a time. If you can figure out how to work this into your schedule, then it could be a very beneficial thing to change the chemistry of your body in order to help out your knee arthritis situation.

The way this works if you do it right, your body will flip from using sugars or carbohydrates, proteins and fats as the main source of energy in order for you to just live and breathe and talk and do everything. It’ll switch from those three energy sources over to ketones. And this is especially beneficial if you tend to run on carbohydrates or sugar.

If you have a higher carb diet, like if you’re eating a lot of sugary things, bread flours, those kinds of things. They spike your blood sugar and they increase the insulin in your body. And there’s a lot of inflammatory aspects to having higher blood sugar and insulin in your body.

Besides the obvious weight gain component of having a high sugar diet, it also creates more irritation inside of joints. And if you’re suffering from knee arthritis, and you’re looking to get obsessed about fixing your knee arthritis problem, you need to do everything possible in order to set yourself up for success. And putting yourself in a routine where you’re using ketones for energy instead of the other energy sources may be very beneficial in helping you flare down in your knee osteoarthritis.

Now before I go any further, I want to tell you this information that I’m talking to you about I got from this book keto fast, it’s written by Dr. Joseph Mercola. I love this book. I think it’s absolutely fantastic. He’s written some other books, which I haven’t checked out yet, I’m just getting into his stuff.

But it’s a very well put book, including lots of research as well as his medical knowledge. Of course, he’s a physician. And I’ve loved this book so much that I had to give my original copy away to my patient that I was telling him about and ended up checking the cell from the library’s This one’s got a barcode on it, just to get this video done in time for you guys.

Now, what he does very well is builds a bridge between fasting and keto or ketosis. Which brings me to the second change that you should consider doing if you have knee arthritis, you might consider trying out bits and pieces or even fully implementing a keto diet and a separate intermittent fasting from the keto diet.

Let me tell you just think of keto diet. Let me tell you about that. The keto diet means you’re using ketones as your primary energy source rather than carbohydrates, proteins and fats that your body’s usually using a mix of these, but you’re trying to flip over into using primarily ketones. And what’s recommended in order to get into ketosis is to eat a very low carbohydrate diet.

So that means getting rid of the sugary drinks, and the flour, the cookies, breads, anything like that needs to be diminished while you’re in ketosis, because as soon as you eat something that has some sugar in it, or wait too much protein even, you can come out of ketosis, and then you’re no longer burning ketones is energy.

There are many varieties of how to do this how to how to eat keto, and there’s some more carnivorous diets, and there’s some more vegetarian diets. Now it’s up to you to experiment with exactly which vegetables which meats to use, or if you’re even going to include meats or vegetables for that matter and figure out how to cook it as well.

So people have allergic reactions to certain foods that are supposed to be healthy, but for you, it may not work out to eat those. So don’t beat yourself up. If you’re told to eat, say, a bunch of avocados, or if you’re thinking you need to eat a bunch of bell peppers, but you have problems with that or they upset your stomach, then it’s okay.

You can find other foods that still fit the diet and get you into ketosis so that you can get the benefits of reducing the inflammatory glucose in your body, the sugar the carbohydrates. so that your knee joints can begin to flare down and you can feel better in your knees. Now the best thing I recommend for you is to educate yourself about intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet.

Now, I’m not an expert in it, and admittedly, I need to lose some weight myself, I got four kids, my oldest is 10. And I just had a baby a year and a half ago. And you know, not that that’s an excuse. But that’s kind of what happens to people, when they’re parenting their time shifts, and, and I’m going to get on it myself.

And I’ve experimented already with the concepts in keto fasting, and one of the tips that I particularly recommend about this book. And he says in the beginning, he says, if you do one thing, if you just do one thing, he says, do not eat three hours before going to bed. I have implemented that pretty successfully on several occasions, not always, I need to get better at it.

But I have noticed that if I do not eat three hours or more prior to going to bed, if I step on the scale, it’s actually a little lower very consistently. In fact, I can’t tell you one time that I stepped on the scale, and it was more than the day before, because I’ve been weighing myself every day. If I have fasted, if I fasted for three hours prior to going to bed, I tend to lose weight. And I feel that I’m in Quito.

Personally, for me, when I flip into ketosis, I feel like I get a flush sensation through my body. And that’s how I feel like I know that I’m in ketosis, there’s ways to measure this, it’s kind of expensive, and you have to you have to poke yourself for the needle, just like we like a diabetic would to get blood out to measure the ketones in your body.

I’m not going to go to that extent, at this point, I’ve had success with that, that three hours before you go to bed deal. And I’ve had success too, if I fast other times, but I can’t recommend this book enough, I think you should go read it. I’m no expert in the keto diet, or intermittent fasting, this guy’s definitely an expert in it, you should go check it out, you can purchase the book through Amazon, I put a link in the description below.

And you can also get this book completely for free the audiobook version of it. If you sign up for an audible subscription, you get one free book, and this could be your free book so that you can begin to learn about the Keto fast method that Dr. Mercola talks about in this book, go find that link for the free audio book in the description below.

Now, let me tell you about some potential problems with keto and with intermittent fasting. If you’re a diabetic, whether it’s type one or type two diabetes, like the type that you get, when you’re a kid, an adolescent, versus the type that you get, when you’re an adult, because of diet and exercise problems, or hormonal problems, it could be as well, you need to consult with your doctor about what you’re eating.

And doctors vary on their approach towards diet as well. I personally have talked to doctors about diet and gotten completely different perspectives. And so I would even go the, to the extent of talking to a nutritionist.

And if you can specifically find a doctor or a nutritionist who is educated about the keto diet, intermittent fasting, and has knowledge about diabetes, that might be somebody who you can consult to make sure that you’re doing this safely if this is something you wish to pursue, and just to take a detour.

The reason that I especially like the keto diet, and the intermittent fasting is because of the idea of ketones in your body, this energy that you can get from ketones is quite clean, it doesn’t come with a bunch of other problems that glucose and protein and fats can potentially develop, you need to eat those things, eventually, of course, so that you can sustain yourself.

But if you can mostly burn ketones throughout the day, whenever you’re awake and moving around, or even at nights, it’s clean energy as per what Dr. Mercola says in the book, and it’s actually beneficial to many of your organs. There’s been studies done on the heart and the brain and how fasting actually helps out with healing, like after a heart attack and after brain injuries.

I have not seen studies, I looked for how fasting connects to healing knee arthritis. So to my knowledge, there isn’t anything like that yet. But if we extrapolate or if we think about how it can affect other body tissues, if it’s good for your heart, and your brain, those are some of the most important organs in your body probably, then it’s got to be important for joints, as well for cartilage, health and your knees.

And although we don’t have any research evidence to back this up, there isn’t any available. That doesn’t mean that it’s not true. It’s just not studied yet. What I can tell you is I’ve had many patients that have come in to see me here in the clinic and I’ve talked to many online as well that are using keto diet and intermittent fasting sometimes together.

Usually, a part though I haven’t seen them use it using it together super consistently yet, but they are reporting that they feel like their knees feel better just by going into either fasting or going into keto. So the initial case studies that I can give you from my experience as a physical therapist so far with the rise of the keto diet and intermittent fasting is that it is beneficial for knee osteoarthritis.

I tell my patients about it. That’s why I gave my book away. And I have a library book here. And I’m probably just going to have to keep a stack of books here just in case a patient wants to take a copy with them. But going back to the side effects and the problems with the keto diet, intermittent fasting, if you are diabetic, your pancreas function is not going to be normal. And you’re going to probably be on some medications for it, either insulin or Metformin, or other medications.

And it’s important for you to talk to a healthcare professional to make sure that you’re implementing keto and or in a mere intermittent fasting correctly. Another situation where you might run into problems is if you’re a female, going through menopause, your metabolism is going to be different, and you should probably consult your doctor as well.

What I’ve seen so far is that people that are going through menopause, women tend to have a very funky metabolism. And even if they’re eating one less meal per day, they might need to go even less food per day in order to get the effects from the keto diet or intermittent fasting. Another side effect of this is keto flu, or keto sickness, that is real life experiences.

My wife experienced that a while back when she started to try the keto diet. And I’ve talked to patients going through this as well. And Dr. Mercola talks about it in the book. Like I said, this book is pretty thorough and extensive on both intermittent fasting and keto. So you need to get it get it right now go get an audible membership. And listen to this book for free right now or get the hardcopy or the paperback for yourself and get it at home.

But the reason why the Keto flu happens is because our bodies are designed incredibly well. And what our bodies do is they take toxins that we consume, you know, food that isn’t good for you, maybe things in our environment that we breathe in, and your body will encapsulate it, as long as it’s fat soluble.

It’ll encapsulated in fat and stored in fat cells. And that protects it from the rest of your body so that it’s not causing problems. Well, once you start going into ketosis, you start to burn the fat that’s on your body. And those toxins that have been insulated from the rest of your body are now released into your bloodstream. And that can make you feel sick.

There are different ways to get rid of these toxins, there’s cleanses and other things you could do getting a good sweat helps to get that out as well. But you’ve got to get those toxins out of your body and just come to expect that you might get a Keto flu or keto sickness, it’s part of the process sometimes for some people, I need you to think about this next thing, how important are these changes to fixing your knee arthritis?

How important is it to start a Keto type diet or to begin intermittent fasting or both combined, because some people make a big deal out of it, some people say that that’s what you need to completely focus on is your diet to decrease your inflammation. And they don’t really think about anything else.

But really, that’s just one piece of the puzzle. And so the way that I need you to think about this so that you can know where to put your time and effort is if you think of a pie chart, and this is your problem, your knee problem. Sorry for my misspelling, if this is 100% of your problem, depending on how healthy you are, as far as diet, and fitness, if you’re overweight, in other words, and you can admittedly say you haven’t eaten the best in a while, then diet might be more important for you. And it may be 50% of your problem – Diet.

And the other percent. The other side of this 50% would be the exercise part, which is what I focus on, I am not an expert on diet. I’m not an expert on keto, or intermittent fasting. That’s why you need to go get that book and listen to it. I focus over here. Now if you’re very overweight, if you’re very unhealthy, you probably need to put emphasis in both areas.

But what if you’re actually a good weight and you generally eat pretty well, then your pie chart might look more like this. On this side, it’s exercise. And maybe there’s a few things you can clean up in diet. Now I’m using arbitrary numbers here.

Because it’s hard to measure on your own exactly what percentage it is, you’re going to have to think about what it is for you based on your health on your blood values on if your doctor is telling you that your cholesterol is high, your triglycerides are off the charts, then maybe you’re you fall more here. And considering these changes that I’m proposing to you in this video of intermittent fasting and keto might be something you should start doing immediately.

But if you’re Moreover, hear you’re generally pretty healthy, but you’ve got some mechanical problems more so the way that you’re exercising your strength, your muscle imbalances, then that might be what you need to focus on more. So before you go implement these changes really consider this chart right here to figure out what percentage of the problem is diet for you.

Hope this video was helpful for you. Please give us a like and subscribe and turn on your notifications so I can let you know when I release a new video. Thanks so much for watching. I’ll see you the next video. Bye

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