Top 6 Exercises To Help Hip Pain And Improve Mobility

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Hip pain is miserable to deal with, it can keep you from being active from doing things around the house from enjoying time with your family. And if left untreated, if it doesn’t get better, it can cause some serious problems later on. as the years go by, as the decades go by, it could even lead to a hip replacement. But the good news is it can be fixed doing the right exercises.

In today’s video, I’m going to show you our top six exercises that you need to be doing if you’re dealing with a hip problem. My name is Dr. David Middaugh. And I’m a specialist physical therapist El Paso manual physical therapy. And this channel here is dedicated to helping people stay healthy, active and mobile, while avoiding unnecessary surgeries, injections, and medications, please subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so that you don’t miss any of the helpful videos that we put out every single week.

So let’s get straight into it. So about that first hip exercise, it’s called hip circles, you’re gonna have to lie down for this one. And it should feel real gentle on your hip v on your back, like so you just got to grab your knee. And with the assistance of your hands, you’re going to take your hip, through some circles, you can make little circles, big circles, whatever you’re comfortable with. And do this for about one minute, just to warm up your hip joint.

For the next exercises, you can add a rotation if you want, we’re going to go more in sortation on the next exercise anyway. But the big thing is just loosening up that hip joint. And when you pull your hands this way, it’s I encourage you to kind of push down to really press down. Most people feel relief in their hip joint when they do that, because it kind of frees up the joints with that pressure going downwards this way.

Do that for a minute on one leg, and then switch to do the other side. Same thing. Now coming across your body this way, if you’ve got hip arthritis that can pinch in the groin area deep in the hip. So just be careful with crossing your knee across your body just keep the motion to what’s comfortable for you. Once you’ve done that for a minute on each side, then you can sit on up. And ideally you want to sit somewhere where your feet can dangle for this next exercise. Computer chair works really good if you just lift the seat all the way up.

Because what you’re going to be doing is ship rotation. The second exercise hip rotations is going to look just like this from a daily position, you’re just going to move your leg back and forth, outwards and inwards this way. So your hip rotation exercise going to look just like this. did this for about a minute, you can do both legs at the same time.

If you want. If there’s just one hit that you’re worried about, then just do that side. And do moving your feet, it doesn’t matter if they’re together or not. Whatever if you want to synchronize or go opposites.

The idea is just to create some rotation through your femurs, your thigh bones right here, which translates to a little more free motion up here at the hip joints. So do this for about a minute on each side. The next exercise you can do is put squeeze in it is exactly what it sounds like. You can do this in two ways in a seated position like I am. So finishing rotations, you can do this one where you can stand up for doing both. And all you’re going to do is in your seat, Tension up your butt muscles, you’re going to feel your whole body just lift a half inch or so and hold it for 10 seconds, my legs, my feet are kind of wanting to come in where’s my knees wanting to push out.

Get the 3 Common Causes Of Hip Pain & How To Tell What Is Causing It

So my, I’m doing that with my legs. And just clench those butt cheeks as hard as you can tighten up those muscles for 10 seconds and then relax and repeat that about 10 times. So you should go all out, give it 100% if you can, as long as your hips not getting any worse or it’s not bothering anything else.

Squeeze those butt cheek muscles turn on those muscles, because they are likely asleep. If you’ve got hip problems, to do it and standing, they just stand up the way you normally would. And then you just squeezing your butt muscles, it should cause your hips to kind of move forward a bit to do like a thrust maneuver.

So tighten up back here to make you go forward a bit and hold this tight for 10 seconds. Play so you do this standing or seated. Whichever way you prefer is fine. Once you’ve done 10 second holes in 10 times that, then we’re going to move into figure four squeezes. So a figure four position is with your leg cross basically so I’m just going to cross my ankle over my knee. And I’m going to put my hands right over your knee right here just because the exercise is to tighten up in this case my right butt cheek, the glute muscles are beginning to squeeze. And when I do that, might you see how my knee wants to come up?

In order for me to tighten up my glutes, I’m pushing my ankle into my my knees. So it’s like it’s wanting to go this way. My knees aren’t they’re blocking my ankle, my leg would go out this way. That’s what tightens up my glutes. But I’m blocking it with my knee. And I’m going to keep my hands here so that my knee doesn’t pop up too much. So I’m compressing down and taking up my glute, pushing my ankle down into my knee right here, 10 seconds like so. And this one’s great for mobility and strengthening simultaneously.

After 10 seconds, you can let off, I’m going to push my ankle down into my knee, make sure my knee doesn’t pop up and really Tension up just the right glute. And if both sides work at the same time, it’s okay, that’ll happen. And then do that 10 times. Why need side and if you can’t get this flexible, if your hips just don’t move like this, it’s okay to do it from this position, you’re still going to get the same effect.

And if you just need to get in that position, because it’s uncomfortable or or you’re not flexible enough, then skip this exercise is not going to be one for you. Yet, as you get stronger using these other exercises, the hope is that you’ll be able to get into this position so that you can take advantage of the strengthening that happens at the end of the hip range of motion right here, which is critical for maintaining your range of motion.

So legs crossed over my ankles and a push down into my knee right here. I’m putting my hands over my knees so that doesn’t pop up. And now I’m going to work on the other muscles here and I’m squeezing my glute muscles, pushing my left ankle and foot down this direction that letting my knee pop up, and tensioning up the glute on the left side over here. 10 second holds and do that about 10 times.

The fifth exercise for you to do is called buck blasters. This one is going to tire you out to watch how you’re going to get on all fours, on the floor on the bed wherever you’re at and the knuckles or your hands, whichever you prefer. Then what you’re going to do is straighten out one leg and my knee isn’t always straight. That’s okay.

You can even have your knee bent in this position if you want it to, it will help you avoid getting cramps on the back of your thigh, the more you bend your knee. So just be careful with that. It’s okay to adjust your leg position so that you don’t get cramps here. You don’t want to be getting cramps all the time.

Once you bring your leg straight, then on that leg that you’re picking up, squeeze the glute muscle intentionally, then lift your knee out, turn your foot out and hold it for 10 seconds you should feel an intense but muscle contraction hoof to make it harder you stretch out your knee but of course not at the expense of getting hamstring cramps all the time.

So I’m going to push my leg out straight knee, knee fairly straight here, but tight turnout. And you can break your leg out a bit. And that really gets those glute muscles burning for sure 10 second hold. And then of course to the other side the same way to straighten up your leg or keep a bed and then turn your leg out and squeeze that bump muscle 10 seconds just like that.

If you still got gas in your tank, if you can still handle one more exercise, here’s this fix exercise that really brings it all together and allows you to be able to use your glutes best in standing. So it prepares you for walking better running better. And of course other exercises, like squats because this is a beginning of the squat. To show you what this looks like we’re going to do a squat hold, I’m going to show you my hips down. So you can see what my hips and knees are doing on this exercise.

I’m going to show you the front view first, then we’ll do a side view as well so you can see both, you’re going to stand with your hips with your feet about hip width apart shoulder width apart, there isn’t a perfect measurement here just get comfortable as number one thing, you do want to angle your toes out a bit.

So my feet were straight like this, I just pointed them out slightly, maybe about 45 degrees or so then what you’re going to do is bend your knees slightly. If you got knee or hip problems, don’t worry, this shouldn’t throw you off too much here just slightly. You’re basically unlocking your knees, you’re not doing an all out squat here.

It’s going to do at the beginning of the squat. And they’re going to shove your hips forward by squeezing your glutes from behind. So it’s going to be like a hip thrust motion. So basically knees bent, hips thrusted forward and then hold it for 10 seconds. And what you’re focused on is making your glute muscles squeeze as hard as possible. From the side view.

It looks like this, my knees are just going to unlock a bit. hips are going to tighten up on the back thrust forward and I’m squeezing my butt muscles as hard as possible for 10 seconds. And you should feel those muscles work maybe a bit in the quads in the front. But mainly back here. This should be on fire. It should be working pretty hard back here. 10 second holds you need to do a hole and then release it after 10 seconds and rest for a bit.

It’s about six seconds and rest. Push the knees out at the bottom that’ll help the glutes to work better. You don’t want your knees together. We say from the front what I mean. So knees bent, but tight. Don’t let your knees come in. Push them out actively. shove them out as you simultaneously shove your hips forward with just a slight knee bend. And that will really turn on your glutes. starting to sweat just showing you this exercise routine. And that was just a few minutes.

I didn’t hold the full 10 seconds and do 10 reps on every exercise like I should. I’m just overviewing the routine here for you. If you do this workout every day, once a day or even just a few times a week for your once a day. It will tremendously increase your hip strength so that you can decrease any hip pain that you’ve got in preventing yourself from getting a hip replacement later on and dealing with the problems leading up to that like hip arthritis, cartilage problems in your hip like a labral tear and other hip issues tight hips, stiff hips that just don’t let you sleep at night and want to walk comfortably and enjoy life to the fullest.

So guys, I hope you liked this video drop a comment list of these exercises are working for you. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell so that you can be notified whenever we put out brand new videos for you to get healthier, more active and more mobile and avoid surgery. injections and medications. have the best day everyone

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