Two Exercises For Back Pain From Herniated Discs

Back Pain Guide

Are you looking for exercises that you can do for a herniated disc problem that’s causing back pain? I’m going to cover two exercises with you. They are specifically for helping people suffering from a herniated disc problem in their lower back. These are two exercises that we are going to cover, that we commonly give our patients here in the clinic that have disc problems in their lower back. So here are the two exercises.

The first one is a knees to chest exercise.

Now it sounds pretty straightforward. You just put your knees to chest, but there are a few little things that I want you to be concerned about, so that you can get the most benefit out of taking pressure off your discs. That way you can feel better right now and begin to allow that disk to heal so that you can end up avoiding surgery and having to visit the doctor for injections and pain medication.

So let’s have you go ahead and pull your knees to your chest, you might need to slowly do it, he moves really fast. If you have a back pain problem this is going to be really slow. But you’re going to hold on with your hands, so that your knees don’t just fall away from your body. And I want you to pull those knees in as tight as you comfortably can. Simultaneously, while you’re holding those knees in with your lower back, push that back down as hard as you can.

You saw him lifting his head and shoulders a bit. The reason why that happens is because when you push down right here, your abs turn on, the abdominal muscles turn on. So you’re taking advantage of two things here. Just pulling your knees to your chest takes some pressure off the discs, but turning on your abs at the same time, takes even more pressure off the discs.

It’s a bit of an exercise. You can see him starting to shake a little bit there. So take breaks as needed. Go ahead and take a break here. And what you ought to do is hold this anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds or more, as long as you can comfortably endure, but without making the back problem any worse. You just have to find the sweet spot, as far as how hard to pull your hands, and how hard to push your back down.

One more time here so you can bring your knees up, pull them in really hard, push that back flat, and that might lift up your head and shoulders, and then just hold it there for a while. Now good time to repeat this exercise would be about three to five minutes, that should be enough time to give you some relief and take breaks as needed.

The second exercise that we commonly give our clients that are suffering from a herniated disc problem in the lower back is a bridge exercise.

A lot of people do this one as well, but there is small differences that I want you to take note of so that we can maximize the pressure off the back. Now, let’s show you a bad bridge first. So go ahead and just pick up your hips as high as you can, not worry about anything. This type of bridge without worrying about what muscles your firing is going to tend to make the lower back arc a lot. Which can actually put way more pressure on the disk.

Let’s do it a little bit differently and come on down before you even come up, just like we did with the knees to chest, flatten out that low back as hard as you can. Head and shoulders might come up a bit. You’re already going to be working if you’re doing this just right. Now before you even lift, squeeze those butt muscles, tighten up the glutes, holding the back flat and the butt tight.

Then begin to lift and just lift a little bit. Like that’s it. Stop right there hold. Abs should be working, butt muscles should be working, and you might be like this high off the bed or the floor wherever you’re doing this. You might even barely even lift it. Some people don’t even lift and you feel the right muscles working. Take a break.

Do this for 10 seconds. and then take a little break. You can hold for longer, 15, 20, 30 seconds if you want. The point here what you should feel is hardly anything on your lower back, maybe a little bit of muscle stretching or tightening, but it shouldn’t be painful. It shouldn’t be aggressive on the lower back at all, where it should be aggressive is on those butt muscles and likely the ab muscles as well.

If you’re doing this right, you should engage the Abs first. Go ahead and push you back down here. Abs are going to fire right there. Then squeeze the butt muscle, you’re going as hard as you can without any pain or discomfort besides muscles working. Then lift up just a little bit, no need to go higher than that, at this point. Because then you do start to put more pressure on the discs. If you have a freshly irritated disc problem, it’s just not going to be a good idea to go up any higher at this point. And then come back down there.

You would do this repeat it for about three to five minutes and repeat these exercises throughout the day. This could be the difference between you going to the doctor today or not. And if you have some success with this, then you might be able to avoid that injection, avoid that pain medication, and if you begin to resolve this problem for the long term, then you can potentially avoid that surgery so that your disc is healing and not getting worse as time goes on.

This is just the beginning of how to fix a disc problem. It’s a process and there’s a lot more to it than just these two exercises. Eventually, these exercises don’t need to be done. There are other exercises and other movements that need to be done. And we take our patients through that entire process over a period of time. That depends on how severe it is and how long the problems been there and some other factors as well.

Now, if you are considering hiring us to help you with that process, the quickest and easiest way to start getting in touch with us is to go to the top of the page here and find the tab that says cost and availability. Click on that and then you’ll be taken to a page where you can leave us your details. What we’ll do then is call you and want to have a conversation with you over the phone to hear all about your back problem. So that we can make sure that it’s one that we can help out. And if we can, then we’ll tell you the next steps after that.

I hope that these tips were helpful for you. And I hope that we can be a part of your success story real soon. Have a great day. Bye

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