Three Quick Exercises For Back Pain

Back Pain Guide

Are you suffering from back problems right now? Are you looking for some quick relief? You just want to find some exercises that you can get on the floor, get on your bed and do right now? I’m going to cover with you today, three quick back relief exercises that you can do right away.

If you’re looking to get relief right now, pause the video, find some space on the floor or lay down the bed. I’m going to have my partner here demonstrate for you so that you can see exactly what to do to get some quick back pain relief right now.

The first exercise we’re going to cover is an abdominal crunch.

I love this exercise just to get stability, because most of the time, people that are suffering from back pain, have a stability problem where the muscles that comprise the core, the core muscles of the back. They provide stability to the spine. If you ever look at the skeleton, the low back between where the rib cage ends and the pelvis, the hips start, there are just five bones or those lumbar vertebrae. Those five bones need a lot of stability from the core muscles.

I’m going to show you an exercise to get some instant stability in your core. Let’s have you flatten out your back here. In fact, slide your hand into your low back real quick. Do this at home, slide your hand into your low back right near the bottom, not on the tailbone exactly. But before your tailbone starts, usually where the back pain is, that’s where you want to be. And it should be in the middle of your back, not on the left on the right, right on the center.

With your back, you’re going to push down into your hand pretty hard. And what that should do is make your abs work. And you can see his shoulders and head are coming up off the table. You need that to happen so that you can get the best abs contraction and you just get a hold there for 10 seconds. After about 10 seconds, go ahead and relax. And you’re going to repeat this.

Do one more time here, back flat, abs should be working. You should be pushing your back down as hard as you can, shoulders and head might come up and then relax. Now if you’re having neck trouble with this, just put a pillow under your head and do the same exercise and it’s just fine.

Now, let me just show you how to make this a bit harder, in case you feel like this is too easy for you and it’s not really getting you the relief that you’re looking for. So you’re going to slide your hand out, everything’s going to be the same, go ahead and push that back flat. But this time, stretch out those hands towards your knees, and come up just a bit higher so that you get a more intense AB contraction.

These ab muscles give a lot of stability to the lower back. So you need them to turn on and work really hard. And relax. A good starting point is, I would do this exercise for a few minutes, holding for 10 seconds at a time. So hold for 10 seconds and then rest for a few seconds, whatever you need, really. And then just keep going for three, four, even up to five minutes, just to get those muscles working really hard.

It might be the case that you feel a pop and click happen in your lower back. We’re not looking to make that happen. But if it does, and you feel some relief afterwards, cool. That means you’re doing the right thing, and you’re going to start getting some relief for your back problem.

Exercise number two is a controlled twist.

You may have seen this exercise online, or if you’ve been to physical therapy, or talked to a friend that had a back problem that this is a very commonly done exercise. But I’m adding a control aspect to it that isn’t typically done.

So just like we did on that AB exercise a second ago, I’m going to have you go to flatten out you’re back again and decently hard. While you’re keeping your back flat. You’re going to slowly let your knees fall over one way, but you got to keep the back flat and your abs turned on. And you can stretch there, if you want to just hang out in that direction. That’s cool. Don’t force it though.

More than your abs will allow you while they’re working. And then come back and go the other side. Still keeping the ABS sucked in and the back down as much as you can. It’s okay if your hips and back want to roll off the table a bit. That’s fine. Then come back to the center.

The main differentiating point that I want to make here, which is the difference between this exercise and an uncontrolled version of it is, if you don’t engage your abs and pull your back flat, then those five lumbar vertebrae, those lower back bones begin to twist way too much. And typically, that’s what is causing the back problem. There’s been excessive twisting in the spine. So, this prevents that from happening, it forces the other joints nearby to begin to move better, so that you can get some quick back pain relief.

You don’t have to stretch at the end. You could just teeter totter back and forth. I would do this one for a minute or two, just going back and forth and you feel like it just feels good to go further in one direction, that’s fine and or hang out in one direction or you stay there for a good 10-15 seconds or more. That’s cool too.

But never ever, ever give up your abs. You need to pull the back flat and suck in those abs. It is critical for your back problem.

Exercise number three, we’re going to do an angry cat exercise.

Let’s have you get on your hands and knees here. So, at home, you want to get on your hands and knees either on the floor or on the bed, or wherever you’re doing this. And what you’re going to do here is focus on the lower back, because your upper back should be moving quite a bit too. But you want to think about what your lower back is doing. I would just not think too much about the upper back at this point.

What you’re going to do is allow your back to sink down right here, arc down as long as it’s not hurting you to do that. Because in some cases, you can without any more pain than you already and then just come down for a moment. Then you’re going to come up, push this part of your lower back as high up as he can. And as you can see, this rounds out quite a bit. That’s fine. Just focus on getting this part to go up and back as far as you can, hold it there for a good 5 to 10 seconds.

You should feel your abs working right here. After about 5 to 10 seconds, slowly come back down. And you come down to neutral, kind of just like a halfway point. Or if you want to come down further like where we went for a second that that’s cool too. And then we need to repeat, come back up, suck in those abs, push this up as high as he can, and that would do 10 second holds repeating here for a few minutes.

Like three to five minutes is what I mean by a few minutes. And if it’s difficult to hold yourself up on your arms, just take breaks where you can get off your back and get off your hands or your knees, lie on your back or you can even sit on your haunches. Just to get off your hands for a minute. And then repeat whenever you’re ready.

Let’s show them one more time this angry cat exercise and call it a recap because that’s what angry cat does, they arc their back. So, you come down for a moment and come up. Suck in the abs. You might feel the butt muscles tighten up when you come up. That’s good. We like that. It helps your back. Hold it for about 10 seconds and then come down and relax.

I hope this video was helpful for you, if you found that it was helpful and you think that you might want to hire us, to help you with your back problems so that you’re not looking for just quick relief, but solving this problem for the long term so that it’s not coming back and interrupting your day interrupting your life and keeping you from doing the things that you love. And more importantly, keeping you from having some situation happen where you have to go to the doctor, get injections, live on painkillers, or worse yet, have some surgery that you could have avoided, then consider hiring us.

The easiest way to do that is to go up to the top of our website here on the menu bar, find the tab that says cost and availability, click on that you’ll see a forum pop up and you’ll be able to type in your details. What we’ll do is we’ll reach out to you We’ll give you a call as soon as possible. And we just want to hear all about your back problems so that we can make sure that it’s a type that we can help out If we can help out then we’ll talk about the next steps. I hope that we can be a part of your success story real soon. Thanks. Have a great day.

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